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A member registered Nov 02, 2020

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Hi straigthpurprains,

thank you for your constructive criticism, which I have taken very much to heart.

But allow me a few more comments.

1) Why is it an absurdity to write about other games here? Please explain.

2.) The first three chapters of "Nothing is forever" are freely available. Please look more closely next time.

3) Ah - in both games a psychologist is the main character. Another similarity, besides the good dialogues and the exciting story.

I always thought it would be impossible to beat the quality of the dialogue in "The Headmaster", but have now discovered a game that is at least as good. Anyone who appreciates dialogue and understandable character development as much as I do should check out "Nothing is Forever".

By the way, Emma reminded me a bit of Cassandra, at the latest when it comes to the strip poker evening.

Hello Altos,

I was really afraid this time that you would not be able to keep the high standard. And I didn't like that it took over half a year since the last update.

But - I think you have outdone yourself this time. Your eye for detail is still there, for details like Nina always standing behind Faye in the food line, Liz never shying away from an exibitionist act, and Priti still being a little shy but deathly brave at heart.

The naked mole rat has also grown very close to my heart in this update. Which other game for adults still manages something like that?

Continued success and all the best, also for your health.

Morning Altos,

in case you haven't noticed: Belle has completed "Long Live the Princess" (1.0). She has revised it a lot and maybe it is worthwhile for you to play through it again.


Hi Ghryst,

you are not able to find my recommendations? That's sad ... maybe the world is bigger than itch. Hm?

By the way, »The Headmaster« is an incomplete game, too. Just in case you haven't noticed.

Take care.

(2 edits)

There are some other games which are very well written, too:

- Pale Carnations (a bit extreme sometimes)
- Beauty and the Thug (still a very new game, but with a beautiful female protagonist)
- Halfway House (a slow burner with loveable and realistic characters)
- What a Legend (looks almost like an old Lucas Arts Adventure)

There are a few more, but this are the games that comes immediately to my mind.

I just watched this video and suddenly I realized: That's the soundtrack from "The Headmaster". 1:38.

I expect a lot of naughty stuff from Liz in the future.

Well ... sure 😉

At least  you can take it much more serious than a lot of the bullshit that is published in the media every day.

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Harriet: "It's Colombian. High grade. Very pure."
Priti: "Colombian? H ... H... How pure?"
Harriet: "Almost ninety percent. It'll blow your socks off."

I don't know if you realise your capability for lifelike conversations, Altos, but quotes like this make my day.

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I didn't expect 800 new patreons. Your scheme was very successful in the end.

One month after the patreon release.

Well - tomorrow is the big day, first (true) update in ten months.

I hope you are going to enjoy what you accomplished, Altos, and find time to rebound.

For the rest of us: Happy headmastering!

Interesting - your taste is completely different than mine. 😉

Fascinating that we both like "The Headmaster" so much.

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It's quirky, alright. About the potential - well ...

Sadly I played a lot of this VN, too, and over time I come to the conclussion that my standards rise a lot. Therefore "quirky" might not be enough to excite me anymore.

But may I ask again: What are the other two candidates for Top Three? If Altos can stand it that we discuss other games, too.

I noticed your interest for "Mystic Ville", AnnaMayToes.

I played through the intro and was ... ah ... flabbergasted.

May I ask: Why do you like it so much?


196 likes on Patreon for the posting of upcoming version 0.12.

Is this a new record?

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Odd indeed, but I guess it can always gets odder:

»I am afraid of elephants, I hope there are not any of these beasts within the game?«

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Hi Altos,

I just saw your update on patreon and I have to say (you read it a lot already): "Can't wait."

Keep your sanity and have a nice weekend.

Hi Hero,

version 0.12 will be available at the 28'th of January. Likely. Maybe. I mean - it's possible ...


Jokes aside, this is the deadline Althos is pursuing, and everything looks well so far.
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Hopefully everything goes well. I didn't even mention the worst case scenario: a writer's block or a creative meltdown☺️

I recommend a post-it on your calender:

28'th of January, if nothing bad happens, like an earthquake or a giant power blackout.

(6 edits)

Well said. Every hero's potential to grow depends on the adversaries he had to overcame. If the obstacles are too easy to master the story won't be fascinating or exciting.

Star Wars would be boring without Darth Vader, The Headmaster would have an easy time without stubborn antagonists like Cassandra or Donna or girls who really need help like Priti or Nina. And I expect an interesting challenge in taming Liz, too.

Although the final foe, Zoe Bates, is still in the making, the current tasks are just what we need to gain experience and bring our skills to perfection.

We are less than a month away from the Priti update. One of the things I am more or less expecting is a stage premiere of the big greek mythology play the girls are rehearsing for some time now.

And as the summit, of course, Pritis entrance as Aphrodite, goddesss of beauty, in her new custome. A big step to lose a lot of her inhibitions.

Well ... still 27 days.

It's not in the game yet.

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Priti is one of my favorites, too, but you can't expect only sweet, heart-warming characters in a school full of repeaters, failures and social outcasts.

