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A member registered Sep 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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I never said I was happy with boosts. I provided them in the poll to see how the players feel about them, because the opinions of the players were what mattered, not my personal feelings.

I'm not sure if you've seen the poll in the discord, but overwhelmingly, everything that could be called a boost or gameplay advantage was shot down gloriously, which didn't surprise me (or anyone else, I think) so I'd say that there's no risk of them being added anytime soon.

Thankyou! I'm glad you're enjoying it, and thankyou for the kind review :)

Hey! The location and Auto-grinder are being worked on, but because of the way that I wrote the code for grinding, it's taking me a little while to get it right.

Rituals are being re-worked to be a little different, so they're being addressed soon, as well.

Thanks for playing :)

You're welcome :) I've given you the Glimmering mount, and taken 1 Beastial Shard off you so that it hopefully triggers the quest when you get another.

Okay, so it looks like you have been robbed of the Glimmering steed. That is a known bug at the moment, so I'm more than happy to fix it for you. I also see that you have the correct number of beastial shards, but it looks like it didn't save when you closed the game. This should fix itself if you get one more pet.

I see that you're online right now, though. You'll have to close the game for me to edit your save and give you the glimmering pet, just let me know when you see this :) Sorry about the hassle!

Nope, its an idle game themed around MMOs!

They should unlock the Steed menu. There is a bug at the moment that is causing the Glimmering quest to not grant it's steed, though. If you think you're missing a steed, you can tell me your username and I can look into it :)

uh-oh... Did it happen yet?

It's never guaranteed but there is 'bad luck prevention' that helps make it easier to get as you get kills :)

I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Big update tomorrow (:

That's definitely interesting... For me it's buttery smooth. I'll file that under 'performance issues' and work on it! Sorry!

Hey! I've heard this from a few people, I'll be reducing the number of sigils for the higher tiered bosses in the next update!

You should be able to login with that username now :)

If you tell me your current username, and the username you'd like to have, I can fix it for you. You just need to close the game until I let you know to log in :)

What's happened? Did you forget your password? I can probably help, depending on what the issue is

Currently there's no in-game way to change your details. That's coming in a later update. I can help change them for you, though. If you message me on discord I'd be happy to help :)

It might be because you're not putting anything in the email field. It's a bug that I'm fixing right now. You don't need to type your email, but for now you can just type anything and it will accept it. Sorry :(

There's a little "i" button in the top right of every interface that explains how each Window works, just in case you run into more trouble :) thanks for playing

that's because alchemy costs mana as well as whatever you are trying to alchemise. 

You need more mana to get the number to go higher.

What specifically is it doing?

You'll be happy to know that the game is updated. you can find it here

MMO simulator has moved to its new home

It's coming my dude, a few more days!

Hey, sorry to hear about your surgery :\ hope you're okay.

am indeed alive, and haven't abandoned the game. I decided instead to give the new update a little time to breathe and released it to a few people. It'll probably be released to itch at the start of August, but if you're really truly itching for it, I'd suggest joining the Discord for it (:

(1 edit)

It is possible, but you have to be in a particular place, performing a particular task.

The CRT effect has been removed, and won't be in the game after the next update. The next update is taking ages since it's such an enormous update. If you'd like to add me on discord, I'd be glad to give you the link to the beta for the next update, since you've been pretty committed to the game :)

(Additionally, missing events because you were AFK has also been fixed)

It is indeed mislabeled!

I've had that one reported to me, and it's been fixed for the next update. I agree, it's not a good look. Sorry about that  :(

(1 edit)

Hey again!

No server that I'm aware of. Just DM's and questions from testers.

As far as getting a duplicate save, it's potentially possible, add me on Discord and we'll see what we can figure out!

The version number is indeed a typo. I forget to update it sometimes haha. Browser is up to date.

I understand what you're saying now. The core issue, I think, is that post-ascension, over-levelling an area and then coming back (like you do when you get gear for the crucible) doesn't make it meaningfully easier. Whereas on the first 'loop', by the time you return to the tower for the crucible, you're like 128x stronger than you were the first time. Interesting. I'll mull it over, and see what I can come up with.

I've got my hands pretty full with cloud-saving right now, but I'm definitely adding it to the list.

There have been a few comments from people (both here and on discord) who have dug into the game like you have, made spreadsheets, worked out long-term costs and approximate rarities... And that just isn't something that I expected people to do. It's been very eye-opening, just how deep into the game people have gotten, when I didn't think anybody would even care enough to reach dungeons. So, thankyou for that, and in the next update (which may be a few days, because of the cloud saving) I hope to have key costs adjusted in a bit of a smarter way, and I hope you're still playing to enjoy it when I do update it :)

Hey! Glad you're enjoying it. That makes me really happy. Let me break down a few things:

Key Costs
If you're using the Windows download of the game and you haven't updated in the past few days, I strongly urge you to update, there was a bug that made keys way too expensive. That being said, they are meant to scale in price. The price scale is set so that when you first reach a dungeon, it takes the same amount of click to earn a key for that dungeon as it did on your first time through.
To be more specific, at full mythical, it takes the same amount of clicks to earn a key as it does at 9 mythical and 1 deific. This is by design, since, as you said, it would be too easy otherwise. I am open to suggestions though, and if you think that it's too harsh, I'm taking it on board and if this becomes something that lots of players don't like, I'll fix it!

