A nice little game. At first I was not sure how it worked, but overall I can see, that this concept could be expanded in the future.
For a first game, it is nice.^^
In theory it should work, because the plugin uses the Gamepad API from Javascript, which can get the haptic actuators from your connected gamepad. This means, the API should find your oculus quest 2 controllers and their actuators for the vibration/rumble function.
Here you can look at the API in detail. It also mentions controllers similar to the oculus quest 2.
When you try my plugin, you can write me, if it works.
Ok, thanks for the answer. I will explain it shortly. You have two possible ways to start vibrations of the gamepad. The first one is the script call function vibrateGamepad(). This function can be called inside Event Pages. There you have the typical event commands like show text and similar things. One command has the title "Script" or "Script Call":
If you click on it, you get the Script Call Window. Inside of it, you can add the vibration call like this:
A second method to add vibrations is via a notetag inside of a skill.
Oh, don't wonder, if the text of the Maker is different. I'm from Germany, so the text in the RPG Maker is in German.^^ I hope, this explanation helps a little. :)
Thank you for your feedback.
It seems very odd, because the script call vibrateGamepad(time, delay, strength) should cause a vibration normally. For now, you are the first one to describe this problem, so I'm not sure, if I can solve the issue.
As for a tutorial, the text is very detailed and using the plugin does not differ much from other plugins for the RPG Maker. If something in my description is unclear, don't be shy to ask. I will gladly answer your questions as best as I can.
I have also some questions for you to rule out some common errors, which happened to me, too:
1. Did you check, if the plugin is activated?
2. Is your controller capable to vibrate? For example, I have one controller, which cannot vibrate.
I used a Windows PC to test the plugin, but I used a BlueTooth connection to connect the controllers to the computer. With this method, it was possible to use the controllers in an RPG Maker Game. The controllers I used, were the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons. If you have a controller with the capability to use BlueTooth, it could work with a mac.
I personally don't own a mac, so I won't know, if this is the correct solution, but nevertheless I hope, I could help you a little bit.
I had not enough time to upload all songs, I'm sorry. One song I could recommend is Robotic Ursurper, which you can hear here: https://youtu.be/BhPICDorhaU
I'm not sure how this could've occured. Normally the pure song outside of the game sounds alright to me. Maybe some other thing occured on the game what influenced the overall sound experience. Another possibility could be, that the stereo panorama of the different instruments are to distant to each other, so this bitonal effect occures. I'm not sure, if I can fix such a problem. Nevertheless I really appreciate your additional answer on my question. It might help me to improve the quality of my creative work. :)
By the way I reworked some aspects of the song, because of some feedback of the dev. Maybe the new version will be better, although I'm unsure, when the new song will be implemented inside the game itself.
Edit: The dev showed me the video of the bitonal effect and it seems to be a game bug. It is really strange indeed.
Thank you for your comment!😄
I will try to explain how it works. In Tiled you can create several tile layers with unique names. Then you fill them with tiles, which have their own IDs, which were created by Tiled, when you imported a tileset. Then you export the map with all its layers as a JSON file. Inside the JSON exists an array for all layers. Inside each tile layer you can find an array named data, which is filled with numbers. These numbers represent the tiles you've drawn earlier in Tiled, so these numbers are the new Region IDs.
To use them, you load the JSON file with a notetag in the map properties in the RPG Maker map. When the map is loaded inside the game, all marked events and the player will get so-called Region Detectors. Region Detectors are new objects, which are detecting the Region ID of a certain Region Layer depending on the position of the player or an event they're assigned to. So an event or the player have several Region Detectors depending on the number of tile layers created in Tiled. This means that one position on the map contains several Region IDs. For example the player is standing on position 3|3, then the Region Detector for "Layer1" detects Region ID 5 and the detector for "Layer2" detects Region ID 7.
To get the information you need, the Script Call getRegionID(eventID, layerName) will return all needed information. In this way conditional branches can be created with these Script Calls.
I hope I could explain it properly. If not, feel free to ask. I'm always willing to answer your questions.🙂
Hello, thank you for your positive feedback. To answer your question, yes, you can share this pack on Reddit. I'm really happy you want to share my work with others. I just ask you for the link to your Reddit post, because I'm always curious about possible reactions my package might get. I hope, that's understandable.😃
Oh, sad to hear that. My sympathies. I hope you can handle your big loss. About Discord, I'll send you my name, because you seem to have forgotten to send me your Discord id. It is understandable, that you've forgotten the number behind your user name, because you have a hard time now. Because of this I send you my discord name, so you can contact me, when you feel ready.
My Discord name: Eric the Funny Baron#4168
Hello, thank you for your kind and positive feedback. I'm happy to help you with my music.
I don't have planned any new music packs in the near future. This fact may change, if I have enough inspiration and time for new music for a music pack. I hope the music from the music pack will help you a lot in the future.