Well, we answered to your feedback in our polished version of the game! Glad you enjoyed the game!
Efe Karacar
Creator of
Recent community posts
Just released the polished version!
- Fixed the UI scaling for different ratios.
- Item and collider sizes are rescaled and rerotated for easier pickup.
- Removed the black band behind the HUD. Reposition some of the HUD elements.
- Added comments to the source code.
- Added debugging options for the editor.
- Added an Item Guide, so all all items are shown their categories.
- Items no longer drop off the rail.
- Spotlight is animated for immersion purposes.
- Optimized the final cinematic due to crashes. There was a flaw in the spawning logic which made way too many items spawn at the same time.
- Added a pause screen to notify the player.
- Made sure items are not draggable when time is paused.
We retouched the scale and collisions of the objects for the polished version.
Yes - to prevent items dropping off the belt, rails probably need a 1:10 (Very thin wall) kind of invisible collision on each side, then are given layers which only interacts with items that are not yet dragged with mouse. As items would still need to cross the invisible collision if player picks them up. Sadly, it seems to be too much for polishing phase. But, definitely something we are made aware.