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A member registered Apr 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aww, right near the end. The boss was definitely a challenging part for most people-- maybe it should have been a bit easier. Thank you for your feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

First, and final. Glad you liked it! Sorry the game was a little tough. The goal was to have different paths, with the bonus routes harder since only the more experienced players would have made it there at all-- but maybe because of it the easier paths got neglected a bit. Thank you for the feedback!

Nice job! I've played a lot of top-down-shooters, but this one is pretty unique with its two button controls. Not being able to stop or control your aim give this a very unique, almost snake-like feel. I also really like the bombs-- since they are your only way to directly control what you damage, you aim for them a lot, and they're a fun way to take out the enemies in big groups. It feels pretty nice. As for the things that could be improved-- Bouncing yourself off the walls, in combination with the tank controls, works a little unintuitively. This isn't your fault, per se, but could have been avoided entirely by making the screen wrap. As it is right now, when I bounce off of a wall, or get cornered, there's really not a lot I can do to prevent getting damaged, since it sends me right back to my pursers. Also, the color changing mechanic, while neat, doesn't really contribute a lot to the actual game. Normally, that wouldn't matter too much, but this mechanic is what ties the game to the theme. It's not a big deal, but I wish it played a bigger part. Overall, these are nitpicks though, and this is a fun and well-polished concept, with a fair amount of creativity injected into it. Nice work!

I really liked this! Something about it made it feel like an indie game I would have played in 2012 (but I mean it as a compliment.) There are a lot of little details that make it feel like you cared, and weren't just phoning it in-- like the trail behind the player, or how the spikes glow. I also really like the explanation of magnetism on the main menu screen, and how each stage had a unique bit of text both for when you completed it, and when you died. The little details like that make a game memorable and feel like it was worth playing. The physics were a little bit janky, though, especially when it came to the player being able to be rotated. Overall, very nice game, and it gets bonus points, because I thought it looked like the Domino's Pizza logo.

Decently polished gameplay, but very short. I don't see what it has to do with the theme. I do appreciate the inclusion of a local multiplayer mode.

Fun game! The presentation is pretty nice, and for a simple concept you fleshed it out a lot. At first, I was worried the 'powers' wouldn't be worth it since they take away your health, but you gain a lot more using them than you lose, so they feel very helpful. Also it is nice that your health is restored after each stage. It's also neat how each one is only attracted to its 'paired' opposite-- this is different from most other games in the jam, which makes it unique, and also gives it a specific type of fun frantic feel. However, the game is pretty repetitive-- I wish stages were more different from each other (for example-- having different layouts for the orange uncrossable border, or having special stage hazards like conveyor belts or bumpers.) I understand that might be a lot to ask for the time constraints of the jam, so it's not a big deal-- but I at least wish the game was harder so it felt less like a war of attrition. Overall, pretty fun and well polished for the timeframe! Good job!

Really solid! One thing I think a lot of jam games struggle with is having an adequate amount of content. You've included a bunch of different types of enemies, though, all with very unique behaviors, keeping the game fresh. It also made me want to get to the end to see what was coming next. I am not a fan of the dark screen-- it doesn't seem to have much of a purpose, and just makes it hard to concentrate on all the enemies, especially in the later levels. Definitely one of the better games in this jam, though! Nice work!

Definitely neat, and what was there was presented nice. The sound and particles for particles colliding is really tactile and cool! I like sandbox-y type games, but I do wish this had more to play with. There's no goal, which is fine, but if you don't give the player a goal, you should be sure to give them enough tools for them to forge their own goals. The physics themselves feel nice, and could definitely be a fun start to a simulation game, but it needs a little bit more bulk to keep me once I've been drawn in.

Really fun idea! Very chaotic. I wish the screen was a little less cluttered-- trying to control both dogs at once, while keeping track of where the cats are, and which dog they need to go to, along with all the pumpkin targets all over the screen, it can get overwhelming.  Maybe there could be higher contrast between the gameplay important stuff and the other details?

