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A member registered Oct 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi, I appreciate the offer but I really want to do this game justice so I'm working on some less ambitious side projects until I'm a bit more experienced. It's definitely not cancelled (like the dozens of other perpetually alpha state breeding season curse victims) though.

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Thanks. I must've forgotten to fix that, the problem with it is that I accidentally made it rotate on the wrong axis (I think, if it isn't fixed by the next update then it's a second, more mysterious issue)

Thanks. There should be an unavoidable content settings menu when you open up the animation showcase, the sexuality settings are greyed out right now because there's only straight content in this build, they'll be functional when there's actually different content to filter.

I also had a weird amount of interest in a totally censored/sfw version for the first game too so that might be something I implement too.

I'm grateful for the support because I'll be honest, I had to take a break for a while because I watched some fan made FNAF stuff to get an idea on how people expect fictional animatronics to move and ended up freaking myself out by binge watching analog horror about them, but I'm feeling a lot less scared now.

Not in the current build but I'll add futas (and men) at some point, yeah

Unlikely because I don't know how to test android builds, it's the same with linux and mac

If you download the launcher you can copy + paste links, or add the game to a collection and download it from there, not 100% sure where the app downloads to though but I assume you can launch it like a normal .exe if you got it through the app

It's safe to run, not sure why Windows isn't letting you run it, if you're worried you can always download it through the app instead

Thanks, I mean it's functional but it makes adding new stuff more complicated than just remaking most of it.

Thanks, not so much this game but I'm working on a sequel right now because this one is (comparatively) held together with duct tape code-wise.

I thought I fixed this a while ago, it should be starting automatically in windowed fullscreen now, what OS are you on?

There are two men and two women, on Night 2 onwards (or any custom night where their AI is set to higher than 0) one of them will spawn with the women on the Stage (Cam 1-A) and the other starts in the VIP suites (Cam 1-C)

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You can already disable NSFW scenes in the content settings in 1 but different models (genderbends so everyone is either male or female and a total sfw mode) is an interesting idea.

EDIT: I'm debating the idea of letting you choose the gender of the security guard too.


It's almost done so I'll add him at some point before the "final" update, but there's already a custom night in the extras menu (it's available from the start, you don't need to finish all the normal nights first)

Next update will likely add him, general improvements to the map like having the storage room not be a white box, more animations, etc.

Weird, I'll update it later because resolutions and fullscreen/windowed modes are a bit overdue anyway.

The window's resizable, you should be able to click and drag one of the corners into the middle of the screen, but I'll add resolution options to the settings in the next update.

I'm definitely open to suggestions, I have an idea of what I want everything to be like but it's subject to change.

Yeah that's really funny, I'll leave that in, the fact you can still win and reach 6AM with an animatronic on top of you makes the gameplay a bit meaningless, so I'll patch that though.

The sequence that starts after the power runs out? That's really funny, I never even thought to check that

"Start (Night 1)" starts the campaign that slowly amps up in difficulty, or you can start a custom night by going into "Extras" -> "Custom Night" -> (change the sliders that appear, the further to the right they are the faster they'll move) -> "START CUSTOM NIGHT".

If you meant the gameplay, the idea is to keep them out of your office until 6AM, move the mouse to the left and right to pan the camera around the room and move it down to open/close the cctv system, the girls need the doors closed on them if they get too close and will retreat back, Bucky the Stag can only move if you're not watching him with no way to send him backwards and Vulpy the Fox will slowly wake up if the cctv system isn't open.

The Foxy character is a femboy, you can see him sat on the floor in the main menu

Thank you, I'll be sure too.

This is all fair, doubly so considering it's my first attempt at anything 3D (on an engine that's also pretty rudimentary when it comes to 3D stuff but this starting to resemble an excuse)

This was really helpful, thanks.

The idea was a straightforward FNAF1 parody, if people find it as entertaining as I do, I'll parody the first three games (maybe FNAF6 as well) as a trilogy.

It absolutely needs a label to tell you what night it is, will add that in the next update, UI isn't one of my strengths so I got it out of the way last. I'll add an indicator of what night you're currently one (there's already an autosave/load feature running in the background), a custom night option once the main "campaign" is finished, maybe with some optional modifiers like starting a few hours earlier,  one of the lights not working, CCTV inputs having a few seconds of latency,  your character (who'll get a menu dedicated for skin/hair/eye color sliders so you can customize him) being deaf so all the diagetic sounds are muted, etc.

Expect changes to the map layout too (including the office's interior) to make it resemble where you're meant to be a bit more because the walls and floor are really bare, I tried to compensate for the current lack of windows with very distinct sound cues and little ambience but that obviously can't work for everyone.

The story will have to be pretty vague when you have a budget of $0 but I'll see what I can do about adding a phone guy to act as a tutorial and drop hints about the worldbuilding, on top of adding posters and the like like I mentioned earlier.

In terms of animatronics, the rabbit and the stag are done and (more or less) working as intended, but the smaller metallic one is a placeholder for Chica's equivalent (who's model is almost finished), and there's nobody who acts like Foxy yet, but there will be.

(Trying to add a screenshot of her being almost finished, but Itch servers don't seem fond of adding images right now.)

Having the content settings be in the settings menu is a good idea, too. Thanks!

I have no plans for it rn but it's not a hard "no", worst case scenario: wait until the sequel

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Mechanical spoilers:

Power decreases every few seconds, the base is 1% and everything you have turned on (cameras, doors, cctv) adds 1%, so with everything turned on you'll lose 6% every time you lose power; haven't figured out how it works in the original games yet.

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Think you could edit your post and add some screenshots to what the lighting looks like for you?

EDIT: Thanks, I'll add more ambient lighting when a game over scene starts so things in the shadows are visible.

No, that's more than fair, right now it's just padded with mostly placeholder content I'll go back and replace later, once (most of) the mechanics work

It's installable on the app now.

Will download the app and see how it works later, I'm guessing it has something to do with it being a zipped file

Not really, the art just sucks because it's mostly placeholder.