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A member registered May 05, 2019

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Okay, thanks.

That answers my question completely, I appreciate (as always) the quick response, thank you :)

I'm continuing to play-test and thoroughly enjoying your game.

Here's one of the issues/mechanics I'd like to discuss as I'm still trying to figure this game out.

So, I selected a new planet. As always with this game, had to exercise patience and let it do it's thing. With the help of 'inventory items' I managed to somewhat stabilize the planet (I think). Anyway, I had progressed to a stage where life was taking hold. Bacteria was growing and evolving. I was happy and so left it to go do other tasks. When I came back, I had a 'GAME OVER, THE PLANET WAS DESTROYED' screen.

 How and why did the planet get DESTROYED!? Considering you can select and play with a completely chaotic world that will never contain life and/or you can develop and destroy life on a whim, like adding disasters etc.

I suggest that even if life thrives and then dies, you should be able to continue playing, even if the planet is useless and then just back out and choose another planet if you want.

I'm still trying to get my head around your game. I love it, it's amazing. Exactly what I've always been craving in a god game. I hope you continue to develop this game, you have something truly amazing in your hands. I'm excited to see what evolves from your code rewrite. Per your notes, plants evolving into civilizations would be interesting.

Anyway, keep up the good work!