It’s satisfying and has a lot of potential.
Two suggestions:
how about double-tap that would auto-allocate meeples and/or robots to urinals? maybe available after purchasing an item/artefact?
A pause button would be nice :)
Nice, simple and graphically appealing game. ( ̄∇ ̄ノノ” for the source code with liberal license, a priceless thing for every newcomer!
The game could make use of some juicy effects like a camera shake. On the other hand, keeping it simple makes it better suited for educational purposes.
Anyway, good stuff, cheers :)
Well designed, well painted, well coded, well sounded. The intro animation is soo good. Some much attention has been put into details like the animations of worms going around the leaf, this subtle shadow effect on movements, the rocking chair animation... those are tiny - but tricky to implement - effects but super important things that make a game incredible immersive.