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Falco Falcone

A member registered Sep 08, 2022

Recent community posts

(4 edits)

I'm a guy and I guess I therefore have an innate tendency to look for a male protagonist's viewpoint with regard to sexual strategy and encounters in these AVN storylines. Having said that I'm thankfully no purist and have, over time, learnt the benefit of adopting a very open mind when choosing which type of AVN to support and why, hence my being here now extolling the virtues of Jonesy's amazing creations.

Anyway, I never for one moment got the impression, going in, that either "Christmas Eve" or "New Year's Daye" had a male protagonist. It seems clear as Daye that both are driven exclusively by their female lead characters and rightly so because, in my opinion, therein lies the true source of the success of both these masterpieces. In fact, to me, in comparison with many male protagonist AVNs, this male character plays an incredibly passive role in proceedings which, again I think, is what makes these stories so brilliantly heart-warming.

Much of the freshness and originality in these two tales is derived from the fact that although the sexuality underlies much of the story and permeates almost every scene, the mechanic, if you like, of being driven almost entirely by the young female leads and their natural curiosity, mischief and adventurousness completely bursts the usual balloon of illicit, surreptitious "pervyness" that envelopes so many of the "family-orientated", if you get my meaning, titles possessing a male protagonist.

It is this lack of sordidness which makes the storyline almost innocent and, as a result, all characters so endearing to we who are fortunate enough to have discovered these with the wonderful addition of "Siren Song"...there you go, Jonesy, a totally deserving and shameless plug for you!...three, of course, marvellously creative gems.

Anyway, enough is enough. Suffice to say I endorse all that you say Rocket Girl. I, like I am certain all of Jonesy's supporters, feel very fortunate to be here and look forward to continuing our journey together all the way to the end of the line.

Dear Boring Games

It's all sorted! support have freed up the Steam Key and corrected their records on both this and four of the other titles I have purchased previously purchased on 

Thanks for your close attention and my apologies once again for bothering you. I very much look forward to enjoying your masterpiece on Steam and, of course, contributing a positive review in support of the cause.

Grateful thanks and very best wishes for the further success of this and future titles. 


Hi there!

Good news, I think. I've just today been contacted by support and I am hopeful that I have the information they tell me they require in order to take steps in resolving this issue.

I'm hoping now that this can be worked out to everyone's satisfaction.I regret having had to bother you guys at all, but hopefully now I won't need you to become any further involved. 

Thanks for replying at all and thanks especially for replying quickly. I appreciate it. I'm very sorry to have bothered you at all.


Attn: dear Boring Games (a misnomer if ever I saw one)

I have a problem. I tried to download my Steam Key, but, have sent the verification email to an originally WRONG address. I have already in the past corrected and verified with them my correct email address. So a few days ago I emailed support attaching screenshots showing the differences in email addresses and confirming the fact that I've previously verified with itch the correct one, and asked them again to correct their records. I've heard nothing at all, so I don't know whether support doesn't exist or they are perhaps massively busy or they are just plain ignoring me. I'm anxious to claim my Steam Key in case you run out of them. 

I don't know if you can or will do anything to help me. I'll, of course, be happy to send you the very same proof of the situation as I've sent to to prove my dilemma and the authenticity of my claim. If you are willing to help me, please let me know how you want to handle this, just let me know here and I'll be happy to oblige. I'd prefer not to post my email address publicly here, but if that's what it will take in order for you to initiate the process, then so be it. Please just let me know how to proceed here.

Thanks for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.


(3 edits)

These images certainly rekindle warm reminiscences in both heart and mind of the wonderful story and characters of "Christmas Eve". That is in no way meant to imply any reservation on my part concerning originality or future success.

For should that even be the case, we all know by now that we can surely expect no less than another totally enchanting and irresistibly endearing story, expertly and lovingly crafted by a creator already proven to be immensely talented and relentlessly dedicated to his art, his craft and most assuredly, the satisfaction of his audience. 

I feel absolutely sure that in "A Siren Song" Jonesy will be setting sail, with all of us, I feel sure, once more eagerly crowded aboard, on a markedly different voyage of discovery to that upon which we all originally embarked aboard its illustrious predecessors.

I therefore look forward unconditionally to what our maestro is once again composing for us all, hopefully too, as intended, in good time to make next year's St Valentine's Day even more memorable for us all. 

Fantastic news about sales of "Christmas Eve"!! Every single extra cent is truly well deserved. I'm also so very pleased that more people are discovering the exquisite pleasure of meeting, getting to know and, above all, sublimely enjoy lovely, little effervescent Evey too.

(2 edits)

Dear 3DRComics,

It's good to know that you are pacing yourself(ves) and not rushing, unnecessarily, to meet deadlines. Sure, we'd all love to have an update every two weeks from you, but we aren't the ones faced with the creative and productive workload alongside a real life with all that living in these, at best, unless we are wealthy, trying times entails too.

Besides, for me, all that you've produced thus far has been, and I am quietly hopeful will continue to be, well worth any waiting on my part. That, in itself, in conjunction with keeping us all up to date with developments and any obstacles, more than compensates for everything else.

