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A member registered Sep 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you and checkpoints would have been pretty easy with the code I set up however my intent for this game was for it to be very difficult to master but once you have it down then it becomes very easy to speedrun.

Thank you for your response and I'll definitely implement this for the next time I make a game like this.

I have no idea what you said but I'll take it as a compliment xD.

You have to make the music continue through levels; this game jam was my first time making a game.

I had to do mine in a couple of hours xD

(1 edit)

Thank you I'll try harder next time as this is my first game, I also had no time to make it and only had a couple of hours in the afternoon until it was midnight, and then I had to submit it to Mini Game Jam because I had to go to school in the morning.

It took me ages to beat it xD

Thank you for your response and as I said in the description, I only had a few hours which is why it is so rushed but with more time I would definitely implement this.

Thank you, and your game was really nice to especially the shooting.

Thank you for your feedback and I completely agree that I made the beginning to difficult however I was able to learn it which felt rewarding and now I can beat it every time. I definitely think I should however make the progress of learning a lot more spread out, so you slowly feel your progression. By the time it was at this stage it was already midnight, and I had school the next day, so I just submitted it with ought making the changes. (also, thanks for the complements on the art, I've never done anything art related on a computer before) If I had more time, I would completely remake the player controller and improve on the sliding to feel rewarding and slowly build up the game's difficulty.

Your game is nice to; it just needs a lot of polish and AI that path finds, I don't know much though since this is my first time making a game.

Thank you, and the difficulty was on purpose even though it is extremely difficult to learn, once you do figure it out it actually becomes quite simple.

Your art is nice to; I had no idea what I was doing xD.