Thank you! I’m actually not too good at the game myself, I’ve only made it to dungeon level 4. To test the boss, I moved him to level 2 and reduced his stats! I always make these things too hard thinking that other players are much better than me…
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Oh, no, I did not create a virtual environment. I didn’t see any venv in the rogue-dash folder, so I thought it was missing for some reason and skipped those steps; I didn’t realize the command would create it.
But now I’m not sure what to do with this command:
source venv/bin/activate
“source” isn’t a valid command as far as I can tell; do I need to download it from somewhere?
The light spell can be cast at yourself to restore health. (If you cast it at a monster, it will restore health, but also temporarily stun/pacify it.)
Maybe I should have given the player access to all the spells starting out, after all… When I playtested the game, I did find it rather difficult, but I just chalked this up to being a bad player! 😛 So I left it alone so that other folks wouldn’t find it too easy…
Oh yeah, that would be important! I forgot to mention in the manual that you can regain 1 MP via melee attacks. Monsters will also steal 1 MP from you by meleeing you, though! Sorry about that!
Also, the water element spell will drain a larger amount of MP from an enemy, but you may or may not start with that spell; if not, you can learn it by fighting lots of slimes, because slimes have water attunement.
Oh, OK, that’s what I have too. I have an idea though - .NET now lets me build a standalone version of an app that doesn’t require you to install anything. I’ve added some standalone builds to the game page; can you please try the appropriate one for your system (x86 for 32 bit OS, x64 for 64 bit)? Thanks! 🙂
“Text Rogue” as in a roguelike text adventure akin to Colossal Cave Adventure or Zork, but randomly generated because it’s a roguelike? That’s really cool! I actually wanted to do something like this (and it was going to be called TextRogue) but never got around to it… I’d like to see what you come up with! 😁
Oh wow, this is pretty cool! I like the idea of combining spell parts together using slots, and gradually gaining more and more slots. I think the game is a bit easy though; there are plenty of powerups and not all that many enemies. Maybe take some time to flesh it out some more, or do a redesign next year? 🙂
Indie games these days are really innovative and often cross genre boundaries. It would be nice if I could choose more than one genre for my game. I know I can pick one and use tags for the other, but that seems like it will arbitrarily segregate my game into one category or the other, rather than allowing it to be discovered through either. Of course, folks could game the system by assigning all the genres to their game so that no matter what you search for, it pops up - so maybe limit it to three genres per game? That should be enough for even the most innovative developer!
Seems like no one else is doing it, there must be a reason? I’d expect devs would do that, so folks can track the progress of the games in the jam while they’re in development, but instead people are just posting in the community forums and on Discord and whatnot… makes it a bit harder to follow the games throughout the jam!
I fondly remember a Nintendo DS game called Lost Magic, in which you draw runes on the screen to cast magic spells. I wanted to bring that experience to the roguelike genre, so I’m creating Found Magic, a game in which you type magic words to cast spells! Typing them quicker will reduce the mana cost, and typing them more accurately will increase their power.
I have some plans written up for what I hope to accomplish each day, and I’ll be using the RogueSharp library. Hopefully I’ll be able to find time after work to make this game… 🙂
edit: oh, here’s the link to my game, so you can follow it and discuss, in case anyone cares to do that!
There’s a roguelikes discord with a 7DRL channel: