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A member registered Jun 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Well, I used Unity's ML Agents. It uses reinforced learning and the Swish activation function as far as I remember. I hope it helps!

Hey! What's the matter?

I made it using Fancade, for mobile and web.

Thanks for playing and for your feedback! Yeah, the game is hard and its not for everyone. That was my biggest concern on the jam, but I glad some people enjoyed it! Im happy that you pointed out the windows, the notes, and those little mechanics, since they were what I dedicated the most time to. Perhaps I update it in the future, who knows.

Interesting game indeed. I like to see games with different approach in the theme rather "play as the bad guys" or "you control the world instead of the player". 

My only complain (appart from the lack of sound, but as it was for a jam is understandble) is the lack of a better tutorial. Its really confusing and hard to understand and know whats happening, and I dont think thats intended.

Complaints aside, you did a great work!

It seems to be bugged, as I hit the knife, sadly

Thanks! Im glad you liked the atmosphere, because It was the most time consuming part.

This game was, indeed, something. I really didnt expect this in this jam, but it was hilarious!

Same as termi, this could become a pretty fun multiplayer game!

It was fun to play, but i missed some background music and a little explanation ingame, I lost at first because I didnt read the description.

I love the artstyle! The game got fun and challenging really fun with all those big items taking up almost all the space.

I was going to ask. "Man, why do cows look like humans?" Then I understand the idea of the game xd. It is as funny as shady! I love the atmosphere too

Its simple, but fits the theme and its fun to play! But please, pleaase fix the sound, it killed my ears lmao

I really like the idea of the game, it fits the theme very well. I found it too short, but its understable with the small period of time we had to make a game

The game looks interesting, but Im stuck at level 2, sadly. All moves hit the knife or make me run out of energy. Any help?

Interesting mechanic, and entretaining levels too!

First of all, the artwork from the beggining is stunning! Its impressive how it was all made in less than 48 hours.
The rest of the game is also pretty good! I like go from level 10, the levels are more challenging and make me think. Really good job!

Wow, very good game! Its really cool to see all your copies go throught different paths as it makes everything so cahotic! The idea fits the theme and you executed it pretty well. 

The only thing I missed is some music in the background and perhaps the jump was too high too.

Woah, amazing game and also challenging! Im a fan of rythm games, and I didnt expect to find one in this jam. 

Im glad you liked it so much! Hopefully I will improve it on the future ^^

Thanks, and yes! Having different inputs/outputs would change up the gameplay, perhaps for future updates. Sorry for the difficulty spike on level 4, I didnt have time to balance the game.

Lovely game! Interesting mechanics and very well executed with good level design and art. When the boxes were added, although I don't usually like them much, it was a lot of fun!

Thanks for the comment! And you are right indeed, the game doesn't offer much content other than just swimming and jumping. It was for a gamejam and i didn't have much time to add things, sadly. Its far from what I wanted to do on the first place. Anyway, I prefer to leave it as it is and move on to another project.

Yes! Added a downloadable version for windows.

I really liked the game. Very entertaining and challenging! I managed to pass it without losing lives! And the cute cat! It has certainly exceeded my expectations.

Im glad you like it! Thanks for playing

Really cool Celeste classic mod! I enjoyed a lot.

My stats:
342 deaths - 9 berries - 43min

Wow, I love the graphics, they are so cute! The only problem is that the collisions are kind of janky. But the rest is perfect

I like the game a lot! But I think you can improve the graphics, they look blurry

It's fun, although I think the game needs checkpoints. Dying far away is quite frustrating

Simple and great game, but I would have liked to see more variety of enemies and more difficulty.

Wow, I loved it and I'm not a soccer fan. Super addictive and entertaining. Very good strategy game.

I really like the atmosphere of the game. Even though at one point I got stuck on the floor (near an elevator). Still, really good

Good game. The game is challenging, the car controls quite well and the road is clear. I think it could use a little decoration for the map.

Cute game <3

I'm not a fan of pokemon games, but this one is addictive. Really good job

I love it, it looks very polished. Art, music and gameplay 10/10.  I loved the transition to the second boss, I thought that the game had really stopped working xD

After a lot of tries, I have gotten 3 gifts (the one with the lamp, the one with the television and the one with the tree pictures), the other puzzles I have not managed to decipher.
I don't know if it's just me, but when you're doing a mission correctly, does it sound like a little noise? If so, it should be heard more, because now it seems the background music. Another thing, the "dialogues" work in a strange way. There are times that I have to click twice on an object to see the entire text and other times I cannot repeat the same dialog?

Also, does puzzle mode exist due to limitations when making the game or for design reasons?  Because there are times when I get stuck in a puzzle and I would like to try others.

It's entertaining

I don't know what I have to do, I don't think I'm making progress at all. Any help pls?

wow, this game really surprised me. It is much more interesting than I thought! At the moment it is one of my favorite games of the jam