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A member registered Nov 28, 2021

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What game is being referred to in Mixy's Drain? I recognize the rest, but not that one.

1.7 log?

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Name is Iron_Man.

(1 edit)

This has nothing to do with canon. Who tf thinks Vader would actually fall to this?
Also, that is a minor thing along with protag being a stormtrooper. It's very irritating, but whatever. My main concerns are literally everything else like aiming, ai pathfinding, etc.

Here I thought the game had ACTUALLY improved due to all the coverage it's gotten recently.

Bolts are still miscolored.
Aiming is still dogshit.

AI pathfinding is still dogshit.

Stormtrooper should be a pilot if he's there on his own.

Wrong spacecraft for the trooper (Pilot)  to be flying.

Vader would NOT fall to this.

I love deathtroopers as much as the next guy, but I think this is simply the wrong dev for it.

I'm surprised that the storm trooper hasn't been swapped to a proper pilot, like it should be. And it should be a landing shuttle or TIE fighter if anything.

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Change the character skin to a TIE Pilot. It's the black suited troopers you see get into TIE fighters most of the time.

Vader should not be a thing here unless he's here to exterminate the rest of the deathtroopers. There is a comic where someone actually tried to infect him with a mind control virus and it failed miserably. The likelihood of him being infected by this is minimal. It would be better if it was "Survive until reinforcements arrive."

With that being said, I think at least three other troopers should accompany ours. That being the case, you should change the ship from a TIE Interceptor to a Sentinel Class Landing Craft that was widely used by the Empire. Have a black suited pilot trooper in the front, piloting the ship to the lower hangar bay. You and three other troopers can be in the back, waiting to get off.

I have game footage showing plenty of bugs and stuff that need to be fixed if you have some way for me to submit it to you.

Blaster bolts should be red, not reddish-pink.

Bolts do not come directly from the blaster, this makes killing deathtroopers that are adjacent to you impossible unless you gain distance.

Blaster bolts do not go to where the crosshair is located. You have to shoot at an angle.

I can also help you with the English in the dialogue if you wish.

Time delays due to irl events/just life happens and is completely acceptable. I was simply expecting more out of this update. Honestly wish you pushed it back even further if it meant getting better animations.

For those who actually paid for this on patreon for whatever foolish reason, I pity you having to wait (pay) so many months only to receive subpar animations for the final update.

Tess does not end up in the truck after talking to her. Caught the ghost.

thank you

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how do I get into the cafeteria in Hillford Asylum? I got a note saying there was a lab hidden by the Harleen statue and I assume it’s that.

Read the page. It is addressed...

Changelog for 0.1.3D?

Far left of the gallery is glitched with the newest version. Doing an animation will cause the sprites to constantly overlap over each other.

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Please tell me the tape collection restriction (10-11 per night) is a bug. If not, it's absolutely ridiculous that that's actually a thing. 
EDIT: I tried going the night while pressing space only for the tapes. Turns out it changes based on how many times you press space. At least that's how it's worked for me.

No, it does not get the job done lol.

Why are you being a cunt? You just said desktop app. I had no idea itch had a desktop app and had no reason to know it existed. You're just being a shithead for absolutely no reason. Go fuck yourself kid.

Yes because "desktop app" is so specific.

How do you even run this game anymore?

Calm down there edgelord.

You're 19 but acting like a child.

Aight, dumbass.

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I play both. Calm down kid.
Y'all salty downvoting when I didn't even insult the game lmfao.
I like both of them. I simply prefer In Heat. It's a harmless opinion, just like Fearless saying how Fuzzboob surpassed the other FNAF adult games. It's an opinion and nothing bad about it.

Bunch of children.

I personally prefer In Heat tbh

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Perhaps allow threesomes to take place besides just the bugs? One for two females, one for two males, and one for one female and one male. Kinda like how you got one in that one office where the female comes out.

This game reminded me why I never pay for adult games.

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I need help getting the following unlocks.
Also, the headpatting unlock is broken. Video freezes when it starts.

"I've heard that there's some tapes of terrible acts Poppi has committed out there..."

"I've heard there's a recording of the incident in the nightclub somewhere..."

"I wonder what would happen if both girls were against the windows when the shift ended." (Idk what to do with this one) I've had all three girls on both windows and no unlock after the shift ends with them on it)

"I've been told she likes those dangling orange lights. What would happen if someone smashed them?" (Idk what to do here. I've smashed them all. At least I think I have. Nothing happens. Halp)
"I bet Misty would be pretty thankful if her concert went well..." (I went a whole night without a single generator going down and I still didn't get this. Halp)

Ah I see. Thanks.

Thing is, Poppie doesn't care about the horn. The other character cares and goes away. Poppie does not.

Tried that multiple times. Didn't work.

Someone tell me how to get through the 16th night. The lights always go out and for some ungodly reason I can't touch anything or do anything. Tired of this bs. I'm trying to get the two girl window thing and I just can't

Also, how the hell do I prevent poppie from destroying the generators?

So uh, what am I actually supposed to be doing? All I see that I can do is smash light bulbs, squish the pig, use that drink thing, reassemble the green core thing, touch some of the 2d objects to make them go away, touch the thingie above you in the main room, use the radio, turn off the computer, shut the doors, and of course, get raped. What am I supposed to really do here? I noticed there's a door on the left side that you can't open. Is there a way to get it open?

Wish it wasn't exclusively futa x futa.

The floaty thingies have an odd timing to it. You need to jump before you land on them to actually jump and it throws me off a LOT. Not sure if it goes for everyone but I know it does for me.

Before I consider purchasing, are you able to customize breast size? Because what I see in the photos is WAYYYYYY too big for me personally.

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Hope this gets more content. I'm a little against futa x futa. But if that's what you like, by all means. If you do add on to this game, perhaps add at least a little Futa x Female action?

Would like to know what Knots are. Also, the experiment "Dog Toy" implies that the dog is what does the Knotting, but then another experiment "Bitch" implies that a Knot is an entirely different mob that I haven't seen even though I've been on some decently high levels on Shack.