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A member registered May 24, 2018

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Episode 25 is presumably going to be the final episode. On pareon they're working on a season 1 demo. I think the plan is to get the demo up & ready and then fix everything from episodes 1-24 then release the final episode.

these are getting huge. there should be a download that just is the updated stuff

do you lose anything by downloading the compressed version instead of the uncompressed one?

My B, this is a completely different game

So... is the game dead now?

The only thing keeping me from downloading is that I already have it on PC and my saves wouldnt transfer

is this complete?

is this finished?

none of my old saves from 7.0 seem to work

Extended version fixed it

I get the error "name does not exist" when i try to go to bios and I get "exception: screen extra is not known" when i try to go to replays from either the phone or the main screen

Love the game. Already addicted. Will buy the day it drops (assuming its not $80). Few things tho:

1) I'd really love a way to save during runs so I can play during breaks at work. 

2) I'd also love an over arching story arc.

3) he cat's dialogue boxes can (and will) cover important stuff. both on the menu and during runs. However the menu one is the most annoying.

4) The flames from being a dirty little filthy nasty thief also cover WAY too much of the screen. If they were smaller or were there for a lot less time, that'd be great.

5) when hovering over "other stats" in the in run menu, I cant check the meanings of the various stats as the window disappears when not hovering the other stats button. There is a similar bug (or feature) in the menu when trying to read already equipt weapons, but this can be circumvented by just checking them on the wardrobe at the bottom.

6) I dont know if I just havent noticed it, but for the talent that revives you after taking a fatal blow, i dont see an indicator telling me whether or not its up.

7) I'd appreciate a dial (or the option of a couple dials) maybe in the right hand corner that tells me how long runes I have left on the various runes and active talents

Fantastic game.


voices are loud af. Needs ssettings for muting

Like everyone else, it seems the update caused previous saves to get corrupted (or the previous saves dont work with this version)

Wano gonna be crazy in this one XD

Yup! This even helped me download mods like a text box manipulator

you were right. Specifically, it needs to be copied into the "game" folder inside that folder

oh so its not supposed to be in the same folder as the text file & the other one?

After extracting the raw and rpa, on launch its an error page and spanish


Is the story completed?

In caseanyone was confused like I was:

Yes, that cat does indeed have a penis

I dont know if im still early into the game, but good lord, there is so much exposition and very minor character interaction. Also can you add a hide functionality to the text box? There are some scenes i'd love to have a background of.

Similar  to others who could actually getting it to work, it cuts off stuff

What file are the names in? Im trying to figure out how to change various names within the game, but isnt where the defining is happening and while Google is showing how to modify them, its not showing where to modify them

coolio. So should I redownload?

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After going through the quest, I chose to lie to Naomi. RN its stuck with return to Naomi, but when I talk to naomi she only gives her default lines even after completing the Dea x Mai thing.

Separate Note: its amazing how many paths are handled with this game. While its not undertale levels, It truely feels like every decision will lead somewhere (and GOD BLESS the debug attack. This addition is what led me to start throwing money at this game.)

is this challenge floor different from the floor with the poison demoness?

Fan-f*cking-tastic! I highkey thought I was playing a runey game.

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What is the use of holy water?

And does the Manticore buff even exist or is the wiki wrong?

I feel like if you've done the .8 android story before the Lin spicy pizza thing the dialogue should be MUCH different. There were a couple choice words and answers from android where I sitting here like "but... LITERALLY last night you [REDACTED].

just pick the money. Nothing else is worth the drawback unless its your dump stat

Jesus. I missed the dialogue so much. Reminded me of why this guy is the  best MC in a NSFW game i've played (sanguine comes preeetty fucking close tho)


Trying to figure out this manticore is agonizing! (In a good way). I've gone through the nymph, kotone, etc. But i cant figure out how to get her buff😭

There are actually a bunch, but looking at the patch notes it seems the author knows and is still working on it.

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Im pretty sure thats the end of the build. For now just grind out levels untill the next one. Who knows! Something might happen if we pay off our debt!

Download google keyboard and switch it to that. It happens with a lot of renpy games.