hey did you find it ? could you tell me how to get more
Recent community posts
Very much excited about this upcoming update. Without giving away too much about the plot, how would you describe this update's story progression? Slice of life, set up or transitioning to entire new plot thread /side story?. For example, I would regard the last update as a plot thread resolution arc considering how many questions/character goals (mostly just P and Argo ) got answered/reached and a semi happy start for Asterios. With the loss of Argo as an antagonist force, wherever the story gonna go next is beyond my current imagination ( and I bet it gonna be incredibly fascinating )
tbh though what if he was? it's really wouldn't have changed much about the story potential? I was actually waiting for the story to actually confirmed which one it is. either we get a story about an abuser who expertly hides behind a mask and successfully manipulated the audience or a victim of injustice that gets blamed because of society toxic conception of " guilty until proven innocent "
This update is amazing. It provides so many answers and establishes world-building in great detail. The existence of other gods and deities, the Hotel creation, Asterios's trial ( which was incredible, I have collected all of the Olympian's votes and none of them was out of character except maybe Artemis but not really ), P and Storm's plot-line and especially our relationship with Asterios. Everything is moving at just the right pace but now the big question: Where is it gonna go next? All current antagonists are no longer working against us anymore. Argos has turned good, almost half the Olympian is working in our favor, the Hotel is running smoothly and with even more bara daddies company. So what obstacle is standing in our way from achieving our happily ever after ? Stay tuned next time for the next episode of Kota's Dragon Ball Z
P/s: I just going to call it first that if Athena is the harlot new antagonist, because of what Hermies said, then there's at least a 30 % chance that Ares just gonna randomly show up wreck the place
Thank you for listening to my rambling. It's have been rather sad that I have to stop following a lot of VN because of my PC issue and my phone is not much better either, so it makes me very happy that you would take this issue into consideration. That being said, even if you think it's not much of a hassle, I know you and the team have a lot of work on your plate so try not to overexert yourself on stuff like this.
Hope you and the crew have a good time developing Minotaur Hotel. Best wishes
It's been a couple of months since the last update and with each day, my anticipation for the game only grows larger when reading the delvog. However, there is a big fear that has been lingering on the back of my mind for a very long time so if it is not a bother may I ask what version of renpy will the next update use?
Perhaps you have heard of this but the latest version of renpy is not compatible with many player old PC running on an old window and visual render. So before hyping myself to be disappointed, could you tell me if the team had or will port the game to the new version in the near future.
hey, I still experience some issues about the build not running. A weird text log pop up. May I ask does this has anything to do with the issue? If not just ignore it.
Wed Feb 3 15:05:49 2021 Windows-10-10.0.19041 Ren'Py Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.19s Early init took 0.01s Loader init took 0.06s Loading error handling took 0.10s Loading script took 1.17s Loading save slot metadata. took 0.35s Loading persistent took 0.01s Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',) Set script version to: (7, 4, 2) Running init code took 0.17s Loading analysis data took 0.07s Analyze and compile ATL took 0.02s Index archives took 0.00s Dump and make backups. took 0.00s Cleaning cache took 0.00s Making clean stores took 0.00s Initial gc. took 0.13s DPI scale factor: 1.000000 Creating interface object took 0.00s Cleaning stores took 0.00s Init translation took 0.11s Build styles took 0.00s Load screen analysis took 0.05s Analyze screens took 0.00s Save screen analysis took 0.00s Prepare screens took 0.17s Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s Save bytecode. took 0.00s Running _start took 0.00s Performance test: Interface start took 0.26s Initializing gl renderer: primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1280, 1024) swap interval: 1 frames Using GL DLL. Windowed mode. The following gl functions are missing: - glActiveTexture - glAttachShader - glBindFramebuffer - glCompileShader - glCreateProgram - glCreateShader - glDeleteFramebuffers - glDeleteProgram - glDeleteShader - glDisableVertexAttribArray - glEnableVertexAttribArray - glFramebufferTexture2D - glGenFramebuffers - glGetAttribLocation - glGetProgramInfoLog - glGetProgramiv - glGetShaderInfoLog - glGetShaderiv - glGetUniformLocation - glLinkProgram - glShaderSource - glUniform1f - glUniform1i - glUniform2f - glUniform4f - glUniformMatrix4fv - glUseProgram - glVertexAttribPointer Initializing angle renderer: primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1280, 1024) swap interval: 1 frames Using ANGLE DLL: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa1840.36469\Sileo-TalesofaNewDawn-win\lib\windows-i686\libEGL.dll
It's weird and I'm tech blind so just asking. Don't take it too seriously, I know you got a lot on your plate right now.