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A member registered Jun 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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This was amazing, The ambience and sound was definitely the strong points, i take a lot of inspiration from your games, keep it up.

yes, this is procedurally generated, so is the location of the flag. Thank you for the feedback:)

Really nice game idea, eventually the player gets too fast that it's not possible to get him in time. But the artwork was also really good:)

(1 edit)

After beating it once, it gets pretty easy, you just spam the big units, and the game will lag a lot if you place a lot of small units. But overall I enjoyed playing this a lot :) just some optimizing and it will be a great game.

The art is really good, and the game fits the theme very well. But the game ended up crashing on me and there wasn't much of a tutorial so I was confused at first. Just needs some polishing and the game would be very good.

The idea for this game was great, and the art was very goodas well :)

The artwork is really good, very well made in just 2 days!