I like this idea a lot! Farming games and action games are both fun, and this is a cool way to mesh them together. I wish there were more goals-- Maybe if there was rent that you have to pay, that increases over time? Right now, you can just focus on fighting, because growing crops only helps you grow more crops. Second of all, it would be cool if instead of using X to switch between fight mode and plant mode and using Z to fight or plant, I think it would make more sense if one button was for fighting, and the other was for gardening. You're already using two buttons anyways, I think it would flow better.

Nice job though! Fun game.

Really neat! I like the presentation a lot-- the audio is immaculate, especially. There's also a clear gameplay focus here, which I appreciate, and it's good adaptive difficulty, where the player is encouraged to take risks and keep enemy bullets in their orbit. Nice job!

Oh, you're totally right. Whoops! Thanks for your patience, I also improved my rating for you (:

(1 edit)

Cute sokoban-like. Sometimes the controls were a little sticky, though. I liked the puzzles, they made good use of the cat and the dog! Oh, and the art is adorable. I'm a sucker for 1-bit.

It's cute! I also really like the notepad. I wish there was more content, maybe that would get unlocked after you discover certain substances? Good job!

I like it! It's cool how you unlock more moves over time, and  how there are two different level paths. It's always fun to see someone playing with structure like that. I wish the game was a little bit faster, but no other real complaints!

I really like this, it's my favorite take on the theme. It's super unique, and the idea of being able to steal charge from things is fun, and allows for a lot of sandbox-y shenanigans. The downside of this, though, is that it's really easy to screw yourself over. When you absorb a bunch of electrons and shoot them off, it gives everything a super strong positive charge, which makes the platforming almost impossible. It got to a point for me where I couldn't even stay on the ground to charge myself up because I was getting attracted all over the place.

Super cool, super ambitious, and one of my favorite games this jam. But it REALLY needs a reset button and a little bit of easier platforming.

To clarify a little bit-- I think the difficulty would be okay if you changed some other things around. Right now, though, it feels like I do a lot of work to get an upgrade, or to get to another section of the level, and then one mistake ruins it all. Having checkpoints, or a few hits until you die, or just saving the upgrades would go a huge way towards fixing the difficulty issue-- I don't think the mechanics of the game itself need too much tweaking. (:

I like the mashup idea, and the game's presentation is really nice. I like the character sprites, and the screenshake is weird, but combined with the sound effects, makes a unique 'feel' to the enemy ships. (Don't worry, not a bad kind of weird.) I also like that there are two modes, and that each mode has different options based on difficulty. However, while you did give a lot of different wrappers to experience the gameplay in, the gameplay itself was a little bit repetitive. I think this game could benefit a lot from having 2-3 more enemy ship types. Overall though, not bad!

Cute, and definitely unique. I like seeing creative takes on jam themes, so nice job! I also really really like the announcer's talking sounds.

There are a bunch of little things that stand out as being a little wonky, though. Sometimes, all the questions it gives me are ones I have already asked. It can also be hard to figure out what the 'opposite' of a certain body part is; what's the opposite of normal lips? I also wish I could see the person at the end. 

That being said, the concept is neat, and I'd love to see it fleshed out a little bit more to get those kinks ironed out.

Fun, but I don't understand how it relates to the theme. I also think it takes a really long time to grow the plant-- In of itself, this is fine, but before you grow it, you don't even know whether you're close to making it happen. Otherwise, all around solid but simple game! Good work

I like it! It's a fun use of the theme, and you have a lot of mechanics which all build on the central idea to keep the player from getting bored. The grabbing onto a platform is not intuitive at first (it could use a better explanation) but once you actually figure out what it means, it is a fun way to interact with the world.

My biggest problem with this game though is the controls. Trying to keep track of everything going on in the game is already enough, I don't want to have to keep track of which of my fingers has to hit which button at what time-- that part should come naturally. Between the magnet switching (z), platform grabbing (x), and jumping (space), I would often end up hitting the wrong button, especially on the difficult later stages where you have to juggle between them all. A simple fix that would go a long way would be to allow the player to use up to jump! Then movement would be relegated to one area, and instead of feeling like you have three 'special functions', you only have two, since jumping is just part of your regular moveset.