Your point about "it essentially makes all dungeons the last one" is true, but the problem lies in the fact that once you have deific, other pieces don't have a meaningful impact on your power level. 2 deific pieces and one epic is like 0.1% higher than 2 deific pieces and one common. I do hear you, though.

The Crucible issue
I assume you mean Crucible when you say "cauldron". This shouldn't be the case? Crucible doesn't scale with deific pieces, it's always the same. I've just tested this myself on my debug build and can confirm that this is the case, at least for me. I watch the leaderboards, and I worry that it may be something you're doing to your save file/game to affect it like this. Or I may be misunderstanding the problem. Either way, if the Crucible demands are going up, I'd love to talk about it more and work out exactly what's happening, and help fix it.
I'm realizing that you may mean that the crucible demands are effectively going up because key costs are, in which case my answer is the same as the above point. If it's really that bad, we can look into fixing it!

Fearing rising key costs
The first and second ascensions are the biggest jumps in key costs, since those are the biggest jumps in relative power you'll receive, so while I can confirm that it will go up, It definitely is not exponential.

Pets harder to get
This is the same as the first point as well, the effective time for a 'loop' or ascension remains relatively the same, and it shouldn't be harder to get pets, but rather the same as when you first encountered that area.

Bug with grinding after ascending
The reason that the hills take 2 clicks after ascending is because it is scaling off your total power. I'll lay out the math for transparency:
1. When you enter an area, that area calculates how much 'power' you need to fill the bar. For the hills, this is 100 (with no deific), which means that it will take 10 clicks with absolutely no gear to fill the bar.

2. Once you ascend, it will now scale off what you have once you've ascended. For example, on your first ascension, it will scale off of your 1 piece of Deific. Just like before, it will scale to 10 clicks, or 671,088,730 power. Which is 10 times the power of your lone Deific piece (+67,108,873), thus 10 clicks.

3. If you later return to the hills with 9 immaculate and 1 Deific, your power will be 218,103,808. This means that it will take 3.07 clicks to fill the bar.

This is essentially happening because as you ascend, the lower pieces of gear become worth less as a percentage. Once again, this is something that I could revisit if it turns out to be disliked by players :)

The Celestial Concordiant and The Glimmering
I haven't given out the exact method for any of these quests, and I don't intend to! But, you're not the first person to express that it's difficult to work out, so I can help point you in the right direction.

Firstly, when I added the chance for The Glimmering quest to start, I accidentally added an extra 0 onto it's chance. So it was significantly rarer than I intended for it to be. That's being fixed in the next update, but in the meantime, I can tell you that you are definitely on the right track by sticking to the less violent areas of the game to start the quest.

As for the Celestial Concordiant, Town levels is definitely a decent thought, but you're not quite on the right track. Your town will help you find the Concordiant, but not by levelling it up. While you play your town gets resources for you... But who knows what they get up to when you're not around?

Anyway, this has turned into a mammoth of a comment, but I genuinely am so pleased that you're enjoying the game. I'm cooking a big update right now that I think will make everybody very happy, and I hope you keep enjoying the game (:

Okay, thanks for the info. Man, I'm really sorry that happened :(

Thankfully, 5000 power isn't too far into the game (roughly like.... 0.05%?) and while it sucks, it shouldn't take too long to get you back up and running. Unfortunately, there's not a lot I can do at this stage, sorry.

I'm still working on the exact file copying system that you mentioned, but the bug should be less likely to happen in newer versions (Current version is 0.99995).

Oh no, that's not good at all. I'm in the process of overhauling the save system.
I had hoped to use cloud saving, but it's probably going to cost me, and the game isn't making any money haha.

If I can't get that to work, I'm hoping to implement a system similar to what you're asking for.

I may be able to help you out with your save, though. Can you tell me:

  • Are you playing on Windows download, browser, or android
  • What was your leaderboard username
  • Do you think MMO Simulator caused the blue screen of death? That's an awful bug and I hope I'm not responsible for it

Man, that makes me so happy (: You rock, my guy.

no problem, my dude. Hope you're enjoying it :)

that's hopefully coming very soon! But unfortunately at this stage, no :(

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

You'll be happy to know that I've fixed the issue, happy grinding! I really hope you enjoy it :)

I'm having trouble fixing it since I can't replicate it, it only seems to be happening to some people and not others. Really sorry!