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A member registered Nov 19, 2020

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May I suggest making a stock, don't open till you have four of every potion already made

(2 edits)

[Thought Only from Demo]
It is nice and the atmosphere along with delayed impute in nice, however I find the experience to be less tactile than I would like. If there was more of a hurdle than "left click mouse" I would appreciate it. The way it is now makes it look like I am an operator but does not feel like I am.

A simple idea of this would be having to manually type "-x, -y" for movement along with maybe adding ":-insert context-" to forewarn what you are transmitting.

Move here                               |  Unknown Object        |   Noteworthy Debris
[-056, -507]                            |   :UKO                                 |    :FOD
Gets character to move  |  An object to inspect  |  Change in original                                                                                                                                  structure

This would give the delayed impute a more tactile feel and a light layer of learning all the acronyms. This does however come at a down side, the Salvor needs to be able to react and move on their own accord based on the commands given/ungiven and external stimuli. Make it so you feel and look like the player is an operator and not the Salvor would also heighten the fear and tension of passive observation.

This would require a whole lot of programing, lot more dialog, and a lot of time so please take this comment as a thought experiment rather than a suggestion.


"Are you Dude of Guy or are you Girl of Gal?"

I tried sifting through the itch page but could not find the answer to the question of what sex the playable character is

(1 edit)

Sounds like these people want to make a 2D Sifu

this was suppose to be a compliment. . . . . . . .

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Just keep going and I bet you'll keep doing well

A good way to put it for you is: For a game about walking and doing a simple task it is great.

All you press for the entire game [I did three in game days] is w,a,d,e and do so in a boring way. Sprites look nice though with sufficient animation.

All you press for the entire game [I did three in game days] is w,a,d,e and do so in a boring way. Sprites look nice though with sufficient animation.

Anyone else completely unfazed by such high pitched voices?
Great VA btw

fun game . . .yeah

My favorite is the lonely queen path and go full Queen of England

Baby Brother must be protected >:3

If it is of no hassle to you, may you keep me in mind for voice acting if and when you desire it?

here's hoping

Are there any plans on adding a sex change to the character creator?

Whenever you plan on hiring VO work, I'll send an audition if you wish. Good luck 

Will this game have any new voice work added. From monsters to characters?

When you invest to buy the game on Itch do updates come for free or would you need to buy it again?

Sorry for the laten reply
You can view my work here

from that page you may see the other gigs I perform and good luck on the game.

If you can fulfill those dreams, you can reach out to me as I do good quality voice acting.

I do voice acting for games so if you are in need for voices for the full game I can help.

Do you plan on adding any new voice work to the game?

Are there any plans on adding new voice works to the game?

Do you plan to add any new voice work?

Are you planning on adding any new voice work to the game?

Are there plans on adding any new voice work to the game?

If you need someone to do monstruous voice work, I can help with that.

Is there a need for voice work for this game?

Will you be adding any new voiced content to the game?

I will attach a comment here to also find out about this.

 "follow her from home"-9th paragraph
I would disagree with these points for this changes the scenario and thus setting. A system to grind toward is a good idea but I don't think it should be structured that way. Instead it being a unlockable toggle gained from an achievement to dressing less. Yet the idea of more precarious outfits, were a mistake might leave you wearing less, would be interesting.

Basically I would not want the status quo to change and rather stay stagnate. Focusing on other aspects of Roshutu. Also not lessening starting clothing as a depravity meter reward .

Everything else is some great thoughts and I too would like to see these introduced into the game.

I suggested a character reaction. If you are close the character would look over or do a surprised yelp.

Game dead. . . . . . ?

This is a great game. . . .and that is come'n form my view from about a year ago. I mention that because I have been saving the rest of this great game for ONE (kinda two) reasons. No complaint really just one of those "don't want to spoil the game before release" reasons and that is the potential addition of the female player character. So I will be the happy one waiting for that update or full release in a feverous stand for this to come. Can't wait to sink my teeth into this on release day. . . .when ever it comes.  

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. . .the last comment is two years. . .am I too late or something or is the game go'n get that update "DuskFaun608" mentioned? Either way lets see what it is about. . . . . . .

I actually like the idea of having to constantly hold the sword. . .so I think that is one of those "make it an option for the player" things.

It could be set on a timer system. First there will be an audio cue and tilted head towards the cloth if you are close. If you pass them again after some time later (3min) then some effect on the cloth will help give them away.

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I also Think there should be interactable objects to masterbate with. Also a fun joke of a shirt that says Master Debater. 

The only other thing is to make any new feature togglable in a menu.