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A member registered Sep 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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Got the game printed! Looks great!

played it for 10 seconds and it's already giving me sentimental goosebumps! Will be finishing this for sure!

A Final Delivery (win).zip is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous.

Fan service, eh?

hey, thanks! you get the total moves when you finish the game, but it's not stored. I didn't want to have a running count because it would make me (as a player) stressed :)

it's not obvious in the rules if you can assign more than 4 dice, but as you said that's probably rarely a good move anyway.

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Neat! Works as expected, and I enjoyed the fact that it plays in terminal! I wasn't sure if you can shoot more than the amount of dice provided (4), but that's a game design decision I suppose

hey, thanks!

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some challengers have very basic AI, yes. Others will see your goblins and raise you a goblin warrior or shield warrior or something like that!

there's actually 5 different AI settings, including "completely random" which you'll only experience in the beginning :)

excellent, well done :D

This is a super pico game! Great graphics and controls and "feel". It does suffer a bit in lowrez as you can't see where you're going, but much better in "hi-rez" mode! Good work!

hey, great name :D 

this looks beautiful!

very cool idea! It's well hard to make a board/pieces game that works well, but I think you've found one here! The orcs were pretty stupid so I defeated them without too many mistakes. I think maybe the soundbytes for the orcs and humans were switched? Or do orcs cry "die" when they are killed?

Anyway, good effort! I enjoyed it!

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Hi folks!

This weekend the 3rd Alakajam will be happening! I am looking for a graphics artist for my team! If you are keen to join, please reply here or check out the crowdforge page!

As for styles etc it will depend on the theme and your expertise, I quite like pixelart but would be happy to do other styles. We will be using phaser3 to create a web game.

OK, thanks for the reply. I guess the page does say "jams on". 

We're on - I'll leave it with that! cheers!


We have a gamejam ( happening the weekend after next and I was wondering if it's ok to add a place holder jam page to advertise it on ? Or is there an alternative option for external jams?

Cheers! Did you defeat Him?

this is great! good puzzles, interesting powers and just well designed levels. 

would go hunting for sabre again!

From the intro to the death animation, this game is very well thought-through. I had to go back to check the walking animation the previous person pointed out, that's cool as well The music is great and the whole intro gives me a great Nintendo GBA feel :) The boss on lvl 1 was hard but beatable, and lvl 2 was significantly harder! Great stuff

This is a very sleek-looking game. Took me a while to figure out the mechanics, but now I see that it makes sense:) I'm not so good at bullet-hell games but it looks and plays like a solid one to me. And the levels are proc-gen'ed? that's cool!

Cool gravity concept! I found the controls a bit hard to execute the moves I think I need to do. But level design and the increasing difficulty was good! Nice graphics and sounds, and I love the CRT effect :)

Nice game! Looks really great in the CGA-PICO8 palette:) I had to mash myself but feel like a winner in the end. Would be cool to shut down some computer controlled Nacho's but AI is hard. 

Very well done. Love the story and the conversations :) The draw was hard at first and soon become nigh-on impossible. I always wondered how the losing bit works if you draw "too quickly" ;) 

Very cool game!

Very nice game! I like the "history repeat" idea, but also it's so cool that there are different "classes". Was a bit confused with a few things - the skull with X in the beginning ? pressing X doesn't seem to do anything. Also, my sword is ranged, maybe would be better with one melee and one ranged. And some of the sounds in the music (which is excellent, btw) sounds like someone shooting at me :) 

These are just some observations that I thought I'd feed back, the game is obviously very nice and well done!

Awesome idea. It's like a moving tower-defense style game or something. I found it quite hard and saw your tips below, but still die early on in mission 2. The music is amazing! Really cool idea, think this good be developed further!

Cool little game. Went from "oh this is simple" to "OMG I'm dying" in a nice increasing way :) I like that you have 2player Co-op and vs options! And I also like that you can use either controls if you play solo. 

I like the characters and for me they were on a mission on a microchip or something like that. Would be good to present a marker to say "you've cleared the dungeon" or some kind of finish screen, but I understand the levels are being generated. Cool!

I like it - it took me a couple of "turns" to understand the mechanics. We should totally do a under-one-minute-jam :)

Nice game! I almost drew a map, only to realise that there was one provided - nice touch! I like the idea of needing to "level up" by beating weaker monsters before you can take on more powerful ones. 

Very cool! Starts off easy but becomes progressively harder/faster. I think the time you have to get your click in is spot on. The music is good and the sounds you add makes sense! Love the growing energy on the dance floor :)

All I wanted from the initial mockup. Great characters and dialogue and cool gameplay. Loved being able to missile barrage myself to bits. Music and sound is great and the last stage was clever and challenging. Love the admiral: HA HA HA HA


Thanks for feedback! I have uploaded the full & final version of the game now!

madmarcel: thankyou! I made the loading screen for the jam...

much excite


awesome, this is the game I was going to make, but you already made it!