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Gear Shift studios

A member registered Mar 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks, it wasn't necessarily intentional so I think it's funny that I accidentally balanced the issue of people pre-typing commands by omitting the ability to backspace.

Disappointed in myself because just now I decided to add backspace and took me about 2 minutes to figure out and 5 lines of codes, could've fixed the biggest complaint for my game so easily

Awesome concept, I love the idea of having to memorize the levels in order to dodge the traps, and you weren't kidding about the difficulty at some points it almost became a puzzle game of having to figure out what to do even when you figured out where the traps were. Nice job!

Yeah I thought of adding a backspace but it completely slipped my mind after I switched from working on text input to the other things.

By waiting do you mean the delay between the dialog box disappearing and the first barricade appearing?

The reason to move up or back would be if you were playing hard mode, because in hard mode cop cars would ram into you from the sides.

The reason to move up or back would be if you played hard mode, since in that mode cop cars would come at you from the sides, and unfortunately there is no backspace lol, although hitting enter would clear your text if you made a typo.

Definitely gets out of control! Great presentation, polished visuals, cat vocals, and a great physics engine!

Hey you could totally sell it as a part of the out of control tho lol

Cool idea of slowly losing controls every time you beat the level, and great visual style and feedback on landing/hits. However, I'm not sure if this was intentional but the game kept quitting back to the title screen randomly and in the menu the quite game button did not work, would just take me into the game.

Sorry dont know what happened and why my comment posted three times, sorry about that!

Awesome game, very creative approach to the theme and has a lot of expand-ability and fun nameplate loops. Very polished, except once I got over 50 milos I had to turn off the audio because of that beep lmao! One of the few games I've given fives in multiple categories to!

Solid presentation, one of the most polished games I've seen, also has some interesting puzzles, but like people have said the portals can be used to cheese it, maybe make a red zone around the earth where portals can't be placed.

Good game, almost has a puzzle like aspect to it trying to figure out how everything will turnout after the ricochet and the added challenge of the timer was interesting as well. It hit a balance of being hard but not too hard to the point where its frustrating since, nice work!

First five star rating I've given this jam, very good work! Nice concept, great art, solid mechanics, overall this game is awesome!

Was going to add backspace but in the name of efficiency and for the sake of time I focused on other stuff because hitting enter will delete your text if you made a typo. Not perfect but serviceable at least.

This one's pretty fun, very juicy feedback when you ram into enemy planes. I also like how it progressively got harder and the enemies began to shoot more frequently!

Very original idea, I was at first skeptical about how out of control it would feel but after about 30 seconds I realized how wrong I was. This game gets hectic with micro-management, nice job!

Thanks so much! I was trying to think of a good way to do that for hours, and I originally started with having to destroy obstacles but I came up with this idea and immediately started over lol.

Gotcha, I noticed that 16 minutes before deadline submissions lol. Time always gets ya, I submitted mine early but only cus it was 4 AM and I could barely look at a computer screen, let alone write code.

Very original concept! And a unique approach to the theme, the presentation was solid and the game-play had a unique skill based system with recognizing keys without their letters. Only criticism would be that the game play is a bit too repetitive, I know that's the point but maybe something as simple as different colored spooks with different hp levels could work. Overall, solid game and great concept!

Very original concept, the presentation was very polished and the humor was amusing as well. My only criticism would be that the game seems too predictable, maybe it was by chance but if I voted down on every headline I would make money, also not sure what the point of the big arrow was. Other than maybe raising the difficulty and adding more variety in events that would trigger, game was well made and a solid concept! 

This one's fun! Nice presentation and the core game-play was engaging! Only criticism would be that the out of control movement didn't feel that consequential, maybe you could add a mechanic so that the exclamation points gradually appeared more frequently. Overall, fun game and good idea!

This one's pretty fun, good fitting to the theme, very nice pixel art, and some solid music as well. The concept works well as a fun arcade like endless game. My only criticism would be the difficulty, there's nothing stopping the player from spamming space and never losing. Other than that, very good job!

That's fair, there was a lot more I wanted to do too but I started really late and couldn't. Although I think your game could translate well into a full title with some polish!

One of the best ones I've played yet! Great art style and presentation the ambiance and environment made with the lighting and music really fits. The idea for the theme was very original as well, and it really lent itself to some interesting puzzles and game-play. My only complaint is that I wanted more!

Nice job with this one! Big fan of the originality of the concept, very unique! I also liked the art style and audio, simplistic but fit the game perfectly. Also adding in some physics puzzles in there with the boxes was creative as well. Only bug was the boarding of the rocket ship at the end of each level seemed inconsistent. Overall, really good job tho!

Big fan of the art style and music! Awesome job creating all the audio yourself, we made our own music this year but didn't have the nerve or time to make our own sound fx lol. 

Firing of the gun, especially the grenade is super satisfying too, just wish there was more feedback on the enemy's death! 

Thank you for your input, I plan on adding a tutorial level in the future!

Thank you so much for playing my game and for all of your suggestions. I guess since I know exactly how the game works, its hard for me to gauge the difficulty sometimes. I totally plan on adding in more story elements, and I hope to expand upon this game a lot in future updates. (P.S: There is one secret room on the first level if you can find it)

I liked how the combat felt, I also thought the sound did a decent job at conveying the weight of the punches and kicks. The UI looked good although it was obvious that it was not completed, since some pages were completely blank.  Another thing is that I felt the point and click kinda hindered the combat so it left me just spam clicking one attack at a time since switching to the other side of the screen is cumbersome and often led to the opponent hitting me before I could pull it off. If you added more features and explained how the system worked a bit more it has the potential to be a fun beat em up game!

There were two updates that happened during this Jam: 0.4.0 who's devlog is linked and 0.5.0 who's devlog link is: