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Erik Oussoren

A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow, quite fun! And it feels pretty good to play too!
I got to 2000 :)

I actually like the bounce, it adds to the challenge!

Fun! Took me a bit to realize how this fitted the theme, but I got it haha

Also, I can't be the only one who decided to turn around and hit em from the front, right? >:)

Cool Garlic like!

I like the node idea, i'd love to see how it could be expanded. A little easy buut I still had fun! Played till I couldn't upgrade no more :)

Enjoy the demo!
If you find any bugs feel free to leave a comment down here

~Erik, one of the devs ~

I did not quite understand what I was doing, feedback was kind of lacking. Maybe you can add some explanation to the Itch page, to make the stats & icons more clear?

Interesting idea! I do think the movement needs to be either a lot faster, or the levels should be smaller and more puzzle-like. The ice section was a pleasant surprise as well :)

Now I want rectangular bananas in real life xD

Thanks! I didn't feel like making art digitally lol and I always enjoy doodling :)

Oh boy, this game is soo stressful to me. It's very simple, but just having to manage and trade these resources to keep them up real-time, it's a really interesting kind of stressful situation to me. Very cool! A thing to add is something to work towards, like a big reward of a lot of one resource, so you won't have to worry about that resource for a little while.

Oh, I didn't think of having to take them up, that might be interesting.. Then you also have to be careful not to drop them all the way back down! I might experiment with that idea :D

Haha this is pretty fun! I like having to find safe spots to wait in the second level. I wonder how to add to this idea tho. Maybe eventually zooming the camera out and making the hair bigger on later levels. Or maybe the clients want only specific pieces of hair to be cut, so you have to be even more careful.

This game taught me to put water on my hair as fast as possible to prevent hair loss xD
But in all seriousness, that seems to be the best way at the moment to keep as much hairs as possible. Just switch to the watering can immediately and spam it all over his head. Might be something you could balance differently.

Thanks. I'm thinking of ways to add some more strategy, like an energy bar that depletes as you mash, and a mechanic to escape eachothers grip. I hope that will make it more challenging and make the matches last longer :)

Yes, that's the plan :)

I didn't have time to implement that mechanic yet.

Nice! Like other people already said, it could be a little harder and more fun to play if you work on making the movement smoother and less snappy. Also, a clearer form of pressure to go fast could maybe make it more engaging.

Also, good job for actually making a menu :) 

Nice! Is immediately pretty fun to control. Makes me think of Ape Out, using people as human shield.

My immediate thought was, if it's Samurai Shopping, it could be fun if you have to fill your shopping cart to get the points. So get the stuff on your sword to a specific location.

Excited to see where this goes!

I played before the explanation, so I was a little confuzed. But interesting idea!

My suggestion would be maybe add some challenge (or illusion of challenge) to getting the flowers. Maybe add a timer that doesn't actually do anything, just to toy with the player even more.

Good job! :)


It actually IS co-op! I updated the page with the controls for both players.

So there is no AI. That's why the enemy isn't lively, it doesn't do anything when it isn't being controlled :P

Heel cool concept! Ik snap dat je misschien bewust geen visual feedback wil doen, maar misschien iets duidelijkere feedback wanneer wat gebeurt kan handig zijn.

Klopt het dat er soms meer vijanden tegelijk op je af komen? Want ik denk snel dat ik de vijand al heb gepakt, en dan ga ik alsnog dood. Naar mijn idee is het dan erg moeilijk om te weten waar de vijand vandaan komt.

En misschien moet je denken aan een penalty voor als je alle vier de knoppen spamt, want dat is nu de makkelijkste manier om ver te komen.

Misschien een suggestie: voeg een geluid toe van voetstappen die langzaam harder word voor de slash. Misschien maakt dat het te makkelijk? I dunno.

Anyway, nice! lekker bezig!

(1 edit)

I'm confuze. Wat zijn de controls? Dan edit ik deze reply wel als ik weet hoe ik moet spelen :)

edit: ah, nice! is best leuk! Misschien de cubes wat hoger plaatsen? want nu moet je ruim boven de cubes klikken voordat het pas telt. 
Meer feedback is een goed idee. Zou leuk zijn als het zwaard de muis een beetje volgt.

Also, ik ben big noob, I can't make it :P

(1 edit)

Nice! Interessant concept, ik ben benieuwd hoe je dit zou kunnen uitbreiden. Hoe het nu is is niet super challenging. Soms begin je gewoon in een situatie waar je niet verder kan, maar toen dat niet zo was kon ik de enemies vrij snel in een hoek drijven. Vanaf daar was het gewoon 1 voor 1 afpikken totdat ik een domme fout maak.

Movement was soms janky, bijv. dat ik soms 2 squares tegelijk bewoog als ik dat niet wilde.

Uitleg was heel duidelijk!