The bugs & bears outside the tree house area seem to have infinitely regenerating health, super fast. I couldn't even get one past about 80% health
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With no offense to any others that I've played thus far--- this is probably the most complete game experience I've seen in the jam. This is a great example of a very simple concept with an endearing spin (no pun) on it (the orc fantasy battle).
IMO this game will do very well in this jam, perhaps a bit better than it "should", because really its quite basic, isn't it? But for me, that is not a negative. Well done!
At first, it was very difficult to know what was going on here, I was just clicking around until I sort of figured out the flow of rolling/watering to get them to grow. That's actually a really neat idea, but I will be honest it was too much clicking back and forth and just kind of gave me a wrist ache. But that's me being a brittle old man.
I think the truth is here- you have a pretty good idea that because of the short jam time, you didn't have time to 'find the fun' all the way. I think you did a good job though. Big points for creativity, less so on the enjoyment/presentation factors. But judging this stuff is hard. It would be different if the vote was based on potential, for sure. Keep it up!
This is delightfully weird. Exactly my style. A bizarre experience beginning to end (I think the end? I completed the conversation with every character- if there was more past that I did miss it, please let me know)
The art and music are, again, super weird and I love them. The 'background' images are simultaneously very normal places yet become almost comically odd given what is happening with the conversations in them.
Hey, so it's super basic but you know that. Good job finishing something and submitting it! It opens, it starts, and it does what it's supposed to do! I call that a win. Obviously it's not going to be winning any awards but you should still be proud of yourself. The presentation is simple but I do like the style you chose!
First of all, please know that I've decided to just be honest this year 100% so if anything seems mean I really didn't intend that, just trying to be candid :D
Congrats on completing and submitting! That's a huge accomplishment. I see what you were going for here. I really like the visuals & sound, good choices. The controls work but feel a bit too 'tanky' for my liking. That's just a personal preference, though.
As for originality and fitting with the theme.... well, I mean, you know it's an Asteroids clone, basically. Can't give high marks for originality there, and dice don't really have anything to do with what's going on other than just... being the asteroids. The color change is a nice touch, but combined with the tank controls I find it a bit jarring. Two very different movement styles. I honestly didn't try out the different difficulties, but I appreciate it being an option (I usually go for 'easy' these days).
Overall--- I think this is a really solid little game, just not super original and maybe not the best fit for this jam. :)
I played a ton of a game called Heroscape that looks almost exactly like this, about a decade+ ago. For that reason I already knew I'd love this, but what you made here is a really fun idea genuinely. A bit rough (for obvious understandable reasons) here, but I think this has great potential.
It's too bad it's download only, just because that means it's probably not going to get the amount of ratings it deserves. I'll be following, great job
This is really, really good, actually. I think it's a fantastic idea that you should continue fleshing out.
Unfortunately because I'm an old man who has resolved to be honest, I have to take off a few points because I went and checked out your previous game that this is 'based on', and it's kind of clear this is just a continuation of that game, to me. Maybe even the same Unity project (with lots of further work, of course), since the files are even both named "towerknight". Don't get me wrong, it's obvious that you've put a ton more work into it. This isn't a knock on the game. Just on the submission for a jam, I guess.
Since this jam is supposed to be a new idea, a fresh start, I had to take off a few points from my vote for that. But seriously, I think this is great. Fleshed out, I could see myself putting a lot of casual hours into a game very much like this. Great work :)
I am SO MAD at myself that it didn't work. It worked in the test build I compiled like 10 minutes before the deadline. It's supposed to pop up with a cute little message when you get to 9001, but it doesn't happen. So it's useless AND frustrating, my work here is done! :/ Haha thank you for checking it out :)