Great write-up! Lots of interesting bits in here and a great view into your process. Looking forward to the next update to the game and the next devlog…
Dan Mellott
Creator of
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20 minutes? That’s crazy! But thanks for letting me know. Info like this is super helpful. In the future, we’ll focus on releasing for WebGL as well as a download version in hopes that it makes things easier. In the meantime, I’ll keep an eye out to see if we have some settings that can be updated to fix this sort of thing. Thanks again!
Nice job! I thought the game was fun to play and I enjoyed trying to figure out the puzzles to completing the levels. When you introduced the idea that I had to a character on a moving platform and then switch which character is active in order for the platform to move, it threw me for a loop at first. Such a fun mechanic and challenge. Very well done!
Thanks for the follow up! If you get it working or have any leads of what could be off, let me know. It’s been hard to nail down why this happens once in awhile - if it’s code, Unity build settings, specific browser support of WebGL, itch, or some form of combination/something not called out. We’ve only seen in a couple of times during testing and just waiting a bit, refreshing the page, or restarting the browser has fixed it every time, so any info you can pass along that helps us make things run smoother would be greatly appreciated!
That’s a lot of fun! I love the twist of having to switch the gravity around to get through the game. I like the graphics and the character animations are super cute. It would be nice to have some easier levels to start off with though as it takes a lot of practice to figure out how to get through sections. But putting in save/spawn points made less stressful. Overall nice work! It looks like there’s a lot you can built upon with this game!
After pressing play you should see the Unity logo and a loading progress bar after a few seconds (waiting 5-10 seconds may be needed the first time you ever play the game). If you don’t, you can try restarting your browser or refreshing the page. That usually does the trick. If that doesn’t work, please let us know!
This was really fun to play. The art is fun and the mechanics are super challenging (in a fun way). I liked how you started off slow with the difficulty as a way to teach people the mechanics - very smart. Only issue for me was the beginning of level 5. It jumped up in difficulty significantly and was extremely hard to get through. But overall, very nice job!
Very simple, but lots of fun. I love how you get sucked in and just have to focus and respond without thinking too much. Nice job!
From a game play perspective, it did take me several plays to understand that I was losing “life” because I wasn’t pressing the space bar at the right time. What threw me off was that the game started off with with having me match squares and your “life” is represented with the same shape, so when they fell off I thought that I was trying to just match 3 squares to complete the level. But once I got it, it worked well from there.
If you are going to work on it more, I think sound would add a lot. And making some crazy moving backgrounds that force you to focus more and get into the “zone” might be fun.
Very simple, but also really fun to play. Nice job!
I don’t know if you plan to work on this further, but if so you might try out some music that loops seamlessly as it would help things feel even more hypnotic. It could also be interesting/more challenging to have some of the things you are trying to avoid move at different speeds. Maybe adding some things you can collect that would give you special bonus (points?) or shift game play a little bit (like change how gravity works temporarily?). Lots of things to explore and try out, which is great because it means you have a good foundation to build on. Nice!
This was hilarious right from the beginning. The voice acting and dialogue really made it enjoyable! I did run into an issue where the game got into a bad state and couldn’t finish it. It sounded like the game restarted while I was in the middle of exploring so the voice clips would bounce back and forth between the beginning of the game and exploration tasks. Regardless of the problem, I still had a lot of fun with as far as I was able to go. Nice work!