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Patreon connection for Game access resulting in error Message for our Patrons

A topic by Anduo Games created Mar 01, 2022 Views: 12,852 Replies: 55
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(1 edit) (+2)


We've got a game that has Patreon Access for $5 setup. It's worked for flawlessly for years. It also seems that initially, some players were able to get access, so maybe this broke within the last hour or so?
Today we've released a new game and it seems like all players are getting this error message when trying to get the access key: 

failed api request POST oauth2/token 403: <title></title><script src="/cdn-cgi/apps/head/7F2Ggij0e_TCnVgy3dJ0eOuIIUs.js"></script><style>#cmsg{animation: A 1.5s;}@keyframes A{0%{opacity:0;}99%{opacity:0;}100%{opacity:1;}}</style><p id="cmsg">Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker
<script>var dd={'cid':'AHrlqAAAAAMAaiRtUa2Eg5EArf_6HQ==','hsh':'DAA83DD4A3D06098A6A2CE2AD90A76','t':'fe','r':'b','s':35521,'host':''}</script><script src="<a href=""></a>"></script></p>
Pinned ReplyAdmin (1 edit) (+5)

I just heard that they’ve deployed a fix for our integration. Please try again, everything should be working as intended from what I can see.

Thanks so much for solving this!

Thanks a lot for your help and informations ;)

Looks like it's back up and running. Thanks for the help

It's working. Thank you very much for taking the time to look into it!

it's saying my pledge it to low but I have pledge 12.50


patreon wont work with itch io cuz of the api can you please look into this

Pinned ReplyAdmin (9 edits) (+8)

Hey all,

Sorry it’s still not working. I was able to spend some time investigating the problem and determined it’s not related to the version of the API we are using or anything about our code, but instead due to possible a misconfiguration of Cloudflare or some other WAF on Patreon’s servers that is blocking API requests with a HTML/JavaScript challenge response which is intended for humans, not software. There is nothing we can do at this time until Patreon is able to investigate and solve this issue. I’ve left a message on their Discord, but if you’re already in touch with someone there then please do bug them about it. I will try to reach out directly to someone on their team if I do not hear back tomorrow.

Edit: I’ve confirmed that their API is returning a CAPTCHA. I’ve emailed details to a member of their team so hopefully they can address it soon.


Thanks for figuring this out, I’ll keep bugging them about it.

Thanks a lot for this answer !

Thank you so much for the update!

Pinned ReplyAdmin (5 edits) (+2)

Hmm, Patreon’s API could be experiencing some downtime. Possibly try again tomorrow to see if it works again.

Edit: It looks like Patreon broke their v1 API which we depend on with no notice, and since it’s deprecated they apparently have no intention to fix it. We’re going to look into migrating to their new API but it may take some time because the way they represent campaigns and backers is substantially different. See my post above

Thanks for getting back! The issue persists as of now. According to the Patreon API is running fine, but I have no way to verify at hand.

Patreon devs say this appears to be on’s side related to permissions, they aren’t sure what the issue is without more information though.

God bless the Devs on both Sites. Its always a Headache when this happens.

Same issue for our game, came to make a post about this. Adblock and Script blockers disabled, seems to be everyone trying to access the game.

Hi, i have the same issue


Here's the reply from Patreon Staff, essentially saying the issue is on itchio side. Any ideas?


We haven’t changed anything in our end related to the Patreon API. I have a feeling that they’ve removed their legacy API (which we’ve been using) from being available which is causing the error. I’m taking a closer look now.


There’s people reporting they are having this issue on v2 as well so it might be a patreon api issue, they haven’t had any announcements (that I can see) about v1 being discontinued yet.

I see. Thanks very much for elaborating! That does sound like it might be it.

If that's it, it's very weird though, that the dev from Patreon wouldn't put 1 and 1 together. Like that them taking off an API and users coming in to say their API access isn't working anymore is connected.

I asked them about the legacy API, waiting for a response.


Latest response seems to say switch to the new api, they might have broken something accidentally and probably won’t fix it.

Is it possible for us to do that or we have to wait that Itch switch to the new api ?


It's something the itchio devs need to do, we as users are unable to do this sadly.


Very unfortunate, it’s going to take a bit of time for us to migrate over the to the new API as they’ve changed how they expose the representation of all campaigns and backers.

Admin (1 edit) (+1)

Which Discord is this in BTW? I’d like to pop in and see the discussion if possible.

Edit: I found it


Any chance of an update? 


I hope someone fixes this issue soon. It seems like it's affecting multiple creators from getting their content to their subscribers. We are approaching 24hrs of this feature being broken, that can easily turn a lot of people off from subscribing to people who go through So I hope they fix the issue soon.

Yeah, we need an answer... even if the answer is just "we are looking for a solution" =D

(1 edit) (+2)

Like to add to this topic as well that I am having the same issue and even tried it with two different browsers and neither worked. I hope this gets fixed soon. There is even a post on github regarding it.

There was another post on here as a question but it seems it's been deleted? I don't know if that means that user got the issued fixed or just didn't want people to reply to it anymore but I'm hoping for some kind of solution soon.

two posts for the same problem, that's certainly the reason

Same issue...


Attempted this via app, Chrome, and Firefox. All give the same error.

Same issue :(((


This issue is still present. I have an alternative set-up that also hooks into the Patreon API and that is working absolutely fine, it's just the capacity of the server I'm running for it is nowhere near the capability of Itch's infrastructure so it's not ideal.

Out of curiosity are you using the v1 or v2 for your api requests?

I'm not quite sure. How do I check and/or change it?

We have a simple integration between our game and Patreon API (v2) and it seems to be working fine.
I hope they can figure out what's going on soon. This implementation break is very unfortunate.

still doesn't work :\

Having the same problem here.  

same problem here

We're having the same issue as well

Any update on this? All of our Patrons are currently trying to redeem keys, and aren't able to do so.


Sorry, currently blocked on waiting to hear back from Patreon. I’ve been posting updates at the top of this thread.


Got it, yeah I just saw all your reports in their Discord. We're in the ambassador program by the way, and I have connections to Patreon's tech team so if you'd want me to help elevate the issue with them just let me know.


You definitely should, this won’t be fixed without their tech team and responses on their discord have been one message a day or two or worse (from non tech employees that won’t contact them). Their email support system is backed up over a month from user reports on the discord.

Any updates because it’s still not working for me

Admin (1 edit)

No updates other than what I’ve already shared at the top of this thread. We’re waiting for Patreon to push out a fix. Since it’s Friday afternoon/evening we may not see them getting a fix out until Monday.

Edit: Issue should now be fixed

it seems to work now 

Still having issues. It says I'm no longer a member because I cancelled my monthly subscription by mistake, but now I can't connect my patreon to my, and I can't renew my subscription until the pending payment status goes away. 

(1 edit) (+2)

still having this issue…


Same issue here

I have been getting this issue for a while now...

It seems this issue (or at least a similar looking one has appeared again) Here is a report from one of my users

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