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A member registered Mar 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Love the ricochet bullets! And the fact the guns are taking over the factory haha!

Love that you’re just a sentient gun haha. Had fun with this! I like the bullets bouncing around, although it probably did more damage to me than enemies for the first while haha!

Had a look at your game, impressive for the time period!

Love the art in this! Nice storytelling. Pretty impressive for just a week! Great job!

This one was great! Love the idea of fighting against the level itself!

This is great! Love the art style, music works great with the game, and the level design is amazing! Love the idea of fighting against the map! Great job!

Loved it! Crazy concept but really fun haha!

Didnt know shepards went thought all this!

Had a fun time playing! Absurd concept that came together really well!

Liked this one alot! Great idea for a game!

Love the idea of this one! Execution was great too! Was a little confused at first, but got it after a couple loops, which I think is perfect for a time loop game! The music kicking in after choosing the wrong head was a great touch, really helped sell the loop idea!

Checked yours out, I wasnt good enough hahaha

Goddammit Im not good enough to get too far in this haha. Nice job, from what I saw the level design is really good, which it needs to be for a game like this! Loved the simple artstyle, with basic shapes but they have a nice bit of juice on them, with the movement and jumping of Bobert. Would have loved to have played more levels but as I said I suck haha, might come back and give it another go later!

Really enjoyed this one! Left some feedback in a comment

The artstyle and music instantly hooked me in. Wasnt sure what to expect but once I realised what the bar was, I loved it. I could seriously see this being a great story game in the future! I was a little confused on how the “combat” worked, a tutorial of some sort would have been great, even if it was just a slower version of a regular round. Wasnt too sure if I should be trying to make drinks that match their mood or trying to do the opposite. With the music, sometimes the boss’s music would be way louder than anything else, meaning I was turning up and down the volume after each round, just something to note maybe :)

You could really create some deep story moments here, and again, the art and music was amazing!

Checked it out! Nice job! Left a comment on my thoughts there

I had fun! Could see this being great with a few more updates! Some things I think could be worked on

  • Sensitivity options for the mouse would be great
  • Sometimes hovering over a farm tile wouldnt bring the popup, made me have to wiggle a little bit to properly be able to water
  • Some warnings over near-dying crops would be very handy.
  • Could be linked to the sensitivity but a fov slider would be great, felt too closed in for me personally

I liked the fact you could overwater the plants, made you be careful not to just overwater everything, you had to be mindful. Could definitely be expanded with renting bigger farms, more crops, even livestock. Looking forward to seeing it in the future!

I liked it! Thought the flashlight mechanic was really nice!

I really liked this! Was actually very calm and peaceful, and then the first night when I first heard “Watch your back” I actually jumped a little haha. I liked the flashlight mechanic of keeping the ghosts/monsters at bay, and liked how each day you could only do one type of exploring, meaning you have to work with what you have at night. With some more work I could see this being a very good cosy game, with a frightening night time. With a good story worked in as well could be great! Looking forward to seeing this in the future if you decide to keep working on it!

Played yours! Rated and commented :D Nice work!

I really enjoyed the spell making element of this! Wish there were more options for different types, possibly better for different types of enemies. Would love to see what else could be made with a system like this, maybe stored spells that you create that are more powerful and keybinds to use them on cooldown. That way you could really customise what type of powers your character has. Like rather than just damage, ice that slows enemies or fire that damages and spreads.

Overall well done! Had fun with it

Thanks! Will add yours to my list of downloads for when Im on my personal computer! Will be later today :)

Love the idea! Good execution! Really like the sound effects, and really enjoyed the trial and error of some of the levels to see where exactly it would lead you.

Great job!

Would love to get a good amount of ratings done in the next couple days, send on your games! I like giving feedback and love to see how other people interpret the theme and what type of games are made!

Would really appreciate any feedback on my game also :

Glad my job isnt in an office like this haha! Really creepy vibe in the office halls. No idea how you did the three tasks in 53 seconds! I feel like just walking to the paper room and back took longer haha.

Really nice job! This could definitely be expanded upon! With more tasks and maybe more interactions, either in the hallway or on the computer. Maybe even Dave emails back haha

Looking forward to seeing what ye do with it in the future!

This is incredible! I cant believe this was done in just a week with just one person. While playing I was thinking there must have been 2 or 3, but seriously congrats!

Took a little bit to figure out the mechanics, was confused at people asking for stuff I couldnt make, not realising I had to buy the upgrades to make them. Wish maybe I could slow time at the start to figure out how it works before getting too fast.

Other than that, great job! Impressive work in a game jam!

Nice game! Got a little confused at the start at how to attack properly and quickly got overwhelmed lol Wish you could shoot projectiles towards the mouse rather than always straight forward as it makes for some weird times where its best to just stand still against a wall and shoot, get hit and heal as much as you can, rather than strategically move. Also possibly a bug where I could just walk into the next levels, right to the end. One last thing I noticed is the Charge button in the main menu may have a weird hitbox when in fullscreen. Overall nice job! Liked the audio and art, liked the theme

Impressive score! Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks! Was going for stressful haha. Nice job on the score!

Thank you so much! Really glad you enjoyed!

Thank you! I have to fix the hitboxes I think. Glad you had fun!!

Thanks for playing!!

Thank you so much! I’m really glad you and your sister had fun!

Lol I had a similar idea. Nice job, I liked the back and forth of checking different spots. I sploded :(

The cut back to Mr Angry the first time got a good laugh out of me haha Nice job and nice level design!

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed! I think for sure the switches and buttons need some extra work.

Love the mechanic of the ingredients making the spells. Fun to learn the different combinations and how to use them. As well as that, the whole game felt really smooth, nice art-style too. Definitely has a lot of potential!

Bought her flowers, got hit by a car… Never got a good date :( Nice game, had a fun time playing!

Really creative idea! Could maybe use some polish on the card use, felt like something I would use a card and it wouldnt register. Would be cool maybe to see a layout of the area and be able to build a deck for the level, and then have the drawn cards be randomised from that.

I cannot believe this was done in a week, this is so amazing. The gameplay feels smooth, the tutorials area great, the characters are cute. Very fun game, got me stressed out though haha. I know its alot but a co op mode would make this a game I would keep coming back to over and over