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A member registered Sep 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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That sounds like you now have two installments of the game and you have to move the save files over to the new game folder.

Now that you bring it up, I should have disabled the option to save in there. There's a warning to save before it but mistakes can happen.
If the save file is important to you, the best I can offer is that you drop by my Discord (bSCx5fPFsV) and write me a PM with the save and I'll repair it for you.

Sana standing in the corner just hints at the ending existing, there's only one version of it.

I enjoy that type of character myself so there's a pretty big chance.

It's mentioned in the readme.txt!

I don't have all the necessary tools to port the game to Android. I recommend using software like JoiPlay on your Android phone to play the Windows version of the game. People have reported to me that it works fine.

RPGmaker MV has all kinds of compatibility issues with newer versions of MacOS and isn't supporting it any longer. I can't look into it because I have no way to test the game on an Apple machine.
Same as with Android users, I would recommend running the Windows version anyway. From what I found, Mac users can run MV games through a web server. A quick google search gave me some simple step-by-step guides!

For a Steam release to make sense we would have to charge a little bit of money which would be awkward if the game is on here for free anyway!

That's all for now but... that's not in the public version yet! Psst!

I can't help you much without completely dropping spoilers. But try equipping it and look at your stats!

Thank you! We're really happy to hear you enjoyed it!

I searched for that error message and found multiple answers for that problem, some of them on the official RPGMaker forums. I don't know your exact circumstances but it seems like you need to update some Ubuntu related things regarding fonts.

Alternatively you can try running the windows version through Wine.

Yep, this isn't the final public build or anything yet!

I'm not sure how to answer this without putting spoilers into comments!

I tried my hands at an android version but people have told me it is much easier to just play the game on an emulator on your phone.

We have a private Discord server for our supporters, not public otherwise it would be chaos!

Probably not! You can't just walk around and loot other people's property in towns!!

Hi Ceri! The supporter build for Sana is mostly finished, we're just adding more H scenes from time to time. So we're already working on the next game!

I plan to update the public build around the same time or shortly before we finish the first playable version for the next game!

The slime is blocking off the entrance to an upcoming scene. Nothing there yet!

There actually is! But I'm not sure if we have one that matches the current public build. I'll look into it later today and add it if I find a matching version.

Hi Thyke!

We put a status screen that gives you an idea about Sana's... 'progression' into the game already, just this public version is currently a little behind.

I've tried to do an Android release before.

What people have told me is that it's actually easier to just play the normal game on an emulator on your phone instead of getting an Android version to work properly.

Pregnancy stuff is not a focus but it does make an appearance in the current subscriber build.

Yep. But that's in the subscriber build, I wasn't going to mention it here yet!

It unlocks automatically as a roaming event after finishing Karl's Mansion.

It sounds like you've fallen for an april fools joke! Sana's mom can be quite the trickster!

One of the buildings in the first town, close to the Adventurer's Guild.

The tags for the operation system were missing, sorry about that. They're added now.

(1 edit)

I've been told Joiplay works very well, but I can't confirm it myself.

For the next release i'll just add an Android version, that's better than having to do software recommendations.

I know a couple people are playing it on android already. Apparently it is very easy to emulate so there didn't seem to be a need for an android release.

It is not, your game is more recent than the public build.

No, the last added content was the gallery.
Whatever that change 69 days ago was, it must have been something very minor because I don't remember doing it!

Both a popup when you try to enter as well as the readme file thats packed with the game warn you that you will be unable to leave once inside! If you didn't keep a save outside the mansion (as the game tells you to do) then I fear you ran into a dead end.

The poison traps increase her corruption but so does almost everything else. Some main story scenes do change a little bit, for example when Sana meets Kuma for the first time she has a more suggestive dialogue.

The actual hidden lewds weren't very popular, we did get complaints that they were too hard to find and not viewable in the gallery. But it's fun to create so I'll keep doing them anyway.

Depends a little how it will be received. If people enjoy the way we implemented multiple endings then we can do it again. If not we will have to think of something else. I also think good endings are useful to give the bad endings more contrast and meaning!

We also plan to keep on using SubStar & itch for everything, yes.

(1 edit)

It ends there. Before you go in the guards warn you that it's unfinished and you will not be able to leave!

We would try doing animations with one or two scenes first and see if people like it before we decided to have them as an actual feature.

There is a little 15-minute story we released on here, called Fluffy Neighbours. It was a learning project to see what it would even be like to make these types of games. That one might be worth of a remake in the future in order to turn it into a real game. We could make it into a kitchen management game, that might be fun. But that's really far off! After Sana, we already have two other games planned first.

My artist did express interest in doing animations! I decided against it because it ups the effort drastically and this is our first game after all so I want to keep it simple in that regard.

You can find a gallery in the first town, top left area next to the adventurers guild.

According to itchio's support page you are supposed to get a unique link from an email and use that to add it to your own library.

But the picture seems to be from the unlisted page I use for SubStar and Fanbox - maybe because it's a hidden project, it can't be added to a library list? I'm not sure!

Not yet! We decided on putting much more stuff into act 4 so the 'final' release on here is a little delayed. 

The chest is currently inaccessible! You might find a way to reach it later.

A second trip to the mines is currently not in and I'm not sure if it will be made! Fief is currently busy causing mischief in act 4 instead.