This is a nitpick though, and while it's a definite way to slightly improve your game, I wouldn't have put this much thought into it if I didn't enjoy it. Nice work!

I liked it! It was brutally tough, though. I liked the difficulty level, but it was frustrating at times because I felt like I didn't know how to use the push/pull attractors effectively. It would also be great if the game saved upgrades as you collected them.

I honestly like how the ice cube looks, even though it's very minimal, the beveled transparent cube is *chef's kiss* perfection. The overhead view in the corner was also hugely helpful towards making jumps, though it would have been even more helpful if it was an isometric projection camera instead of a perspective one. Nice work!

The characters are cute, and I like the fancy light sources. I wish there was some difference between the shapes to provide for a little bit of gameplay variety, and pushing the boxes is WAY too slow. Nice work!

Thank you! The black screen is an HMTL5 only issue, since we didn't have time to really iron out all the kinks of that version. We've since decided to take that version down so it's only the Windows edition, if you want to give that a shot, but no pressure!

Otherwise, I'm glad you liked it, and I'll keep the death thing in mind-- you're probably right that we could have added checkpoints of something. Thank you for the feedback!

Cute game! Sometimes I was having a problem where my character would move in the opposite direction I was pressing, but I managed to beat it anyways.

Ohh, gotcha. Never mind then, lol. Thanks for playing!

Oh dang, mind me asking what browser and operating system you're on?

It would be neat if you were exploring the area looking for the photos, maybe something like What Remains of Edith Finch, if you've ever played that game. It doesn't have to be 3D like that, but it would be neat if you could walk around, seeing your dad's old house, wondering why certain things are the way they are there, and then finding these photos which have the dialogue attached and answer those questions.

Not for me-- what's your screen resolution? I'm on 1920x1080

Nice take on tower defense, but the game clips off the sides, and because of it, I can't see the buy units menu. The graphics are really fun, and I liked what I could play of it, but it's a serious problem that I can't see the menu. If you fix it and reply to my comment to let me know, I'll come back, play it again, and change my rating. Nice job, though!

My finger hurts from clicking so much.

I really like this game visually! It's super neat, and gets the ideas across really well despite being very... abstract. It is also really cool to have to fight against the constantly growing mob, you really have to strategize which targets you're going to take out first, and it's a good rate of growth to povide difficulty while still being possible. That being said, that was. A lot of clicking. 98% of me really liked this, and the other 2% of me is my right index finger.

It's fun to hit the birds, but frustrating to aim. If you charge up enough, it will actually shoot way above your crosshair, which can get aggravating. I also wish there were more birds.

The gameplay works pretty well, and the animations are really cute. That being said, there's not really a lot of strategy-- If there's any reason to attack any one family over another, that reason is not made clear to the player. A good start, for sure, but needs to be fleshed out more to have the depth I'd like.

Pretty well done, especially for the timespan. I like the little plot twist at the end, the wordplay of "El Familia", and how the third level uses what you learned in the first two. Nice work!

A cute narrative, but minimal gameplay. Any suggestions I might have to improve it would change it to something that's fundamentally not what you were trying to make, though, so I have a lot less to say than usual

Cool game, and an interesting take on endless runners. I like the idea, and how it feels like the further you go, the more protected you are, but also the harder the game gets in response. The "That Tree had a Child" bit is also cute, and doesn't get old, since it doesn't happen all the time. The game has got a lot of personality. However, there are some polish things that are missing-- There are parts of the game where all you can do is place a bridge, if you walk up to a ledge. If that's the case, why should I need to hit a button? It's not like I have a choice to do it or not. The game should handle that automatically. Also, I can't see my score after I die, since the game immediately restarts, so I won't know what my score was, because I don't really have the time to look at it when the game is still running. What you have is really cool, but always remember to keep player convenience in mind!

Nice job, I like the sprite work here. The data files move too fast though, you can barely see them coming in time for you to jump up to catch them. The best thing you did here is the jump arc-- it feels nice and weighty, while still giving you a stall at the peak in order to make you able to clear the jump. It also is a close call, so you always feel like you're just getting by, even when you aren't, which increases tension and makes the player feel more skilled. Nice job, that attention to detail is important.