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Depression Deity

A member registered Nov 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your praise Caede!!! It means so much to me to have another domme tell me they feel represented by my game!  

One of the primary reasons I started this company is to write dommes framed in an ordinary light. I wanted more people to understand that a dominant woman wasn't necessarily a mom or a villain. I wanted people to understand that femdommes weren't necessarily the mean, bossy women they always saw depicted in malegaze media. 

Having your help in the QA department has been amazing. I hope to continue working with you as I navigate the gamedev road!

Depression Deity

Yes, we plan on doing a Steam release when the game is finished development. I can't give you a timeline at the moment, but we're continuously adding new content for our players! 

Thanks for checking out my work! 

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Hey! Sorry for the late reply. Did you follow the link in the pdf and find the Dropbox? I'm having issues with my current file hosting service, so the file is temporarily stored there. 

If you continue to have issues, please comment back to let us know! 

Hello WhiteInDark24

Thank you so much for playing my game! I do have an Android release in the works, although I can't give you an estimated release date yet. I'll be sure to announce in my devlogs when an Android release becomes available! 

Depression Deity

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You can save the game. There is a save button in the main textbox UI. The commentor was asking to export saves. 

It's not unfair for game developers to charge money for their games, regardless of what functionality they do or do not allow. Game development is a lot of work and requires the devs to hire artists and pay for assets they can't make themselves. Charging money for our game is way to recoup the costs we've spent to put our vision into the world. 

I hope that explains why we have made the choices that we did. 

Depression Deity

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Hello Liz

Thank you so much for taking the time to play Doting Dominatrix! I'm proud that you consider Daisy to be your favourite domme!

For the first question, I was trying to find a balance between making my writing accessible, but still rewarding my supporters and I've decided that most quality of life upgrades (downloading  the game, exporting saves, immediate access to NSFW scenes, etc) that don't affect the game's playability will be Patreon exclusive features. If you'd like to access the NSFW scenes more quickly, you should be able to change the skip mode in the settings menu to 'Skip All Text' and you should be able to fast-forward through the story that way.

For the second question, those scenes are likely to stay as exclusive content. However, I'll continue updating the in-browser version of the game (as long as Doting Dominatrix is still in development, of course), so you'll continue to see new content even if you don't subscribe.

Depression Deity

Thank you very much for playing Doting Dominatrix! I plan to update the game later this week, so please stay tuned. 

As far as downloads go, I am currently only planning to allow Patreon subscribers to download the game. There will always be a version of the game available for free here.

Thank you so much! I created this game because I really wanted to create something with my own writing, so I'm thrilled that you enjoyed reading it!

Thanks for playing Doting Dominatrix!  I plan to add more audio erotica pieces, so please stay tuned to my game progress! 

Hello thequeenofwhitelies

I'm so glad you felt that way! Thank you for taking the time to play my game.

Depression Deity

I understand. I hope I didn't come across too harshly. Thank you very much for writing out this review and being so generous with your time! It's very helpful for me as I continue to develop this game. 

Hello Mr.MostlyMittens

Thank you so much for playing Doting Dominatrix! This is a really amazing thing to hear someone say about my game and I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it so much. I do agree that there's a lot of nsfw games out there that are not designed for anyone's enjoyment haha. 

I'll have to keep my plans a secret since I'm still writing the game, but I do plan on releasing more chapters and NSFW scenes! Please stay tuned as I continue my progress on the game!

Depression Deity 

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Hello Solstice

Thank you so much for playing Doting Dominatrix. I understand your struggle so much! I loved eroge as I was learning more about myself and the fact that I was always referred to as a cis male in those games was really frustrating to me! I was determined to make sure my game didn't have the same issue. 

I'm happy to hear that you're excited for the full release! 

Depression Deity

Hello Hopelessly Depraved

Thanks for checking out my game! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I actually wrote this game because I wanted to see kinky relationships (especially femdom ones) represented as ordinary people who just enjoy  degenerate behavior from time to time. 

I'm glad you liked my voice acting. I've never done voice acting outside of GWAudio on Reddit, so I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! 

Depression Deity 

(1 edit)

I was thinking of doing this. I have access to the game's code as the original script writer and am capable of reusing ideas that I originally created. Thank you for your advice. Your feedback is helpful and I will keep it in mind. However, I am not comfortable receiving direct orders about how my game should be written. 

Ah okay. I interpreted that as a "No titles please" option. I will consider adjusting the loop that players can pick from so they can hear different titles. 

Hello 3hoursonly!

Thank you so much for checking out our game! I'm glad you had fun playing through it. We'll take a look at different distribution methods for any updates for our in-browser version of the game. 

The heart cursor is a replacement graphic for the generic arrows that Naninovel uses to showcase moving dialogue. It's not particularly difficult to change the cursor to a different graphic to suit the player's mood. However, we also want to allow the player to decide what the MC might be feeling. I'll keep your suggestions in mind! 

I considered the idea of not using titles, but splitting preferred names from player genitals was really tricky to do and it's not exactly possible to voice act every single type of pronoun/nickname that a player might use for themselves. I understand your frustration however and definitely understand that solution wasn't perfect by any means. Would it make things less robotic if the game rotated between different titles for the player? 

