Thank you and checkpoints would have been pretty easy with the code I set up however my intent for this game was for it to be very difficult to master but once you have it down then it becomes very easy to speedrun.
A member registered Sep 29, 2023 · View creator page →
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Thank you for your feedback and I completely agree that I made the beginning to difficult however I was able to learn it which felt rewarding and now I can beat it every time. I definitely think I should however make the progress of learning a lot more spread out, so you slowly feel your progression. By the time it was at this stage it was already midnight, and I had school the next day, so I just submitted it with ought making the changes. (also, thanks for the complements on the art, I've never done anything art related on a computer before) If I had more time, I would completely remake the player controller and improve on the sliding to feel rewarding and slowly build up the game's difficulty.