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A member registered Jun 14, 2021

Recent community posts

Great writing and character design, these are two elements that you should value when going forward onto other projects/continuing this project.

I did feel that there wasn't that much player agency, as I would finish each level with around 20 seconds before the ghosts appeared.

I think that your art style from your characters should be used for the rest of your assets, but I appreciate that you only had 48 hours.

This is a lovely submission. The music had a calming effect while giving me the impression of something otherworldly. 

Obviously, the length of the game is holding back from any true feedback.

However, I like the mechanics and am looking forward to seeing how they are implemented.

A solid puzzle game and a great use of the Jam's theme.

I found the game really pleasant to play. I really believe that this game has potential.

Your visual design is great, and something that I think you could push further with more time.

Definitely a game to be proud of. 

I'll keep following you to see how you progress as a developer

This is an innovative meeting of the theme.

I would purchase this game, which I guess is as good a review as you can get!

what works well:

  • The art style is very pure.  By this I mean that it doesn't give the player any visual 'noise'.
  • The mechanics are smooth, easy to follow, and progress. This helped me not feel like the game stagnates. I would complete all of the levels, but I am trying to limit the time I play on each game.
  • Loving the sound design, allthough I am aware that you didn't create the audio. Regardless, it fits with the game.

My only recommendation that I can think of, and I say this aware of the fact that you made this in 48 hours, would be a set of colour blind options.

Good luck, and I really hope/think this makes it to the top 100!

This is a great puzzle game with a unique concept. 

The only thing I'd recommend for improvement would be sound design.

Keep it up!

I really like how you made a small polished game here.  I think the introduction of other tiles, maybe having special abilities or being able to store tiles would help improve the game from a concept to a sellable piece. Maybe introducing a dynamic environment that means that you can't just stay in one place may be valuable.

The art style is great!

I will definitely keep following you as the potential in this game is great and enjoyed the level that you provided. 

I really like the concept of this game. I do feel that there's an issue with the speed of the character. I really enjoyed the use of the theme.

This is a lovely start of what could be a great puzzle game. As others have said, the challenge needs to be ramped up as the levels progress. This could be done by introducing new items i.e a long power line or new mechanics. 

Keep it up and I'll be back to play some more

Your art style and music choice is wonderful! Unfortunately, I didn't find the gameplay that enticing. This being said, I could see the potential for this to become a mobile game if there was a bit more fluidity of movement for the dog and if the gameplay advanced as you worked up a high score. 

I apologise if this is too harsh a criticism, I do like your design and I think that that is something you need to keep going forward with this project or other ones. All the best and good luck in the Jam.