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Di. Yum

A member registered 83 days ago · View creator page →

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this is awesome! One of the best team of dev

(1 edit)

I'm so in love with your world and your art ! You're such a great artist!

The piano theme in BLUE is so peaceful and beautiful, I love it ! The sound design in the beginning of DIVE is very good too and the percussion match perfectly with the melody you use! 

The harmony in DEEP work so well it's incredible !

Again great for this work !

wooww !!!! I love your critics and feeling about all my tracks ! Be compare to the music of a Studio Ghibli's film is such an honor, thank you for your comment and your honesty !

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You're job is awesome! I love your instrument and the evolution of your tracks, especially the main theme !

thank you very much !

omg thank you ! I'm so greatful !

I like your idea ! it sound very peacefull i love it !

thank youuu a lot !! 

I'm very happy!! Thank you !

thank you !! 

thank you ! Yeah I'm still learning how to mix orchestral music, thank you for your advice!! 

Thanks you too !!

Your work is incredible! I'm listening to the track right now and I love the instruments you use and the harmony too, it's like I'm floating in your world ! It's a follow for me !

thanks a lot ! Your post make me smile xD ! 

Thank you a lot ! Je suis content que ça te plaise !

Love the atmosphere ! This sound music sound like it came from a game like " Celeste " ! 

thank's a lot bro !

i love your work and your ideas, i want to see more of your music !!

Yeah that was my goal xD

Love your work on "the cold realm within" ! I visualize a lot the game and the universe of it !