I love all your girls and I am really enjoying the intrigue of the story itself, the emotional drives, physical urges and conflicts among significantly different personalities, experiential histories and individual circumstances. I find it very pleasing that you are, very successfully for me, trying to analyse and interpret the psychological aspects of these young womens' lives and viewpoints as they grow and transition from girls to young women, especially with the previously unencountered introduction of serious male contact and, of course, "interest".

Please do not spare anything in maintaining the very high standards and intense interest you continue to create in this seriously absorbing and exciting story.

Thank you so much for all your effort and commitment to, clearly, your labor of love, and in voicing all that I have here, I feel confident I am speaking alongside the vast majority, at least, of your audience.

Good luck to us all in the future.

(3 edits)

If the Developer has been conscripted or disappeared without trace, who is pocketing the Developer's $5 being charged here?

Looks like this little gem has been abandoned by the Dev. What a shame! 

Love these anti-hero hero stories, probably because I myself can identify with aspects of the main characters and the challenges Life presents them with.

Yeah, I already had my Part 1 added and installed to my Steam Library. I just didn't expect Part 2 to be added in as DLC, but no matter.
All's well that ends well, as I believe some famous playwright once wrote.

Hopefully these notes will save ViM some time if anyone else checks in here with the same issue in future.

Anyway, I'm glad we all got it sorted. Have fun everyone!


I thought I had the same issue, but on investigation, I found that "Prince of Suburbia Part 2" downloads into Steam as a DLC of "Prince of Suburbia Part 1". That's where I found it. So look under Part 1 and you should see it in the DLC section.

I hope this solves your problem.

My opinion is for goodness sake please don't worry yourself, especially on my account, about fulfilling timetables and adhering to schedules...

The very prospect of such spontaneity at work here is absolutely thrilling to witness and be a part of, if only from the outside looking in, and, already knowing from experience how exceptionally wonderful the outcome will be, I can certainly wait patiently to see where Daye, just like Eve before her, will end up taking us all, including, of course, you yourself!

Good for you, Jonesy!!! Please keep up the sterling work!! I feel confident in saying that all of your devotees, especially myself, sincerely appreciate all that you and your sublimely beautiful and adorable characters are doing to entertain and thrill us all.

Thank you for my Steam Key. Having established itself as the "Amazon" of video games and, increasingly, adult visual novels, there must surely be no better shopwindow than Steam in which to expose your wares to the widest possible potential audience.

As an existing, fully converted devotee of "Thirty Days", I therefore wish you the very best of good fortune in selling this undoubted (by me at least) masterpiece through so immensely popular and highly esteemed a channel.

(1 edit)

A fantastic story this!!!

If it makes it easier for you guys, according to my Purchase History, I, Falco Falcone, purchased my edition of "Thirty Days" through on 2023-05-16 04:03:21.

I'd love, if possible, to be able to add a Steam copy to my Steam library, both for ease of access while in Steam and also to keep my Steam Library as up-to-date and complete as possible.

Thank you!...regardless, of course, of whether or not a Steam key happens to come my way 😉 😁.

I can't wait to enjoy it and I've got my dollars all lined up ready to exchange for a fair share in the fruits of your labour.

Oh boy!! I can hardly wait!! That's a birthday weekend for me, so it will be my gift to myself and I guarantee that though it will be my only gift, having already experienced the warmth, the joy and the pleasure of "Christmas Eve", I just know this will be the very best gift imaginable. 

To me, Dayton is every bit as vivacious and beautiful as her sister and no doubt different in personality, temperament and inclination too, adding both freshness and nuance to this latest wondrous experience of your unparalleled skill and artistry.

I have two questions to ask, if I may, and I hope this isn't the wrong place to be asking them. Firstly, will Episode 1 of "New Year's Day(e)" be individually purchasable on Or will it be available only by means of a Patreon subscription? Secondly, have you decided upon a minimum price you intend to charge in exchange for the precious fruits of your most exceptional labor?

Thank you very much.

Hmmm...I've just realized my previous comment typifies what a fanboy usually sounds like to me. I can also therefore see the need for me to modify my own attitude and be more empathetic towards and respectful of these intensely over-enthusiastic and effusive devotees, as I feel I have spontaneously demonstrated myself to be here.

Thanks for keeping us informed of developments. It all sounds intriguing and, of course, exciting. It's great to see that you're not allowing yourself to be pressured by a specific deadline. You have more than enough pressure upon you maintaining the stellar quality of content we have now, from experience, rightfully come to expect from you.

I am so pleased and impressed to find your characters continue to be so unwaveringly delightful and enchanting and thankfully not in the least bit "cheesy", overly precocious or, indeed, contrived. It is a very narrow line to tread here, but your writing, characterization and illustration is simply impeccable and, believe me, I am usually far from drawn, this type of character or scenario, but my-oh-my these girls and their story are something else!

So I truly do appreciate being treated to the overwhelming warmth and wonder every one of your girls brings to my heart through their fearless curiosity, irreverent mischievousness, brazen self-confidence and most critical of all, of course, your imagination and creative skills, both narrative and visual. 