I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed getting to know Daisy! I had a lot of fun writing her and she was loosely based off some of the women I work with in the office, but slowly became her own person with her own flaws and quirks as I continued to write her. 

Thanks again for all the feedback! We'll keep your ideas in mind as we continue development on our game! 

Depression Deity

I was actually inspired by Papers, Please while making this! I knew I wasn't making anything as robust as Papers, Please in a month, but I'm glad I did get the swipe mechanic down. I do understand what you mean about this game lacking visual novel elements and I was a little worried about that after submitting this game. I think I'll put more focus into story elements in the future and keep things like the swipe mechanic to a mini game if I want to create more of a visual novel feeling. 
Thank you very much for playing my game! I'm really happy to hear that you found it enjoyable. 

I love this! I really enjoyed this retelling of a classic story. The art really suited the dark atmosphere and every line reminded me of straw. I quickly became immersed in the story and wanted to learn more about what would happen to the Miller's Daughter. It was good to see the theme of sexism touched upon in this dark tale. It made that era feel real and it made the Miller's Daughter's will to survive through stealing food feel heartbreaking. 
There's a few of the longer lines that don't fit inside the text box. And I did take a few tries before realizing I was supposed to use the arrow keys to play the minigame (I was swiping on my touchpad at first). 
However, I enjoyed playing through this game and was determined to play past the bad endings so I could help the Miller's Daughter with her fate. Good job! :D

I must confess I wasn't immediately compelled to play after seeing the main menu (and recieving the same crash as Ebbasuke did), but I'm glad I did. Hidden within the Letter House icon was a vivid journey into the lives of multiple soulful objects. I really loved how you utilized word art within the dreams to showcase how the different magical objects cried their thoughts. It was really drawn in and can't wait to hear more of Crystal's story! 

I enjoyed playing through this game. The beginning started off a bit slow, but I'm glad I stuck through it until the end. Are you a fan of games like Catherine or Persona? I felt a bit like I was being reminded of the themes from those games as I interested with Nagi and read through Ayumu's thoughts. 
When I was younger, I had quite a bit of depression that made it hard to produce anything and I read a lot of visual novels in that time. Your story very much reminded me of the type of visual novel I really enjoyed at that time. 
I don't know if this is the kind of story anyone could love, but I really liked it. It feels genuine and filled with lively writing that seems real. Ayumu's struggle seems real. I never want to return to the days where I felt like him, but it's fantastic to see someone write out how it feels to struggle through the endless nothing of depression for months on end. Well done! 

I loved this game! Talking with May and working with her felt a little like talking to my old self, back when I wasn't in a good place. I also loved the tiny bits of foreshadowing between the scissors with blood in the intro, the rope necklace tied in layers around May's neck, and the deep self-reflective dialogue that implies something very serious might happen if the player isn't careful. 
Great work! 

This story was excellent! I really enjoyed following Drogo's journey as he discovers his grandma's home and digs through his old memories. I felt really moved by the ending and I think this game is a great reminder to value the things that we tend to neglect. I cried.
Amazing stuff. I'd recommend this to anyone. 

Thank you so much for playing my game! I'm glad you liked it! 
I've updated the game to include a tutorial. I hope it will help you find the other endings of the game! 

Thank you again for playing my game! I updated the game with a tutorial, so I hope that helps clear up any game mechanics that weren't explained well the first time :) 

I really enjoyed this game! The music and sound effects really added to the atmosphere and did a fantastic job at creating immersion. The swamp was especially well done. 
I liked the art style as well.
In general, I really liked the writing. The ending was executed very well, but I'm not entirely sure I love how Randolph and Warren were written out? I originally thought their tapes were recorded as a personal journal, but then I realized some tapes were conversations or interogations. The very last tape was written out really well, but the interogation tapes felt like they needed a different direction. I've worked around booking halls and other places where real life people in crisis might talk to themselves, and even someone who isn't quite in their right mind doesn't talk like a narrator. They speak more like they believe in what they see, versus just describing what they see. The use of descriptive language in each of the tapes was excellent though. I'd definitely recommend that people play this game and check it out! 

Thank you so much for playing my game! I'm sorry to hear that morality system wasn't explained very well. I'm considering adding a gameplay video or patch later this week to hopefully clarify that a bit better for the players. Thanks again for your feedback! 

Thank you so much for playing my game! I'm sorry to hear the morality system wasn't easy to understand. In theory, rejecting an animal that was difficult to its owner should give you good points, while rejecting an animal that was kind to its owner should give you evil points. On the flip side, accepting a kind animal should give you good points, while accepting an evil animal should give you evil points. I might release a gameplay video that explains this later in the week. Thank you for giving me feedback! 
The arrow images were actually supposed to disappear, but I'll likely add a patch later this week making that bit more apparent. Thanks again! 

Thank you so much for playing my game! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the premise and want to find all the endings! 
The arrows disappearing after the first round of paperwork is intentional, but you're the second person to mention that so I might add a patch to clarify this. Thanks for giving me your feedback! It helps me understand what people think about the game.