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A member registered Apr 06, 2024

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Those have existed in the game since the first, initial release, as both a player created possibility and as randomly encountered NPC's. So yes, you can both be a herm and encounter other herms.

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Nothing in the help menu seems to actually be true? Every enemy who hits me, one shots me instantly and has a ton of health that takes me anywhere from 2 to 3 dozen hits to defeat, there is no escape function, minigame, or mechanic, and once the enemy is done with me and leaves, I get softlocked and can't continue playing, my character won't get up no matter what buttons I hit. Nothing in this game actually works at all in any sort of playable state.

Do you get to customize your character? Can you play as a herm?

Are you able to play as a nonhuman character, or at least look nonhuman? If not, is it ever planned?

IT can't be fixed, the size sword bricks your save file and you have to start over, don't use it.

Ah, I'd rather just play a different game, I don't want pay for a game where it's so easy to just ruin your save file, and this bug has been around for a while since I've seen other comments complaining about it.

I seem to have soft locked my save file by equipping an item called "size sword". Even after taking it off, I can only gain size and no other stat. Is there any way to fix this?

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I've been liking the demo, but the traps seem just way too hard to escape from? They're really the only hard part of the game at all, I've never escaped from one ever. How do you even get out of them? The tutorial said to mash the left and right keys until the blue bar fills, but the bar never moves no matter how much I mash.

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A bit of feedback.

1. Bugs

 -Generation seems to give up on spawning merchants and crafting benches pretty quickly on. I never saw a single place to dye or add patterns to gear after my first teleport. Merchants I now see in like one in five islands.

 -When I saved and quit and then reloaded my game, enemies no longer dropped keys. Ever. So now I am unable to open chests.

2. Tuning

 -Armor and health upgrades seem kind of pointless since getting hit by anything generally equals death due to the ragdoll? You get flung off the cliff or lay on the ground while enemies wail on you, perhaps maybe evading just as you hit the ground will make you quick recover from a ragdoll or something?

 -The only attack that doesn't ragdoll you, the fireball, is hideously overtuned with it's damage, getting by it always causes me to burn to death even while spamming cooked berries. IT also seems impossible to dodge? I'll get hit mid dash, the only way to deal with spellcasters is to rush them immediately or they one shot you.

 -Enemies interrupt sex scenes like constantly, to the point where I just stopped doing it and started killing NPC's for their money instead, since it was too much work to coerce them. No matter how long I spent clearing the map, it just seemed like I'd miss one or two skeletons SOMEWHERE who would immediately show up to ruin the party as soon as I tried to do anything sexual, basically negating that entire section of the game for me. This wouldn't be so bad if skeletons didn't one shot NPC's, the NPC's are extremely incompetent at dealing with the skeletons. But also, for some reason killing a skeleton near them causes them all to go hostile to you, and they one shot you.

3. Personal requests:

 -A way to edit your character appearance/go back to the character creator and customize your character again.

 -A way to copy an items appearance onto another.

 -Wands that have spells attached instead of it only being gloves.

 -Being able to add berries/cooked berries to quick use slots.