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A member registered Feb 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the full and thoughtful review. 

I was overly ambitious with the scope and had to rush to remove unfinished mechanics while keeping it playable. I messed something up with my UI code, so the option menu (with sensitivity options, etc) was pulled at the last minute. This messed up my scripts to keep the mouse cursor locked and messed up the gun equipping... 

I'm glad you circled back on the sound... I messed up my hearing and forgot I had audio setting on my computer to normalize loudness -- and without those, it is waaay too quiet. Needed more play testing. I might have noticed that... and I would have balanced the health a little better.. 

Lot's of lessons learned with the project. Again, thanks for checking it out and dropping some honest feedback.

short capture of my play through, for those who can't download submissions.

short capture of my play through, for those who can't download submissions.

short capture of my play through, for those who can't download submissions.

short capture of my play through, for those who can't download submissions.

Nice work. I have to say, I was tricked into setting my expectations low when the game started and the camera didn't rotate. However, this limited view made the hunting for aberrations difficult -- and forced me to use the spacial audio to listen for them. Good job with that. I had fun trying to hear them out and find them. Also really enjoyed they way you moved objects/scenery that are far away into the view-- really nice curvature effect to the world.

Love the look. Pretty rad.

Fun game. I found myself playing longer than I planned. I enjoyed the blackhole mechanic, and the combat system in general.

thanks for checking it out. i'm finally starting to feel back to normal after the jam schedule. -- and looking forward to checking out some of the  other entries today. This post's responses will be a fun start. cheers.

It is shorter to list the things I did not make for the jam
-- the character's shape model [I used vroid studio for the model shape -- then used blender and to texture that model. character art is... beyond my ability in two weeks.
-- the walk and idle animations. [I had some annoyance with one of my animations not working on multiple models, so i reverted to some open-license mocap animations]

everything else was made during the game jam, and live streamed on twitch. Ended up with a lot less 3d models than I wanted in game, but happy I did everything from scratch. It made the whole experience ... electric. There was no time to judge anything as it was being made. just make it-- throw it in the pile -- and come back to use it in game. No way to make the deadline otherwise. So many things go scrapped completely. others quickly reused in ways they werent originally intended -- because deadline...  SFX were made in a panic induced rush...

(1 edit)

^I didn't know that answer was going to be on the submission page. I was exhausted from last minute rush work, trying to navigate the submission page -- and am glad that is visible now, lol...

since it isn't a browser game... Here's a clip of my final check of the game after I submitted it, for those that can't/won't download and play.