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Drakeling Labs

A member registered Jun 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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If you require a limited reward, but still allow users to redeem on Patreon... the limited reward doesn't tick down properly. For instance if I set a limited reward to 100 units, force users to choose a reward when purchasing, but still allow Patreon users to redeem the product... if they redeem the product and claim the reward, it won't impact the number of limited units. I feel like it should, so I'm not sure if this is intentional or just an oversight.

Got it, yeah I just saw all your reports in their Discord. We're in the ambassador program by the way, and I have connections to Patreon's tech team so if you'd want me to help elevate the issue with them just let me know.

Any update on this? All of our Patrons are currently trying to redeem keys, and aren't able to do so.

Hi, currently itch has a fantastic integration for Patreon that allows paid supporters to redeem product keys on itch. Could we get the same functionality for Youtube and Twitch paid supporters?

Really impressed with your work, great job. I love it. I want to encourage my community to use it, and maybe we can start making games together with them.