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A member registered May 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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I know, but the next story will be better (halloween special complicated all); a the new story (inspired in this one) will be on development on the second half of the year, more info on TG.

Something that I don't understand is WHY you guys keep telling that this is the end of the game? If it was very clear that this is the end of the first chapter, this was know by Patreon members since august, and was posted on boosty before the game release (look at the date).Also, I'm thinking on making further info on spanish because of the translation issues, anyway, I've lost enough time bringing evidences, the infor is there, but you can think whatever you want, the story hasn't ended and will continue next year.

For the followers: I've started with the development of the v0.8 of "My New Daughter's Lover", and this month I will bring one of the Patreon exclusives here, so stay aware.

I can't tell you about other developers, In this case, this is just the first chapter of the game, it was supposed to end on the past halloween, and be even shorter, but as I had to restart the development because a shadowban on my account, instead of  just drop the game, I've been covering all the developing costs on my own, (for all the games), this Is what made me gain the "trust" of my followers (the real ones).

About "mediocre endings that don't match the labels and what they claimed to be about the game": 

I didn't lie about anything, these are the official labels/tags of the game, if you saying that, is because you come from one of these pirate sites that have been stoling my game, and  such labels/tags where added by them, so It's not my fault that you've made wrong expectatives (also you're pirating my game).

Even when the game is free to download now, that won't give any of you the freedom to share the files outside from here, (If you want to share the game with your friends, share a link to my main page instead).

You can contact me on boosty if you want a commision, second I'm not Japanese so I'm not used to H tags/genres.

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v0.3 First halloween special guide · Guía primer especial de halloween:
· Forest · Bosque:
Turn around / Keep walking aimessly · Dar la vuelta / Continua caminando sin rumbo
· Garden · Jardín:
Refuse / Acept help her / I want the reward /Attack her · Negarse / Aceptar Ayudarla / Quiero la recompensa / Atacarla
· Labirynth · Laberindo:
From starting point . Desde el punto de partida:
Center / left / right (repeat) · Centro / izquierda / derecha (repetir)

eng: The hard part is that you have a 50% chance of success, so sometimes you will be returned to the starting point, so if you're there you need to repeat it again until you see derketo.

esp · Lo "difícil" es que tienes 50% de probalidad de acertar, así que algunas veces serás regresado al inicio, si esto te pasa, lo único que tienes que hace es repetir la secuenca haste que veas a derketo.

It has been fixed recently on the paid version, but as the demo is based on a previous version (v0.6) you have to wait until the new one is released, the bug was caused by ren'py 8.2.2, and an update to 8.2.3 was needed to fix it; the new update will come by the end of this month, sorry for make you wait.

Really the game hasn't an ending now as is a early access, if you want a guide you need to ask me on Patreon, as this site don't allow private messages, also my other game "My New Daughter's Lover", don't have choices that lead to a game end, you can try that game too.

Are more "troll" than bad endings, but you're right, a bad choice can lead you to a game over,  as a tip, you can save when a choice appears so you won't have to start the game from the beginning; the only "hard" part I consider, maybe is "the halloween special" (v0.3) or on the first night; the game isn't long, but this don't mind that is short on content; but don't worry if get stuck on any part you can ask me for an advice.

For the next 24 hours the game can be downloaded for free, so hurry up

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The link is here Derketo Lewd Housemates by DerketoGames ( , is the file named: not the ones that have demo on the game name; only the windows was on my plans but whatever! the mac now is available too, see you.

Yes, steam charges $100.00 USD for the initial costs of publishing a game, after that the game will be reviewed and if everything is OK it will be published later, but if you make $1000.00 USD in brute profit with you game, they give you back the initial $100.00 USD that you payed, but yes their revenue share is 30%, and it gets lower as long as you make more sales (I heard that is 10% after 1M of sales).

To your previous anwer, they offer you two payment methods, the "collected by" and the "direct to you", but when they decide that your account isn't elegible for the first one (collected by itch) your only available option is the second one (direct to you), but that method is more complicated to residents outside U.S.A. (because of the taxes thing).

Lastly you're right, if my content wasn't suitable they must have banned my account too, but wasn't the case, That's why I try to contacted them but as I mentioned they never answered; The account verification was implemented recently on Patreon; I'm sure that implement this requirement here will help to filter the content uploaded (also help you to avoid someone pirating your game here).

I don't think is a Payoneer/Paypal issue as Patreon use the same payments providers and I didn't have any issue there, also Paypal reviews your content very often and Is know that they have more stricts rules over NSFW content than this site and I didn't have an issue there yet, as I don't do any NSFW extreme content as other devs that maybe where affected for the new rules, I simply want an answer on why my content was de-indexed and other games with more extreme content where available here, even I send them a lot of examples of games listed on searches that are more "extreme" (incest/minors/bestiality), but I never got an answer, and I suspect that they restricted my account because they don't want that I tell them how to do they work.

Then my only option was to move to Patreon and continue with my games there, and I was "honoring" the supporters from this site, giving them the same content available on Patreon on the same day, without charging any of them more money in order to get the games updates, but recently I'm thinking on end this because doesn't seem to care about the developers, just look for his own.

