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A member registered Nov 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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The past me will think VN market saturated. Turns out, there still plenty of ways to pull off your feat with good writing and unconventional approaches.

Grats for getting this far, and when you making stuff, everyday is learning something new. Keep poking around and sharp, and also general pet peeve of streamer rushing through tutorial, which force the engineer (that is everyone making game) to make sure everything idiot proof.

I'll just go my way play the new build.

Take your time. Just make sure you (and whoever you work with) have rubber duck or anything that you can brainstorm with, and a month's is quiet a time to shovel through. Heck, you make the general workflow ideas and procedure is understandable even to novice, so I sure folks will find ways to both squash bugs, along with the analytic data, and whatever chucked into the chat server/forum. I'll check Oddysey of Gianna out, and shoutout about your game at same time.

Story good, wholesome, got here via TheArcadean, how shall I assist?

Forgot to add: Pet class not yet touched by the steam censor plan, I sure folks noticed already and fixed already. Have good day to the team

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Scope's finally zeroed in, huh? Let's refine these rough diamonds, then. For comparison, Dotage cost 153k IDR rounded up, Waifu's fighter 74k IDR, so relatively middle class income bought for hobby and unwinding after work. Darkest dungeon is 207k IDR, btw. If its good enough for folks fundraise this, then its good enough for random public, especially to confirm issue's resolved.

You want test ideas for steam release here? One, thanks for the advance warning. I more focused on the combat mechanic anyway, although the sexy part is just the icing on the cake. Two, copy that, and be ready for whatever blowback incoming, and I'll get this on my wishlist and somehow get the funds to buy. I not get much ideas of the concept getting one strong person use another person like people typically use for cock sock/sleeve, but that does sounds interesting.

Nerve (both mind, and anatomy) situation ain't a joke. Stay concerned, and sharp. Hope whatever you doing, there someone nearby that watch your six, although sounds like you handle em just fine. Watch out for strain injury, that will fuck anyone's day. I'll just going my day, because everyone need to move about somehow lest stiff muscle bite anyone's ass.

One, grats for reaching fundraising goal. Two, How you doing? Today's the election day for Indonesia, and sounds like you have fine rosy day when I discover you post this 30 minutes ago. Three, If someone can't help in donation, folks will find way to make situation viral, and keep morale up. Don't know what else to say, but I'll just leave this message and carry on with the day.

Get your personage in order, then get the game in order. Former, then later. If I remember right, folks have discord? let's help folks that not yet have subscribestar to get the donation ongoing. We understand SNAFU happens, so if game development slow down until goal reached (easy considering the influx of Patreon migrants), then people that know law can send the entire HIMARS payload of lawsuit that will make Patreon shareholders squeal.

Folks in California can sue Patreon for the damages inflicted on you. CMIIW, but how strong the ruling of antitrust towards Patreon (and PayPal by extension)? I need second or third head for comprehending this FUBAR US legal shit.

Rule of thumb that TIL: if Four Chambers scram off from funding site, its time for adult entertainment folks to scram off somewhere to greener frontier.

That game by SnatsGames?  A total porn ban will be like stopping the dwarfs from getting their liquor, and the government learn it the hard way, and Al Capone profit from that.

You said graphic change? Fine! I'll play it all over again from the start despite I not exactly like visual novel that much, although I do play Kindred Spirit on the Roof. Still, I manage to get far on this one, so maybe I like the concept, and story, and ideas, and the lore in first place. Will I purchase this? Need to tighten my wallet, but definitely.

I don't know what to say, but just do what starsector dev did. Just make sure be prepared for influx of download, one time that happen, both dev and customer got caught off guard, it make the site to buy the game grind to halt. Yeah, starsector have official site with obscure but reliable payment site. Why does patreon freak out over childcare kids filled with product of MC lovemaking with the girls? That the most wholesome, maybe some idiot not ready to accept what come before the kids.

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I got on the library quest. I got the incatation right, but I don't know the riddle answer. All I see are random numbers that I only able go through via brute force selection.

Update: I passed the riddle by reading your walkthrough.
 Here for the porn, end up reading history of sex toy that actually old enough to be my brother (I'm the young one btw). At least I can throw proverbial missles to USA for giving Japan ideas regarding their hentai industry.🤣😂😅

another bug I discover: the second floor of slime sewer have bugged door that I can't enter despite completing all the switch. Could use another pair of eyes and head or some, just need to balance so that neither understaffed or "too many cooks spoil the meal". Folks here will help, getting the right peoplefor the right job is the PITA, along with bug squashing of anything computer related.

same problem. Can be done in fixed repeat pattern. Touchscreen UI need to figure out why not reappear after answering guidance bear.

