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A member registered Jul 09, 2023

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hi, sorry If it sounded negative, I just wanted to help you in case you want to improve the game after the jam. I think you did really great (especially since you did it all in 48 hours!) 

There were good parts of the game, I thought it was creative. It's inevitable to have bugs when you cram the dev in 48 hours, so don't sweat it! I was happy to play the game. 

Hope you keep working on it and keep on making games! 

1. the game really needs music and sound

2. animation is just a little too slow 

3. It';s a good concept I like the idea a lot. Would be cool if the hero inched forward instead of just damaging

4. the game wont auto restart when you fail. You have to exit the game and reboot each time

Great work on this!

it reminds me so much of a coco puffs game i used to play from a cd that came in the box of ceral in the 90's when I was a kid.

I think the slices are too slow so it gets a little boring. Maybe if it ramps up speed or you have to throw specific fruit at diufferent times that would improve the experience a lot? 

Great work on this guys

1. I think you could improve the game by eliminating the prep box and letting players directly drag the object into the field for the puzzle. Having to click the icon then click and drag made the game a lot more tedious. 

2. It wasn't clear that the character's action would switch from level to level. I'm not sure why he is suddenly jumping in the second level. I think just some visual cue when the level starts would help with that.

3. the game wouldn't let me place an object when I paused the guys movement. Not sure what the point in having the pause is if you cant do anything during it

I like the art a lot but 1. it started out zoomed in to a few tiles and I thought the game was broken

2. this game really needs rules, I have no idea what the pieces do or how the game works. I can see that a green line appears when I pick them up, but im confused that you can move all your pieces on the same turn but they dont seem to do anything? 

3. I think if you added a small tutorial before the match began and a list of rules that players could reference it would help a lot.

1. wow the art was impressive, cant believe you made the art so quickly (specifically the girls animation was pretty impressive for being so quick). I love the random picture taken at a theater. by far the funniest part

2. the ui especially in the beginning was well placed and intuitive

3. a few bugs were encountered during play, crashes when you hit save for example or hit pref while playing

4. I think the game could be improved a lot if the player could see what the deck of cards are even if they get shuffled up or something. Otherwise its just trial and error. I think improving the card mechanic part would make the visual novel format more fun as a game. 

5. the writtng was not bad. Obviously it was written pretty quick but I think the concept could have legs with a few more mechanics

6. the music was great

Hi, i wanted to give you some feedback for your game

1. I'm not sure how the game fits the role reversal theme?

2. the controls werent explained or demonstrated so it took me a while to figure out how it worked (clicking vrs wasd for control) 

3. the ship slides around at what feels like random speeds. This makes the game more frustrating than difficult (it would be much better if the boat could actually turn. If you keep working on it, I think adding a little sail that raises and lowers and changes shape depending on wind would be both cool and help players know how much the ship will move) 

4. the game doesnt end immediately after losing, the screen takes a while to reset which is confusing.

5. theres no way to exit the game except alt/tab and closing the window. from desktop

Good job and good luck!