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Adam Vlčko

A member registered Aug 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really great game. the vibe is lovely, the background isnt as detailed which i love since it doesnt distract you and the atmosphere is just awesome!!!

True got inspired. But the true inspiration came from Reddit post.

But thanks for letting me know I will put his Twitter in the description.

Its awesome!!

Doesn't work for me either windows 10

This is super good and done by only one person??? Great work.

yeah i know

Do you think it is enough to put the docs on github?



Yeah I should make it a little more forgiving... Thanks for your opinion!

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btw you cant have .exe seperated from the other folders

you might need xna framework downloaded but i dont know

where did you open it like what folde

Ok after long hours i got it done! I needed to do it through git bash... Thanks for letting me know!

Did you extract it? Please describe it. thanks

Thanks so much. It always warms my heart to hear such a thing!

Sorry. Do you know which one?

(1 edit)

I just did, its not unity tho


Bug report!

I just got bug which allowed me to choose locked character!

What I did:

1.Bought character

2.Exit the game

3.Came back

4. I had the same money as before buying the character, it showed as locked, but I already had it selected...

Nice job. Really cool mechanic!

The loop is when you complete one level. 

I Love it


Thanks a lot. ❤❤❤

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Maybe its because of OpenGL. Can you share the bugs in #Bugs channel? I would love to fix it. Also thanks for letting me know. 🙏