Cassandra is quite intelligent and her goals are very typical for a lot of women without a proper education or stable childhood home. From all the characters in the game I expect her to change the most and it's very interesting to watch her progress.

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Hi Althos,

firstly, I feel honored for this direct answer.

Sometimes I am afraid that I annoy you with all my positive babbling or that the general praise goes to your head. But so far you seem to be able to stay the same.

Your animation skills, although appreciated, of course, are not the main reason why I like "The Headmaster" so much, though.

There are things like the story, the character developement, the feeling of control I can enjoy as the main honcho in a small world, where I can encounter challenges that I am able to overcome. Very much on the contrary with the problems I encounter in the real world. I never understand some comments which say that your game is "dark". The real world is much darker.

And you are even able to let your characters speak in different tongues, slangs and attitudes, which is a great part of their charm.

I think another of the reasons you put so much energy in your little extras is the possibility to expand the rules of your world to some extent. To fulfill the needs of the part of your audience who crave for more direct action. And, I guess, its a break from the usual headmaster stuff and you are able to find new energy for the normal game after this excursions.

I am happy to hear of your new skills nevertheless. Good luck in developing them further for the future.

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Hi Althos, hi Herdone,

after some self ordered restrain I want to compliment you for your Halloween add on. It was a nice little extra with a great animation of the star of the coming update (and my favorite girl, I guess), Priti Amin.

I wonder, how long do you need to create/write/program such an update? More than one week? Two? And your animations are getting better and better. Experience seems to be the key.

Another observation: It always improve the feeling for the game if your protagonists refer to things from the past, for example, when Priti spit out that "her vagina is beautiful and she is very proud of her", an experience from the ending of chapter 1, of course. Her practice punishment intrude deep into her subconsciousness and in her drunken state she refered to it. I really love little things like that, which make everything very real. To watch our heros change during their journey is always one of the best things of every story, at least for me, and I cant wait for update 0.12.

Kind regards

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As Althos told us - and more than one time - he is working on a bigger update for version 0.12; it will be ready in one or two, maybe three months.

In addition there was a halloween update two weeks ago.

Sometimes it helps to read stuff, you know? It clearly avoids asking questions that have already been answered.

It seems so.

Sometimes nice things happen because of the algorithm. Good to have you here 👍

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To be honest, I never heard of them before the day before yesterday 😏

But they made a good video and I enjoyed it. I find it just a little bit disturbing that you can get more than 18.000 patreons with this kind of work.  Well ... I guess they are better than a lot of other YouTubers/creatives.

Well, I just watched the playthrough from MxR Plays: 1,78 Mio. subscribers.

:-O Looks like you made it.

Good to see that Henry and Jeannie both enjoyed it.

My favorites are Amy and Priti. Amy must be the naugthiest of the girls, with a lot of experience and Priti is the opposite.

Although Liz is a very interesting character, too ... I like a lot of them, to be honest.

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Althos don't need someone to defend him, and he already did it for himself. But please allow me to add my own two cents.

For me this is the best adult game I have played so far and it's not even close.

First of all the world and its surroundings feel realistic. A lot of games of this kind describe fantasy worlds or young studs who make their first steps into sexual freeedom or things like that.
In this game I can value and apppreciate almost everything that happens:
- There are dumb reality TV shows (which are not dark at all)
- There are social media accounts and online roleplaying games (Rachel).
- There is a stage play about greek mythology, the rehearsal is very funny, by the way.
- There are movie nights or D&D meetings
- And there are these water pistol fights on two sundays. If this is not hilarious for you, nothing that happen in this game will ever be.

All these events fits very well together and you are able to learn more and more about the girls, their characters and their weaknesses, if you just try. I am almost shocked that you only concentrate on Debbie and than, with the end of chapter 1, you realize that you don't know the other girls at all.  Well, no wonder.

Secondly this detailed spanking system that you described is maybe not for all, but it's unique and almost a game within a game. Every girl who is spanked needs a different approach, you can't always do the same.

You have to spy on them to learn their kinks (Debbie: Lesbian. Amy: Masochist, to describe just two of them) and than alter your strategy to be able to affect their behaviour. This is, after all, the ultimate goal of the game: Change the girls into some better versions of themself.

I don't want a game that is like all this other stuff out there. I want something which I can take seriously. And this game fulfilled my needs and wishes so perfectly that I am still amazed that something like this even exist.

A sideeffect of this is that I am always in constant fear that Althos and Herdone change their approach, that they feel the need to give in to the pressure of the majority. But after seeing the patreons constantly rising for the last two years I think we are a bit on the safe side in this case. And hopefully this game continues to florish in just the same satisfying style as it did in the past.

I don't remember this problem, which means that I bought it without encountering any obstacles. I guess you can only buy it if a quest demands it.

For explanation: This red dress is for a girl who needs it for her development and inner growth. Something like that.

Okay, it's official now, you were right, Larrdath. 

Ah! Right. I didn't connect it with Boney M, but I guess it's possible to give it this connotation.

What? Boney M? Where? When?