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A member registered Jul 08, 2023

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I think it would also be cool to have the option to have AI vs AI matches (like X toggles 1st AI and C toggles the 2nd AI or something similar)

Hi,  I was wondering if, in the future, it will be possible to set ON/OFF the stun bar that lowers when taking hits or when vessels struggle inside the stomach. 

In the first versions of the game this mechanic was not yet implemented and I honestly prefer it that way (in the current version it's easy to defeat enemies because they get stunned so easily if targeted, also making them vulnerable to being eaten).

I know that, if that mechanic is put offline, game balance changes drastically and abilities that rely on status ailment would suffer from it, but I would prefer having more debuff abilities instead of having a "hit enough times and a stun is guaranteed" condition.

Thanks for the explanation!

How do you make her eat more than one other person? I couldn't figure out a way to do so

Hi, I'm a big fan of your game and I was wondering if there is a discord server for this game. If that's so, is it public or are there requirements to join it?

The game looks very promising, is there any idea of when the demo or the full game will be released?

Damn, I really am dumb, I forgot she said that XD

 Although it does not help that if you try to talk to the lamia again she does not tell you anymore. 

Thanks for the help and sorry for my frustration about that!

The two trading npcs lead to dead ends, both lamias lead to dead ends, the only characters who don't kill you are the two nuns in the village but they don't make you progress,  the task board looked pretty useless to me. I guess I'm just dumb and I can't figure out what to do then.

Can someone help me? If I go to the Teocracy or the forest there's a lamia that does not let you pass, in the city you can't do anything. You can't even interact with the background buildings.

What are you supposed to do in this game? 

Alright, thank you for the clarification and I hope you the best with your game!

(1 edit)

I was playing in 0.9.0 and my bad, I didn't read your past comments as I was still having my first playthrough and didn't want anything spoiled.

I'm glad the healing issue with that boss is fixed. 

Another thing, is my gallery completed with all the current fights? (still 0.9.0)

I don't know if the middle holes are supposed to be there, so I would like to know if I skipped some encounters (most likely).

I remember there being an enemy that interacts with you when you sleep but I don't think I've fought it.

Also, as you can see from the image, the duo fight against the mermaids is missing. Maybe it was fixed in the latest updates, but the duo only shows in the defeat scenes.

Is the game abandoned? 

In the Ucogi Home Page it shows every enemy coloured (meaning it's in the game) but the game's link still says it's the demo.

Also the last development update was almost 2 years ago, so I don't really know what to expect. 

I have played the demo years ago and I came to check if it was finished or not. Can someone clarify the current situation please?


So I have gone far enough into the game in my experience  and I would suggest a few balancing fixes about some of the harder fights in the late game.

The first time I noticed a fight to be much more reliant on luck is when I fought the Queen Bunny in the casino(which is also better named "Bunny Queen" in english, but it doesn't matter). 

The annoying thing about that encounter is that if you randomly get grabbed 3 times you automatically lose not because you get much weaker, but for the fact that the enemies completely refills their health, thus making the fight impossible. Other than that detail, I think the fight is balanced.

The second annoying fight I encountered was against Fu, the fighter guarding the vampire dungeon entrance in the bottom right of the castle.

The mechanics in this encounter are interesting and you can't just brute force this fight with dps, rather you have to pay attention to your current debuffs. The main issue here is that the enemy gets to play not once, but twice per turn. This is the most frustrating factor of this fight as the enemy can do whatever they want and you have little to do about it. 

If she uses twice the Nightmare Sly, it's pretty much a oneshot. If she spams the agility debuff you are also fucked because you have to remove it as soon as possible to avoid being drained and the fact that she gets to act before you means she can drain you in that instanand this does not enable any counterplay from the player.

The same issue (2 turns for enemies) can be said about the fight against Leena, the second mermaid as she has such good stats that she can outheal any of your damage . In particular, dealing damage to her with the strongest of my abilities would deal like 10k damage and she would heal for like 25k health per cast, making this another unbalanced encounter in my opinion.

Finally, the last fight I found myself stuck at the duo fight against the mermaids as if you get stunned in any way possible you get drained and success chances lower by a lot.

As I was writing this message, I gave the duo fight a few more tries and I managed to barely get past it using a combination of the Tornado ability spam and hoping for critical hits. I still think that this duo fight is also unbalanced as the enemies have plentiful ways of stunning you at any time.

In my experience, the fights mentioned above were quite frustrating to get past, especially the Fu one so I would suggest giving them some changes. Still, I'm not a game developer and I only wanted to share my thought as a player. I also think that the scenes are well-made and the game's mechanics are quite unique from the plenty other games I played.

No problem!

Anyways good job with your game, I really like it!

I have been playing right now and I just found another bug. I was inside of the succubus castle on the "leaves" path and, as I teleported from there to a town, the wind sound effect kept playing.

Maybe that's the way my audio got bugged with the DarknessHere sound effect as well.

Whenever that happened I would load a previous file to fix the issue and it also fixed itself once as you said, so I'm not hearing it anymore.

I've tried going back to a few places where I think heard the bug sound but I don't remember where they were.

I've looked in the Audio->BGM files and I think it's the DarknessHere sound effect.

Another thing, I've found this spot here and I think it wasn't intended to do what it did.

That water spot teleported me forward into the game after a cutscene, teleporting me inside of the Succubus Castle(I think?) between the 2 towers.

That made me skip like 5 or 6 fights so I guessed it's another bug.

Also, is there a quest related to the betting system you can perform with Sandra? (Something like "do a number of bets to unlock a quest" or "win a number of bets to unlock a quest")

I got to this place by going east in the jiming crossroad, then entered the forest cave and used the right entrance (when there are the 2 paths that lead to eachother inside of the cave) and then entered the first cave along the way.

Also, is there a way to fix a bugged sound effect in the game? I found myself having a permanent sound effect (I don't really know how to describe it, it's like the ominous sound effect that you hear when entering portals to "other dimension" or stuff like that) and even after leaving the area it sticks around forever. If there's a way to fix it, it would be really helpful!

Does anyone know the threshold after which a character becomes overstuffed and if it differs between normal and hard mode?

I've just started an hard mode NG+ and I noticed that the characters gets overstuffed much easier, or maybe it's just my impression.

I have found a yellow herb in the cave east of the jiming paths but it doesn't let me get it, is it intentional or a bug?

if you make her drink 4 beers, the next day she will be weakened if you decide to fight her, i don't think giving her soda or coke does anythin

Cowtastic Cafe community · Created a new topic 10/10 game!

This game was very well-made and enjoyable! Will there be more content in the future (new gamemodes, bigger sizes and such) or does its development finish here? Either way, amazing work.