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A member registered Jul 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yo thanks for this I'm gonna use Godot for my game.

Very cool concept with DNA and I liked all the changing rooms.

Thanks for the feedback. I enjoyed your game too!

Very nice graphics and design. I like weirdness of the whole thing.

Yo this is awesome. I didn't know santa could be so scary. I can definitely feel the polish and hard work that went into it.

Thanks I'll chack out your game right now. That seems to be the consensus that the randomness needs some tuning.

Thanks a bunch. The random generation of loot and enemies definitely needs some balancing that I didn't have time for, but I've already started continued development of the game! Thanks again I appreciate the feedback.

Totally radical dude.

This is one of the best I've played. Super well done. If I wasn't extremely colorblind I might have gotten a bit farther.


I like the concept. I couldn't get past the spike part either haha.

I'll definitely check out your game. Thanks for the feedback I totally agree it might be a good idea to switch up the color schemes.

Thank you for playing my project! I agree completely there needs to be more maps/areas and maybe some bosses.