Me seeing this update: <mario's mamamia>

Me seeing the update content: very fine job your team did. Anyone playing this, lets have fun giving further version a spin.

Interaction that maybe a interest here how to reproduce the situation:

  1.  Destroy scrap
  2.  100% Mechanic enemy do build machine move despite all scrap gone

Not a bug, just posting oversight I stumble upon by accident. Priority still to your discretion.

Okay, that doll maker curio at lab dungeon caught me off guard. losing the warrior? Seems you have plenty of surprise, very interesting. Iron out those kinks detected in Patron build. There's my first analytics of this version, and freaking Warrior have Hellion moves? So hilarious, imagine Reinauld pull that off, wait the sword and shield combo is man-at-arms thing. Still, the shoutout just make any veteran darkest dungeon player giggle.

One, I'm waiting for this update since you post progress report on this site. Two, You said there's translation support? Point me where to submit it, because I am as surprised as those Darkest Dungeon foes upon finding out some of older games that lewd in nature have Indonesian language. Let's see how I handle em, maybe I get the ideas and poking around.

使用 Deepl 是因为我既不会读也不会说中文。为了安全起见,我将使用大陆台湾使用的简体中文版本。是的,从头发、肤色到服装都是模块化的,只有特定等级才能使用的武器除外。除了武器之外,其他所有东西都有耐久度,其目的是让敌方实体强制装备任何有空闲插槽的人,或者如果插槽的耐久度为零。如果您想要快速色情或不那么复杂的东西,F95 论坛有很多供您选择的内容,感谢您在不抱任何期望的情况下进行尝试。我希望无论您身在何处,都能在互联网上享受到实惠的一切。

That slimegirl sprite as christmas decoration, would be quiet fitting for christmas themed pins like what typically those pine tree accessory. Bet the hair's glow in the dark. Also hair's remind me of christmas tree lights.  Next week for fresh save to give you more data? Happy New Year then.

Framework's ready from contributor, that's quiet the buff to development progress, now figuring out how to make everything work together. I'll just mind my own business, don't know what else to quip for cheer or two.

Just the mental image of an entire team wiped out because of stacked curios back-to-back indeed quiet the tale. Whatever you work on, I sure it will be quiet the progress.

Well, the way the level generated make it possible to get the reward without getting into a single combat. Does this already got reported? Whether this is a flaw, or already worked as intended, I'll leave that to your judgement. Hope the gameplay data you got proven their value. I'll just skirt around all enemy encounter this once, both to get data and getting another cleric.

Excellent work, but this just the starting point. Look forward for further development. I'll just mind my business diving in the latest public build.

Sounds quiet the scruffle that will take ages to fix, but props for making your plans and dreams come true. Also the smaller pool of Patreon members will reduce instance of duplicate bug report of similar bug. Going to Steam? I wait for the eventual landfall of your team on the game store.

You enjoying it, indeed. I'll check the discord, see what ensuing there. Keep on tip top roll, folks can be passionate when ideas flowing around.

For anyone struggling, TIL you can right click to check enemies move.

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Looks like you and your team develop this right. How many accessories you planning to have to the point not all of them have any apparent property yet? 

Also some of them are cursed, so sneaky yet fun finding out which one associated with what curse, and have fun clearing a stage with those limitations in mind.

Found a strat that negate the trickshot penalty:

  1. Use trickshot
  2. reload
  3. use any attack normally

I don't know if this intended or a bug, but I done it because I not want taking chances and just desire crit DPS.

Looks like when I mention that. They scramble to check why the file's so big, found the perp, then manage to cut em to only 2.6 GB. Still quiet big, but more manageable. Thanks for answering in my stead.

6 GB for a game? Unreal Engine indeed good, but awfully fat and not budget rig friendly. I'll try anyway, see if the game's compatible with my rig and enjoyable.

Oh my, looking at everything with slate clean, the lore's rich, what Eschan up to huh? At least now appear one representative (or two if you count the witch) and just like our typical IRL organization, there's faction and squabbling around. Coming for the sex, stay for the in-universe history. Imagine how the lore used in other form of perspective

Wishlist worthy. Price's a steal. Guarantee fun.

figuring out how to unlock scene, and researching all monster stats are my first tactic since I discover this game. Keep rubber ducking, see how that flows. I might don't know why the game made in first place, but never lose sight of your objective, let's see how folks (and me) react.

Knew it. Mine laptop's spec is more for office work anyway, so knowing my device limit is good enough for me. Thanks for the support, and I give Crisis Point, and this game you develop right now recommened rating, because I sure you make it awesome.

Processor: AMD A9-9425 RADEON R5, 5 COMPUTE CORES 2C+3G 3,10GHz

Installed RAM 12,0 GB (11,5 GB usable)

System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

OS: Windows 10 Pro

Version: 21H1