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A member registered Sep 07, 2016

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(1 edit)

no not really I don't think your got google inserted into your what ever it is .........................error:dot::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED at requestError ( users\...........) so fourth, yeah, REALLY NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR APP ANYMORE<< ill just DL the update files from the server every new update and DL 5.5 gigs everytime like its only 3 hours, and yes this is the latest

itch io 22.2.0 I dont know what these means or how to fix it, maybe it's an australian not allowed zone, seems there cutting of a few sites...


at RequestError (C:\Users\...........\AppData\Local\itch\app-22.2.0\resources\app.asar\appsrc\util\net.ts:24:5)

at ClientRequest.req.on (C:\Users\...........\AppData\Local\itch\app-22.2.0\resources\app.asar\appsrc\util\net.ts:118:14)

at emitOne (events.js:96:13)

at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:188:7)

at URLRequest._emitRequestEvent (C:\Users\............\AppData\Local\itch\app-22.2.0\resources\electron.asar\browser\api\net.js:89:29)

either way useless app.. Im done

nope still nothin, sent. Png even Dl the game of Mother site installed in Itch game folder, tryed to make an Cmd string to say here it's here but Itch says or wont see the Dl game in folder. yeah I've run out of stamina and now my brian hurts,


Yoddles, getting a Dl Error for Aven Colony, commondatastorage, and a whole lot of other code that's tl,tr or type, redone the proxy and still get an error, I love new apps there, so inviting.

And there ya go, Thx.

yeah the only problem with the app, it installs on the C drive only, where as the C drive is just OS, when I can put the app on another drive then it will be usefull. until then ill just Dl, the full update, yes I know you can make short cuts to trick the os,