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A member registered Apr 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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haha i generated some parts of the  C code too (sprites, maps and lookup table for collisions, with ruby and js), metaprograms high five! ;)

hey, mine is a cosmonaut! ;) love yours too, just finished, really dark!

the darkest minesweeper ever!!! love the plot, music and graphics and animations and ending...

it has amazing replayability! my hand hurts (played with a pointing stick) and only 624pts... but i'll be back! great tune and smooth looks&controls <3

different sound for bumping against the wall would suffice, otherwise it's ace, no point making it easier! i memorized the way through the dark with the torch first and then replayed. the fight in dark was realy tough, some sounds there would help. and even with these tiny problems the game is winnable and super nice!

now i know how the bosses from r-type feel like!

ooh i see, it's procedurally generated!  it'd be nice to come back to the same level to learn it tho... very enjoyable controls and looks!

the moment i realized i can unplug entire cable and take it somewhere else was a shock :) the controls are a bit tricky but i got used to them. and the smoothness of animation, love it!
am i just stuck or are there just 6 coins so far? would play some more, cheers!

thank you, it is very nice!

this is really a nice game! reminds me of reversi. looks very aesthetic, great job! yeah, ai to play against would be awesome (perhaps some standard minmax thing?).

Hello! I recently found out about and have just posted my last year's game:

It's free, you can play it in a browser (no plugins required). I'm not a game developer, I made it in spare time, because I wanted to play something alike. It's a slow, oldschool, sci-fi puzzle-adventure about Semipalatinsk test site.

Here is a 5s trailer:

I'm interested in some feedback, especially negative, so that if I make anything else, it could be better. Oh, and if you know about any other alike games please let me know, I just started looking at the (moslty awesome!) games this site is hosting.

Best regards,
