Thank you for an excellent experience! It was a great time.
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Played this game with my kids and it was a great time! Everyone had a blast and we really enjoyed the system. Full experience and short review here:

I was like, midway through chapter 3 and the game crashed in the middle of the fight, on the enemy's turn.
Like I said, I know it's late, but I saw this comment and figured I'd let you know. Otherwise, excellent game! Well done.
Game Title/URL:
Pitch/Information: Your mother sends you into the woods around your house to collect ingredients for a potion.
I'd like feedback on: Anything, or ask anything.
Glad to help!
Honestly, I'm not as familiar with working with the fonts in GMS2 as I was in GM:S, so I'd have to look into and get back to you. As for the journal, you could set up an array (like the inventory) and have it update with notes at points in the story. Just have it draw and delete itself (Black rectangle over the screen, disable player input except for J, and then draw the array on top) whenever the player presses "J". At least, that's what I would do to keep with the simplicity of the tutorial.
From what I gather, you're getting stuck AFTER you've played through the game once.
If that is the case, it sounds like your issue is that you've got a variable set, and not resetting it to default after the game has reset. I recommend checking over all of your variables, then go through and make sure your case statements are all written properly as well.
If this still doesn't fix it, or if I am misunderstanding your issue, please send me your code so that I can get a better grasp of your situation!
Thank you!
All of the code is commented on what an how it works. What kind of documentation would you need? Be as specific as possible and I can see what I can do for you.
As far as the blank screen, what version are you running? This was designed with desktop platforms in mind. (Windows, Linux, Mac), so if you're targeting another platform you'll need to adjust the code for the needs of that platform.
As for a test build, sure. I can package one up and supply it with a re-upload.