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Exo Simulation

Explore a galaxy and watch life appear and evolve. Help them or not! · By GregoryGentilhomme

What do you think about the game Sticky

A topic by GregoryGentilhomme created Oct 17, 2017 Views: 829 Replies: 12
Viewing posts 1 to 8

Hello everyone, this week the game is free and many of you did get the game. I really hope you appreciate it and have a lotta fun with it! 

Thanks for making the game alive and a bit more popular all around the world. 

Now that would be awesome if some of you, dear downloaders, would give me your opinion about A God's Job - A Space Exploration Game. What you like or dislike, what need to be improved or changed... Well I need your opinion, good or not, it's really important to have feedbacks especially when you're alone on a project. I'm not making this game only for me but for all gamers looking for such kind of game !

Have some fun with it, share links for , forum and the Facebook page. I hope to see your comments soon !


Hello, I tried your game out and it seems like a neat idea, I did run into some issues though. The most obvious one is the spelling mistakes, but those can be easily remedied. What I found was that I didn't really know what to do or what was going on once I got to a planet, so it would be really helpful if you could make it more clear what you can actually do in the game, especially with regards to the planet viewer, because I had no idea what I was looking at. Once you have some better tutorials, I'll be happy to check it out again though, because I like the basic idea of your game!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hi nobusawa, thank you for your review, it's really helpful ! 

I understand the issues you've encountered and I will work on them as soon as possible. Spelling mistakes will be easy to correct, it's a simple .txt file that anyone can edit, no code update is needed. So this point will be fix as soon as I find those bad spelling. About the tutorial and more informations on what's going on, it's a tricky part for me, there is an incomplete in-game tutorial that I need to finish. If I understand you well, you did not knew what's happening on your planet and what to do, there is no main goal for now, just select planets and wait ( you can extract ores and matters, craft items, upgrade your spaceship... ). 

Thank for pointing out those issues and stay tuned for next update that will try to fix those problems.

Gregory Gentilhomme

I look forward to it :)


Hi, I made a patch for fixing misspellings in English, thanks again for pointing out this mayor issue !

I'm still trying to get my head around your game. I love it, it's amazing. Exactly what I've always been craving in a god game. I hope you continue to develop this game, you have something truly amazing in your hands. I'm excited to see what evolves from your code rewrite. Per your notes, plants evolving into civilizations would be interesting.

Anyway, keep up the good work!


Thank you very much for your comment, it's really much appreciated !

I'm glad you like it so much and yes I'm still working on it but it will need time until next update.. I've posted a note about that if you want more details about what's happening behind the scene. I don't give up, it's just a bit complicated and time consuming :)

I take notes about the plants, it's sounds fair they have their chance to evolve too, thanks for the suggestion.

Have some good time with it and if you have any question, feel free to ask.


Here's one of the issues/mechanics I'd like to discuss as I'm still trying to figure this game out.

So, I selected a new planet. As always with this game, had to exercise patience and let it do it's thing. With the help of 'inventory items' I managed to somewhat stabilize the planet (I think). Anyway, I had progressed to a stage where life was taking hold. Bacteria was growing and evolving. I was happy and so left it to go do other tasks. When I came back, I had a 'GAME OVER, THE PLANET WAS DESTROYED' screen.

 How and why did the planet get DESTROYED!? Considering you can select and play with a completely chaotic world that will never contain life and/or you can develop and destroy life on a whim, like adding disasters etc.

I suggest that even if life thrives and then dies, you should be able to continue playing, even if the planet is useless and then just back out and choose another planet if you want.


The only cases it happen ( I'll could check but I'm 90% sure ) is when the planet you've selected collide with a bigger planet, or got burned by it's star. Sometimes other planets come close to yours and change dramatically it's orbit, I've seen some been send on the star's surface.
Life cannot destroy planet, no matter how far they've evolved I didn't added this feature.

I've encountered few times and learned how to not choose planets with such risks, at least less risky.  If you need advises ( and spoils... ) you can still PM me.

I know it's a bit confusing, even more as the game over screen don't give any information.  I've got a load of work to make it easier to understand but I must say it's not an easy task as the game is (over?) complicated.

Okay, thanks.

That answers my question completely, I appreciate (as always) the quick response, thank you :)

I'm continuing to play-test and thoroughly enjoying your game.


I try to do my best :)

I'm glad you like the game so much and you have fun with it, thank you for your support :)

I love the level of detail of this simulation, good work

I remember playing this game, it was free at one point, i enjoyed it, just came back to it, still pretty cool.looking forward to the remake. definitely willing to help in whatever capacity