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chests spawn a certain distance from the player and the amount of chests are constant so just keep a look out for them.
as for the mines there is a known bug(s) where mines will explode and persist as well as trigger a death event on an enemy ship every frame for a certain time. thats whats making it say you sunk 70 ships
Gald you enjoyed the demo. In the original demo there was floating text telling you if a shot bounced or not but it broke and i haven't fixed it! also I wouldn't get to hung up on historical accuracy, as im planning on having ships well into the 19th century in the game.
also there is factional conflict in the game but it was disabled for this demo, but in the future french and british ships may be seen fighting eachother.
thanks for the feedback! yeah the consensus seems to be that aiming is quite inconsistent which I completely agree with. I am going to play around with different aiming devices and potentially some kind of soft mouse aiming. as for the pacing its a bit hard now with the lack of content but I definitely have a kind of "rest period" in mind between engagements for the player to look around for their next target/ area to go check out.
im planning on adding a UI element to show how raised or lowered the sails are, right now if you tap W lowers the sails (makes you go faster) and tapping S raises them (makes you go slower). so if you were holding W the whole time im sorry because that currently means you were moving in basically first gear.
the cannons landing short means they were intersected by a tall wave, if they go super far that means you fired from the top wave. right now wave height seems pretty hard for people to gauge, but I also have them set pretty extreme for this demo for testing purposes. I'm also planning on having the cannons tilt a little to counter the boat being tilted by waves to improve shot predicitability.
as for ship health, im planning on having a way to judge ships based on using the spyglass, but right now its not implemented. Also the volume of enemies in the demo is probably higher than what i expect the typical engagement to be in the final game so that should also help the player keep track.
thanks for playing!
I don't know what is going on with the dread meter. Currently it is supposed to fill by one every time you sink a ship and the necessary amount needed to fill the bar is increased based on level. I have seen on some systems the bar jumps around, but I have no idea what could be causing this since the only function that has influence on the bar is called when an enemy ship is destroyed.