Always set the revenue to at standard they ask (10%); I uploaded a new project and never was listed on the site, and after contact support about this issue they just send me the generic e-mail that is on this site:

That proves that they lack of staff because they never help you when you have an issue, as I told I contacted about the payouts option and account restrictions six months ago and I didn't get an answer yet.

I guest the answer is a big NO, I've been waiting for 6 months to get an answer but I see that the support team don't care; I'm beig forced to end the upcoming updates on this site as I'm not getting help with my issue, what is funny is that this issue wasn't the first one with support, no one of my game updates was indexed, I been object of hate because I answered to a spanish guy who ask me something on spanish, and the "your content don't fit the quality of the discover system" when a lot of games here are just a blank page with one line of text and the buy button, and lastly I wan't to now why my account was restricted and I've didn't get an answer, maybe the guys from here are right and was only an issue about revenue sharing, you need to be more honest.

Hola nuevamente, cuando tengas una consulta nueva lo mas recomendable es hacer otra publicación (thread) para esa pregunta en específico para que puedas recibir la atención necesaria, (además de que el soporte tarda demasiado aquí), por suerte estaba revisando algunas cosas y vi tu pregunta (algo tarde), bien, la respuesta a tu pregunta concreta es que por cada venta o donación que recibas tienes que pagar a parte de el porcentaje de, los impuestos de tu país de origen si no vives en Estados Unidos, y además una comisión por el procesador de pagos en cada compra o donación, y si por ejemplo pusiste tu valor de compra o donación en menos de $1.00 usd ganas en realidad unos $0.18 usd (usando una comisión del 10%), entonces te recomiendo que pongas un valor mínimo de $2.00 usd (recomendado de 3 para arriba) para que ganes algo mas de dínero, sumale que paypal/payoneer te cobran una cuota adicional por comisiones (además de las de tu banco) lo que hace que en ocasiones tengas saldo en negativo y te lo cobren directamente a tu cuenta, espero haberte ayudado, buen día.

I reported a similar question and the Guys from support delisted my games with the generic message "The nature of your content does not align with our quality guidelines and is no longer eligible for indexing in our discovery system" "instead of doing anything to address the issues, I belive that the curators don't mind or they are doble-agents from these sites (F95zone is an example).

Hello, some months ago my content was delisted, of the site I noticed thanks to No Time To Play, and he suggest me to contact support to address the issue (on this thread: Free game not indexed - Questions & Support -, but I already sent a ticket to support because a new game wasn't listed (Was the second time that happens to me, and also about people attacking me for my language because I answer a person a question made on spanish), but the response was an email telling me that "the nanture of my content doesn't fit the quality for the site"; I think it was because of the quality of my pictures so I decided to improve them, but I ended restarting the games development to continue giving updates to my previous supporters of here. But recently after doing some research  I found and article on the page "lewdpixels" (I didn't put a link because I don't know if it's allowed) and all it seems to be tied to , but I don't do any kind of controversial content, even the explicit scenes on my games where very few, and my account wasn't removed so I think is more a think of % shares as the article suggested, and I'm not the only one who got this email it seems.

Well, the thing is I remade two of the games, recently I uploaded them here the same day I uploaded them on Patreon to be fair with my previous supporters, but I want to know if my account can be reviewed back again, because I don't think I have do anything wrong instead of do bad Renders (mainly because of my PC), 

I already contacted support but I haven't got response yet, and I want to know if any of you have a simmilar issue and if you managed to resolve it or not, thanks.

Not now, Is planed as a choice for the the final updates when the story is about to close, but now is far from that point as all the girls aren't introduced yet.

No me explique bien, si la manera correcta es "nombre.rar", lo que yo hacía era subir de nuevo el archivo con la actualización ya aplicada y reemplazaba el archivo "nombre.rar" por el que ya tenía aplicada la actualización, ese método era el mas efectivo para que además se marcara como "actualización" y tu juego sea listado nuevamente; aunque esa opción no es siempre la mas adecuada, revisa también que no esté marcada la casilla de "set a different price for this file" en ocasiones se marca sola y puede ser lo que te esté ocasionando el problema.

Súbelo con el mismo nombre que lo subiste la primera vez, no pongas por ejemplo "mijuego.v01.rar" y luego a la actualización le pongas "mijuego.v02.rar" porque el sistema no te lo reconoce como una actualización sino como un dlc. (para la próxima trata de escribir en Inglés para que un moderador te responda)

But it's a lie, I already published 3 games, and the first one was listed immediatly after I uploaded it, but my other games wasn't that lucky; if after the two weeks your game isn't listed yet, contact support to get help with that issue, and the same goes for your game updates (mines never was listed on a year long)

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Thanks for understanding, and no, the $10 price is for all the upcoming updates the game has, and in case that I charge you adittional money for anything else, may be only for DLC special galleries, not for the updates of the game (on MNDL even some of the galleries are free).

Hello, sorry my mother language isn't english, so I don't know how explain it well so here is an short explanaiton taken from wikipedia:

"An albino is an organism with the disorder albinism — the congenital lack of normal pigmentation."

So I don't know if the term "albino" is well used to describe a person who is affected by albinism, I hope it helped you to understand the term I used.