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A member registered Sep 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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There are a lot of nice game design ideas and it's fun to play !

I'm working on the new version :), it's going to include new features and easy management of the projects 

IO found it fun and hard to get in the mindset and control the mirrored ones ! Good game

IO found it fun and hard to get in the mindset and control the mirrored ones ! Good game

The game gets hard as you have to place more shoots. Nice little game

nice and fun game

Hello Marwan, thank you for the nice words and interest in this project, this was made with the Godot engine and it was exported to Windows and Linux using the provided function from Godot Team, I mean I just pressed a button. I don't have sadly the technical skills to make real adjustments for Linux. 
If you are able somehow to make it usable for yourself self just let me know, I'd appreciate having some feedback and opinions on how it runs on Linux.

Anyway lately I started working on a new version so updates may come very soon

thank you for playing!

we were aiming to that :) ! Thank you for playing!

thank you :) I was trying to get that old style feel of a 2.5 d game :) 

Very nice concept! Mannaged to do just a small amount of meters though :)

Thank you for playing :) ! Yeah the risk always  is to go off the theme. We approached it this way :)

I thought it would be easier, I learned a lot but still just scratched the surface. I think the approach is different , definitely you need to work with well defined units for buildings especially if you plan to place models by code. Anyway jams are for this, experiment and learn new things. 

thank you very much :) and thank you for playing ! 

all the points you touched are real and are bocuse of time obviously :)!

Things that ar missing are damage animations and hit fX , there was the idea to even fly away with punches the enemies , they should blink when they die .

 For the trash cans there should have been some trigger to tell the player he is too big to even pass that point , so he can’t pass if he is that big . 

And sadly there’s no real ending , the game has very few random generation and it’s mainly about the envoirenment . I tried to make an endless run but it was not working and for lack of time I decided to just place this building blocks . 

This was kinda one our first attenpts to work with 3d and I’m quite happy with the results . 

Thankyou for playing :)

I enjoyed it, not for the theme though. Eventhough I could scale those boxes I never did! 

Here's what I did , I did have fun smashing those robots with the boxes and I used most of the boxes like a shield to protect me from bullets!

Very cozy and relaxing ! I can see the amount of work to make this!

This might be a very cool game, just hard for me. Not good in games where you need to get the right timing

Nice mechanics, it would be nice to have  some envoiremnt variety and a more puzzle approach. 

VERY NICE ! Molto ben fatto, grafica minimal e pulita. Gameplay dalle meccaniche interessanti :) 

Grazie :)! L’idea è stata ridotta all’osso , manca molto di quello che volevamo . Comunque si, si potrebbe chiamare 2.5 D . Abbiamo volutamente usato delle texture per il mondo in modo piato posizionate però in un ambiente 3d , sarebbero in poche parole dei cubi la maggior parte dei oggetti . Per quanto riguarda le animazioni invece sono ispirate alla stop motion e ai giochi di un tempo , tipo street fighter !

and totally natural :) 

is it that evident 😂 ? 
anyway lucky for me my brother took care about the character modeling and animation 

that was the main idea :) 

I’m not sure I understood what you meant (Italian here) but thank you for playing :)

:) we had fun with the stupid idea :) 

It's nice, would be fun as a party game

Very interesting concept. IO found very funny the winning screen! 

I'm a kind of guy who doesn't like to read so that's the only thing I didn't like since I hate reading... 

that's why it was hard to win :)P

Very interesting concept. IO found very funny the winning screen! 

I'm a kind of guy who doesn't like to read so that's the only thing I didn't like since I hate reading... 

that's why it was hard to win :)P

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it was fun to play :) , probably you can store them in an array or dictionary 

nice little game :) , I think there’s a small bug if you check more quests once you got one you can’t get them if you te try to talk to the person (maybe was just my run)

Grazie :)

thank you :)

I'd love to have such effect in game :)

This looks awesome !

keep i up :)

A very nice game ! I wish there were more scenarios/ levels. Anyway please fix the offset of the mouse.

Looking forward for updates :)

Carino il gioco! L'audio alto mi ha un po sconvolto, poi ho risolto. 

Mi piace molto il character design ricorda monster and co

(1 edit)

I did my best ☺️,  hopefully you did the same. Thank you for playing!! Have a nice day

They damage the enemy in a random n umber of the dice type . But yes this is less than a game 😅. It was fun making it and definitely it can be improved. Thank you for playing it:)