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A member registered May 05, 2020

Recent community posts

Not to sound impatient, but can you give a rough estimate for when you'll be done? (Like "a week or two") I understand if you can't, sometimes I get buried under other stuff too, but it'd be nice to have some idea of when to expect the results other than "soon". 

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Yes, I've run out of power before, however, from what I've heard others describe, this "rare character" appears when Milkamean enters the office. I'm not sure why the power outage character would show up at that time.

Maybe there are multiple ways for her to show up, but it would be nice to have confirmation.

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Have any of them posted screenshots/videos of her? Could you share them here? Is this her? 

I don't have discord, but if you'd send me an invite to the server, I guess I could make an account to ask there.

I suppose I'll try spamming the camera on night 3 to see if that would trigger her, my previous strategy had just been repeatedly dying to Milkamean.

Hi, I'm pretty curious about this "secret character" you and Godzillaman have described. I've tried to replicate the conditions you described, yet have been unsuccessful, likely because the earliest patch I have installed is 0.2. 

Could you describe her in more detail, or even try to encounter her again and record her for me?

Is this her?

Hi, I'm pretty curious about this "secret character" you've described. I've tried to replicate the conditions you described, yet have been unsuccessful, likely because the earliest patch I have installed is 0.2. 

Could you describe her in more detail, or even try to encounter her again and record her for me?

Is this her?

Does anyone know anything about the "rare character" mentioned in patch 0.2? (Rareity fix for secret character.)

Godzillaman102 states "Every time Pink Fury gets into the room, I get crushed by a character with big badonkadonks and die after Fury's animation is done. This so far has only happened when she alone gets inside the room. (I am on night 3 btw)" 

phillian said "I've also noticed this. Get filled with burgs, then a blue shirted big tittied lady crushed me"

(All messages taken from the bug report thread)

The only blue shirted girl who might classify as a "rare" character that I've seen is the power outage girl. I've tried and failed to reproduce the scenario which both of them described. Has anyone else seen this character? Could you provide a description of her/how to trigger her appearance? Videos or a screenshot would be great.

Nougat's end screen still isn't triggering for me (I'm on patch 0.5) the black screen just lasts longer and she says one of her random lines again.

Also, I can easily bypass the Suki balloon delay by switching to another camera and back.

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We are all sinners at the mercy of Emily's RNG

I know this comment is several months old, but he used a free program called Twine to make this, it's in the game description, under "more information."