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Diguifi Studios

A member registered Dec 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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pretty cool! image.png

text could be a little clearer, but I really like this game!

pong AI is a little too dumb xD

this looks pretty!

I really like platformers, this one has amazing music, nice enemies, nice mechanics, cute art style, but I feel so sad that the main part of a platformer lacks a lot of tweaks and adjustments: the movement. It’s not very pleasing and I died a lot. Still, great game!


nicely implemented, love the juicy particles!

this is awesome, I love it

Could you give some story background? I got super intrigued by it! Why do I start as a blob? Why I am seeing skeletons of loved ones? Whats my goal?

I was doing super well, getting intrigued by the story and this kept me going even with the unpleasant wall jump experience, but then my game got stuck when I died before a checkpoint: image.png

Its an amazing game, needs some tweeks and quality of life (Like going backwards with A instead of Q ???), but still quite amazing and pretty.


really well made!

This is superb!! Such a nice way to tell this historical fact! Gameplay is pretty solid too!


thank youuu!

thank you so much! and fvck denuvo!11!!!!!11

Coming from Van Gogh thats quite a compliment! Thank you very much!

thank you so much for the kind words :)

is it so obvious that I did everything on mspaint? xD

where can i subscribe to the channel?

its lame jam, not insanely wholesome jam

doom looking kinda fire these days 🔥

the cover image had me loling. this is really hard, I cant clean all this mess


This is actually fun, If we got to know a little better where to go, like a treasure map, this would be awesome

nooooo I dont wanna share my pie

enemies should shoot a little less bullets, its too difficult. The sounds are amazing and I can’t believe “pierat” actually has a rat on a pie.

this is really surreal, it actually has potential, I really like it

highscore: 6630
had to guess that right mouse was shooting, but other than that, pretty funny

Pretty cute, and “sea gold” is a perfect name! For some reason it doesnt seem the cannonball is actually going anywhere.

really hard! the camera movement is very satisfying and visuals are sweet.

Octopirate is a menace dude, hes gotta be the new Rambo or something.

for some reason I love holding C, the sound it makes is so funny. Really cool little platformer!

Bro nice art, and several endings make it very replayable. This is really cool. Also, Godot!

Lets go Godot! This is pretty clever and fits the theme kinda like my game. Ahoy!

(1 edit)

I really like that the cannonballs actually have physics. The music and visuals make for a very cute experience. Unfortunately I had to play against myself. Still fun tho.

A fellow Godoter I see

and they say the earth is round!

the steering mechanics are actually convincing, nice job

(1 edit)

I am now DK of the seas. This is actually pretty impressive for a no effort jam! Fully 3D and kinda good drift mechanics.



Thank you so much, I really appreciate. The current state of the combat is indeed absolutely ridiculous lmao, but if I find some more time before the deadline I swear I’ll try to improve and upload an update!