cool game!!!
ESB Linux Custom Software Solutions
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As i promise this vide shiws the progress of porting and improvements of the game in Godot Engine 4.2.1 i hope have everything vere the end of the month
here is the post with the Video
thank you for your reply i have post a New update i temporally remove the first level now the game start after the cinematic i hope if fix the issue.
Is weird because in the computers i try it that issue doen't happening.
At this moment i'm porting the game to Godot 4.2.1 reworking code, taking advantage of the new oclusión curling, adding more resolution options and keybinding and now using Vulkan instead of the OpenGL 3 of Godot Engine 3.5.3.
And i will add some little extra content.
I hope the new update published few days ago (with the first level removed temporally fix this weird bug)
And i hope i have finish the porting before finishing this month.
Again thank you for the reply and sorry for the inconvenience of this bug.
The New update is the 1.5.3
Please tell me if this version works fine.
Also maybe tommorow i will post new info about the current state of the port to Godot 4.2.1
please can you give me more details about the issue and takeaway an screenshot too?
Because i Rewriting code fromscratch and potingues to Godot 4.2.1 to avoid some issues i having with AMD GPUS i test the game on my Machine with Intel/NvIDIA and with intel/Intel integrated graphics the only AMD PC i have is an old 2012 laptop and the game works fine looks like the issue is on modern AMD so if you can give me the PC specs and takea the screenshot of the bug i will apreciaremos in order to fix and avoid the issue in the porting prosses.
Thank you for tve interest in this project and sorry for the inconvenience the port will be better optimized and playebe correctly soon.
In the mean time if you want i can give you a key key for another game and also give you a key of another future game.