For the record: I found a solution. The problem is not an incompatibility with Android 14, but Play Protect blocking it. Disabling Play Protect temporarily allowed a flawless installation.
Recent community posts
Das Problem ist, dass Steam sich nicht der Gefahr aussetzen will, gegen das schlecht formulierte Jugendschutzrecht zu verstoßen. VPN könnte gehen, ich hole mir üblicherweise R18+ Spiele, wenn ich ohnehin im EU-Ausland bin, in deiner Library erscheinen sie trotzdem ganz normal. Es fehlt nur die Store page. Gleiches gilt für das Einlösen von Codes.
Reply to the one that thought my post was a reply to them, who unfortunately decided to delete their actually not-at-all disrespectful comment. I wanted to reply, but you had already deleted, so here for context my theoretical reply:
Oh, did I post that as a reply to you? Sorry, that was not meant as a reply, I just finished the current content, after having been away from this for about two years and wanted to give my opinion and support for Runey.
I have not looked into Mythic Manor, thanks for the tip, I might look into that. My favorites next to this are probably Nothing is Forever and Superhuman.
This is one of my favorite R18+ Games out there. The character design (from art to personality) is great. The dialogues are witty and the world is interesting.
Is it over the top and unrealistic? Sure. But it's an R18+ harem game featuring elves. I doubt realism is the target to aim for here.
Runey managed to accomplish something I personally thought to be impossible, an oxymoron even: a lovable yandere.
This is a very well done game, I absolutely love it. But I have encountered two major bugs in the Hanna storyline.
During the 3rd interaction, when you renew your gym license, you can only choose the top answer, the other two produce a crash. Same with the 4th interaction, running in the park, which will always produce a crash.
I tested that on both PC and Android.
Still, 4.5/5
First off, I love the story of this game, absolutely fantastic.
There have been two glitches in scenarios I've noticed, however. During the first sauna scene with Emily, she is always on the right side of the screen, but the scene shifts from front to back view, so she swaps from being on your left to being on your right between slides.
Similar issue when you first meet Dexter Miliken. You shake his right hand, in the next frame the prostetic is on his left however.