We've got a game that has Patreon Access for $5 setup. It's worked for flawlessly for years. It also seems that initially, some players were able to get access, so maybe this broke within the last hour or so?
Today we've released a new game and it seems like all players are getting this error message when trying to get the access key:
failed api request POST oauth2/token 403: <title>patreon.com</title><script src="/cdn-cgi/apps/head/7F2Ggij0e_TCnVgy3dJ0eOuIIUs.js"></script><style>#cmsg{animation: A 1.5s;}@keyframes A{0%{opacity:0;}99%{opacity:0;}100%{opacity:1;}}</style><p id="cmsg">Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker <script>var dd={'cid':'AHrlqAAAAAMAaiRtUa2Eg5EArf_6HQ==','hsh':'DAA83DD4A3D06098A6A2CE2AD90A76','t':'fe','r':'b','s':35521,'host':'geo.captcha-delivery.com'}</script><script src="<a href="https://ct.captcha-delivery.com/c.js">https://ct.captcha-delivery.com/c.js</a>"></script></p>