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A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Aha! My entry for the jam is also in this "what?" category I would say. Def the weirdest I've made!

(1 edit)

What in world have I just played?


A Digital Ocean VPS (, as I said in the comment. Only that and Nakama, to be fair. The rest was all the server made in Godot.

Nakama itself is free, but you do have to host it yourself. In my case, I also hosted in the Digital Ocean VPS, so both Nakama and the Godot server were running on it

About the authentication in Brave Hamlet Online, we used a opensource pre-built game server called Nakama ( Nakama took care of auth and saving the players inventory and money. All the rest was our server made in Godot

I didn't use Hathora on Brave Hamlet Online, as Hathora is best for match-based games (when you have a room, everybody enters, plays and eventually it's over). Brave Hamlet Online was a 24/7 MMORPG game with a single server, so I spinned up a server inside a Digital Ocean VPS (that costed $48/month, although for a small game like that I probably could have used a $12/month, but I just didn't have the time to test it). Hathora is not free, but you gain $200 when you sign in to test the service. After that, you are charged for how much time a server was running (so this means that if no one plays your game, you are charged nothing). For a match-based game, I think it's very worth it.

Hi! I used a service called Hathora ( to manage my servers. It's not so different then what you found on tutorials. Essentially, instead of you clicking "host" on the game in your PC, Hathora will spin the server for you, and then the client can connect to it. The server rooms are also populated by Hathora, so you can just request for it and show in your game. I recommend entering their Discord Server, so they can help you out. Other way of doing it is getting a Server in AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean etc and spinning up the server yourself, although this will be harder if you never did it before. Good luck =)

Unfortunately no, the server was way too expensive for us to keep up for a 4-days project with no players. But if you are planning to do a MMO and using Godot, you are welcome to hit us up on Discord, username is eranot. Cheers.

The movement feels so good, congrats!

Seems like a cool concept and the art is nice. Something like Worms. Unfortunatly I couldn't shoot, so I wasn't able to play properly =(

Pretty cute art =)

You only need to click wherever you want to look. But maybe its under something =)

Art looks good!

Good job!

Really good mechanics, and the story is very creative! (*high five* we are fishing game bros)

As people have said, its a bit easy as you can just keep spawning, but mechanics are great

Nice mechanic! Wish I could play without geting my hands away from the keyboard to go to next level or restarting, so a shortkey would be nice :)

The ideia is wonderful, but its so god damn fast!

Awesome puzzle, almost couldn't finish ahaha

Easily one of the best games here!

Lonk kinda froze dancing mocking me hahahaha. Art style is easily 5 stars.

Some things could be improved, like makeing the shuriken less OP (as it gives me no reason to use the melee attack). Buts its great for 48h!

Cool ideia, could be expandend with more content if it weren't for the 48h

My game crashed on level 6, but the ideia is really good, congrats!

I should have made it more clear haha. You just have to stand with your tail above the egg for some seconds, so it can get warm!

Not at all the type of game I usually play, but this is really good. Glad I found it among the Trijam entries.

Looks like Firefox does not support yet. For now, to do so, itch should request a trial in this link to the "COEP: credentialless" feature. This should  be straight-forward tho. Maybe mods could pass this request to Leafo?

I re-read this explanation and now I got it. Looks like we can't do anything until Firefox supports the right header (or other option is created). Kinda wanted to have an option to change the header also in the main page, but I'm not totally aware how this would impact the security. It's a shame for Godot 4 users, as we cannot disable the SharedArrayBuffer use =/

Hello! I'm stuck with an error on my HTML5 game saying that the correct headers for the use o SharedArrayBuffer are not being sent, but only on Firefox! On Chrome or Edge looks like it's fine.

I have selected the check "SharedArrayBuffer support" on my game configuration (and after that, the game started to work on Chrome, but not on Firefox). Also, I read the statement about this function here.

Weirdly enough, the game kinda works on the embed link. I say kinda because although it does load, the mouse positions are always looks wrong, and fullscreen is way off (on Chrome it looks right).

Links for testing:
Main link (works on Chrome, not on Firefox):
Embed link (works on Chrome, kinda on Firefox):

Chrome version:  108.0.5359.94 (on Ubuntu 22)
Firefox version: 108.0.1 (on Ubuntu 22)

Thanks for the help!


Hey! I also had this problem, the solution was to export on beta 2. Didn't try it yet, but I hope it was fixed on beta 4. I also had some other problems after fixing this one, so if you wanna talk, hit me up at Discord Eranot#1820 =)

Damn! Looks like Firefox does not enable this fuction by default. Too bad. Hope Godot 4 will let us disable multi-threading just like in 3. Thanks for sharing the error =)

Hi! In which plataform did you try to run? Desktop or Mobile? And in which browser? Looks like some browsers wont let the app run because of multi-threading (not yet possible to disable in Godot 4, I'm afraid). For me, it works fine on Desktop and Android if I use Google Chrome.

Cool puzzles, took me some time to solve them all. Only thing is that you could have spend a little more time writing the letters, some were pretty hard to identify haha!

Haha, hit me up at Discord if you want a tip ;) Eranot#1820

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you felt nostalgic, cause that's what I was aiming for =)

Thanks for the feedback! I certainly did some puzzles that I regret now, but I guess that's how the jams go haha.

There is a clue that will work =)

Thanks for playing!

Eu ri alto quando vi o cavalo montado no esqueleto UYDGFUYDSAGFUY

Maybe you gotta use the broom to reach places you couldn't without ;)