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A member registered Dec 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oof, yeah the sliders get a little intense after a while, might have to implement a mobile UI for that too.

Did something break?


🙏Thanks G

Yeah that tends to happen. Overfeeding Pine is definitely a way to break the game. I've already nerfed her a couple times in the past and I was considering changing her damage formula again (this time to a logarithmic scaling with diminishing returns) but I'm not sure yet. 

Thank you for the feedback!

Unfortunately, when it comes to character art, I mostly rely on artists' generous donations. I consider myself very lucky to have people actually be interested enough to donate artwork that is in the game in the first place.

As for AI I have and still am tinkering with it quite a bit, but it is just impossible to get satisfactory generations even with highly specialized models, loras, etc. I've come really close with some but they always require a bit of editing to actually be good. I hold AI art to a completely different standard compared to man-made art, if I were to use AI art anything other than perfection just won't do.

In the future, I may add a portrait for a every character just as a placeholder so there's at least something there.

The EX chapters don't follow a linear unlocking pattern like the normal story chapters. Every EX chapter needs you to have beat EX1. Then, EX3 specifically needs you to feed essences to Caly 5 times in order to unlock it.

It seems like there's a bug in the game right now, which displays the option before you've actually given any essences to Caly. With the prompt just saying "You must have completed  EX1"which might be what is causing the confusion.

Thank you for the kind words! I hope I can keep delivering in the future.

Also glad to hear that you liked 3EX's writing, it was a bit of a challenge for me at first, but thankfully it all worked out.

3EX was the chapter added this update, 4 is coming in the next one.

I'm in the process of finishing the up the next update. Only a couple passages of writing left to do!

Thank you for the kind words. The development of the game of the game actually started before AI became so prevalent. Since then, I have struggled with the idea of using AI artwork for the characters that I don't have any art for, but in the end, I decided against that. I'm lucky that there's people willing to take time out of their day to contribute artwork for the game because otherwise there would be nothing.

Whoops, sorry about that. Didn't realize it was going to trigger an update notice.

Very fair point, added some more tags.

Yes, in the stage selection screen, the number in front of the areas is pretty much the chapter number.

I would give you the password if Itch had an option for spoiler text, but as it is right now, you're going to have to either finish the game's current content and get from the thank you message or join the server and get it from the spoiler channel's pinned messages.

Thank you for playing and enjoying the game! As I've stated in previous comments, I've been very busy with life lately but some progress has been made, I hope to release the next update soon-ish.

Hey, sorry for not being present for the past few weeks and not answering comments. Truth is that life has kept me quite busy lately and also my phone stopped showing me comment notifications for some reason. I'm honestly moved by your kind words. When it comes to progress on the game, I have been making marginal progress but not nearly as fast as I would have liked.

I wanna say sometime between the end of this month and early February. But I've also never been able to meet a deadline I've ever set for myself, so take it with a grain of salt, things are tough right now.

I'm satisfied with the amount of races that currently exist within the game so I haven't really given the idea of adding more races any thought, also the races that are already in the game are kind of my picks as well (minus a couple of them). However, I'm always open to the idea of adding more if a suggestion is good. If you have a specific race and/or a mechanic for it, I'd be more than willing to give it some thought.

As for the male path, unfortunately no, that's not really in the works. Apart from the fact that a path like that would essentially make it a different game, the whole shrinking/small, humiliation thing isn't really my cup of tea.

Thank you very much for the feedback and your kind words! Those suggestions are definitely things I plan on implementing at some point in the future.

Thank you very much, life is getting in the way a little bit, but I'm trying my best.

Thanks for the feedback! Your first suggestion is one I've gotten quite a few times and have been trying to figure out a nice way of doing it for a while now, your idea of how to implement it is actually really good, that's probably what I'll go with. As for the potions, I suppose it makes sense to have them available earlier yeah, since you even get some tier 2 pots for completing chapter 1 if I'm not mistaken.

No judging here, some things are easy to miss. Also I actually love reading people's suggestions, no matter the amount of text :^)

Hmmm, mana tanks should never give ζP to any race, it's a purely aesthetic perk. Probably a mistake on my end.

Yeah the wolfgirl breaks the game really bad right now unfortunately, It's been in the known issues for a couple of updates.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

  • So for the whole if you increase X NPC's stat their perk should get better thing, it's already a thing in the game. For example Pine's DEX directly impacts her damage and Sam's total size increases how much DEF she shreds every turn. There's a lot of balancing that I still have to do around this mechanic but it's there.
  • As for the knockout point and teaching Pine new skills point. I didn't really plan for these perks to have secondary functions like that but it could be cool to add that.
  • For buff skills, while I do plan to add those they most likely won't be available before meeting Aster. I know the plants can be kinda harsh sometimes (especially if you're playing fairy/bunny) and I'll try to come up with a solution to that.
  • I actually have something very similar to what you're describing with the 5-20% chance to encounter stronger enemies. After chapter 4 you'll get the option to select the difficulty of a stage. In higher difficulties enemies like the Floga Badgergirl will show up with different elemental effects that make them bigger, stronger and give them a variety of effects. 

I have something similar planned for stat training locations. Gold in the game is kind of in a weird spot right now where it's almost worthless, so I'm going to be adding an permanent upgrade system to the stat training spots with gold, one of those. One of these new upgrades could be that you can spend a certain amount essence and increase the training amount by a proportional amount, for example you could spend 15 essence to increase the stat exp by 150%.

It's a pretty cool idea. Probably not worth the time investment but I'll think it over. Also I see you've been commenting quite often here, I've got a discord server that you can join if you'd like to share more ideas or chat about the game with other people, it's probably a little bit more convenient than these comments, the link is on the game's main page and in the credits.

Thank you for the kind words. It's really great seeing people enjoying the game.

Oh nice find! I'll definitely be fixing that.

I hoped that introducing a delay to the buttons would fix this issue but it seems like that's not the case. Were you playing on mobile by any chance?

I'll look into it. What race were you using btw?

That's very fair. I do plan to eventually work on expanding the description text, especially for NPCs. It's just that I keep putting it off because writing fluff takes a huge toll on me...

Well then. I see this is on mobile. I'll look further into it.

It's actually nerfed in the version that I've yet to upload. It now costs stamina just like every other stat training. The fact that it cost gold was a remnant from older versions of the game that I kept forgetting to change.

Sorry, I've fixed it locally, which means that I haven't uploaded the patched version yet.

If it's the bug that doesn't let you enter into the character creator and takes into the game immediately, I've fixed it locally. I believe that you can fix this if you press the default button in the settings and then the big restart button.

Yes, I've already fixed it locally. Thanks for the report.

(1 edit)

The word is one of the animal related signs in the modern zodiac.

As a little fyi, I always have the password pinned in the spoilers channel in the discord server.

Thanks for playing!
Unfortunately Cowgirl and by extension conversion are two of the things that I've gotten the most complains about. So I'll be pretty much changing/buffing a lot of the Cowgirl's mechanics. Your idea of an automated conversion perk is a really good standalone idea ngl.
Also thanks for pointing that bug out! It was not one I was aware of and should be fairly easy to fix. 

Yeah that happens from time to time. I'm looking into methods of dealing with extremely large numbers.