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A member registered Apr 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


Sorry! You are right! The disk swapping is an issue we not fixed yet. It allways asks for disk1.. :S (mainly becouse our focus was on the HDD version)

1. You start the game with the "QuestMenu.adf"

2. For the first chapter you need to swap to "QuestLevel_Chapter_1-Disk_1.adf".

3. Next you need to swap to the "QuestLevel_Chapter_1,2.3.4-Disk_2".

If you play in emulator (or a real HW that has a HDD) we adwise you to play the HDD version! In that case you dont need to swap floppys, the loading is faster and you have music.

Simply add the content of the zip file ( as the directory of your DH0 and boot from that.


Thank You!


Unfortunately we useing a screen copy technique is used to make the game as fast as possible. This prevent the possibility to display it in a workbench window. (Windowed or fullscreen, Without this technique so many enemies on individual sprites would make the game very laggy)


It's a sad but you have to make a compromiss! :S You only have 4 audio channels in an amiga. That is why in most cases (games) you can choose between music or sfx. A .mod music allready use all the 4 channels. Running them simultaniuos would couse breaks/glitches in music every time a shoot or boom sfx is played or (in reverse case) the sfx would be stopped when a new  instrument has been played in te music.

Copyright issues.. :S

This stuff (as all of your things here) too has its source code downloadable.

This particular game is designed even easier to mod. That's why we called it SKIN-VADERS. :) The background and the enemies are all a simple iff(ILBM) picture. If you rename the   enemies file to the the filename corresponding to an other stage ,than the enemies will appear in that stage.

Or you can draw a hole new background or enemies with Deluxe-Paint (or with any program you choose to draw). You doesn't even have to touch the source code. :)

- If  you   overwrite the  file   in the game -s directory.  (for example "Music Chapter 1.iff" is the music for chapter I.)
- Or you can edit the  "Map 1.script" file and change the  line "Music Chapter 1.iff"  to play any .iff sample  you want during the game.


If you have a cli window (that is where you can do the typing) You already set up the emulator correctly (probably). In Amiga if you put an .adf (disk) into the floppy drive (df0) it will boot from that floppy. I still don't know how your setup looks like. I can only assume that you booting from a disk (or hdd) that has no system nor anything that it can be start-up.

1. Did You try to launch the game from a floppy disk? In that case put the menu.adf in df0: and reset.

2. If you have a HDD allready setup for the emulator, then you can either copy the directory into any folder you want and try to start from there or...

3. You can add the uncompressed quest (the one from the zip-file) folder to the emulator as the directory of your hdd and then reset the amiga.

Checked! Worked without any problems!

Please describe your config! Did you get any error message on emulator or workbench side?

You can set the settings higher than the minimum (or recommended) config and there should be run very smooth. It has been tested on emulators like windows (winUAE), raspberry (fs-uae) and on some android emulators. I have an older Mac Mini somewhere , so i could see if anything wrong with it, but i assume it probably should do the trick! It's an emulator! :D

The (Project Horizon) engine itself can be run on any amiga (even on an unexpanded one). That means that if you will make a new  game with it you have to use maximum that amount of gfx/sfx/etc..

The game QUEST needs ECS and at least 1.5Mb Chip ram! That means if you have an Amiga 500 (probably 500+) with an ECS chip with 1.5Mb chip ram then yes you can play with it! If you have an OCS (standard A500) that means that you are strucked at maximum 1Mb Chip ram! That is the maximum amount  of chip ram an  OCS machine can handle.

Simply the game uses a lot of gfx, that is why it eats 1,5MB of chip-ram.

This one is just for testing the engine-features by mocking up an Aliens themed game. It's ended up pretty cool, so we have to show you all.... :)


-The gfx of the main character is not relatead in any way to or game Project Horizon (or Electric Black sheep). It is ripped out from the game Xeno Crisis and it is a property of Bitmap Bureau. 

- 'Aliens' and the Xenomorphs are the property of 20th Century Studios.

We have to be very careful not to stuff a lot of enemy into one place. On this platform (sadly) it can cause performance issues! In Commando the enemies were very "simple"-minded without any minimalist AI, the movement of the player was faster, not a lot of feature (or guns) but overall enjoyable!

Imagine if a game staged on the moon is runing on the same rate. It will probably kill the atmosphere. (Not the Moons atmosphere.) :) I loved games like Commando or Alien Breed or Chaos Engine but each one of them had a unique approach of gameplay. 

In our case: "THIS IS THE WAY"

Probably the biggest feature of the game is, that it will contain a level editor and the full source code. I encourage everyone who want to make a little shooter game (for the amiga) that you can try it out. If you want you can add more enemies, change the gfx to a medieval environment (or the characters, weapons, sfx, ...) and hopefully share it with others.

(2 edits)




Sövény Imre is the AMOS-coder of this engine! If you have engine specific questions, then he is the one who can answer it! :D


I put together a little dev log here:

I've updated the link !

note: ..i'm still working blindly on this..

There is a Test version ( Made from the GO-version!) under the download links, but there is no guarantee that it even works. 

If i ever get my hands on an an Oculus Quest... Sure! :)

Ok, we can give it a try!

Hi, It's Vive compatible, (that is for sure). It should work on Oculus as well (but it is not tested).