I feel privileged to be a part of this and I shall support as much as I am able during hard times in return for all that you do both for me, us and, of course, yourself. All that you create is a monumental testament to you and the artistry of you and all creators gifted enough to portray such unerringly accurate human observation in so positive and sensitive a way for we who can only sit in awe as your stories unfold before our disbelieving eyes and hearts.  

Many who have not (I sincerely hope yet) savoured the fruits of your labour will think I exaggerate, but for me that is hand-on-heart, truly not the case. I've absolutely no reason to sing praises that I've neither felt nor enjoyed so deeply before. I just believe in sincerity and voicing admiration where I believe admiration needs to be shared which is why I am here...

(2 edits)

The guy takes an absolute age to produce each update. It's worth the wait, but the wait each time can be interminable. I find I almost have to go back and replay the game to remember what stage parts of the plot have reached. 

This is a really desperate shame because the story and the characters, especially their personalities, interactions and their reactions to circumstance are second to none and make for a very special, amazingly engrossing and immersive experience. 

Make no mistake, this is a really standout AVN. Though cruelly unheralded, in my opinion, this is right up there alongside the very best in the genre, but you have to have a tremendous amount of patience. In and of itself, Halfway House, aside from the long "intermissions" is absolutely worth every single penny.

(2 edits)

You can't hurry genius. Never set specific dates because you cannot foresee the future and guarantee delivery. and if you yourself create an expectation it is not so unreasonable for people to get pissed when you don't meet it. 

So please take whatever time you need to make Chapter 4 the absolute best you can make it. That's essential and all that I, personally, ask of you. I hope I'm not alone in requesting this.

Chapter 4 is your finale too, so I sincerely hope we are going to go out with a bang (so to speak!). There must surely be avenues for a spinoff with Evie's sister clearly (from what has been said over the phone) conniving with her sister in this situation. 

The lady's already told you she's been very sick you inconsiderate moron. Try and see the world through someone else's eyes and show a little empathy and humanity.

In my opinion, you can't, and indeed you mustn't even try to, rush genius. So irrespective of deadlines or any other expectations, please just be sure to take all the time you need to give us your absolute best. That's all I ask and I hope all of my fellow devotees and followers here will agree. I feel sure that whenever the next episode is finally ready it will be worth far more than its "wait" in gold.

(2 edits)

I must admit to have been amazed so early on by the unexpectedly high quality of this story and its characters. At the end of Chapter 1 the story is well laid out, the characters introduced, the style easy-going and extremely pleasant to both the eye and the brain and the pace, thus far, very nicely measured. The dialogue and characterization is very well written and both "behaves" and flows naturally and for a college environment comfortably avoids the usually overly pretentious, wacky, madcap, sometimes nauseatingly cliched excesses and behaviour as well as the juvenile often crude language and conversations. 

I really like the way I'm allowed to choose the girls and thus the paths I fancy exploring going forward. I've been able to meet and get acquainted with a couple of the leading girls and laid some sincerely romantic foundations. I'm also very, very pleased (and impressed) to be able to say that I've not been forced into anything unnaturally premature in terms of intimacy. A fully clothed kiss and a fondle would be the best one would hope for in the very first chapter and leaves everything to play for and to hope for with these beauties moving forward. 

I also really like the fact that the guy I'm playing is level headed and unpretentious and the main girls I've encountered, Elly and Natalie, and indirectly Sophie, none of whom are, as is so often the case, spoiled, pointedly vain or unnaturally self-obsessed, well Sophie is a little bit, I guess, but by no means obnoxiously so. They all possess honest, open and really nice personalities and are absolutely drop dead gorgeous to look at. So I'm very excited about being able to develop and engage with them further as the story progresses. With regard to each girl's stellar looks, as if their figures weren't already breath taking enough, their eyes, in particular (something which is happily clearly and intentionally focused upon in the visuals), are simply mesmerizing. In fact, all of the visuals, which are obviously pretty critical to the success of any AVN are fantastic; well angled, crisp and clear whether at relative distance or right up close and personal. I especially like the way with the latter shots you really feel like you're as close to their face as you would be in reality. Close enough in fact to actually kiss the character yourself. It's a thoughtful and highly effective touch.

So although I've only now completed Chapter One, if you're reading this I already feel fully justified in wholeheartedly recommending, if you can, supporting this project. It is, in my experience, even this early on, already a significant cut above the average AVN title and I see no reason why that should not continue and improve as the story unfolds and, being an AVN, of course, the characters become closer and, with time, more intimate.

I'm really looking forward to Chapter 2 and beyond and I honestly and sincerely recommend that you give "A Shot In The Dark" a fair chance and check this title out. I feel sure that far from regretting it you'll be very, very happy to have taken the time and perhaps trouble to do so. 

With me, criticism or praise is generated purely on merit and to the degree to which it strikes me. Both are always earned, never volunteered, no matter what the benefits or inducements.

Anyway, as I said before, for whatever reason, "Christmas Eve" has totally spontaneously struck a profoundly resonant chord in me, presenting as it does, a brilliant and joyous validation of two of my own deep-seated, personal beliefs;

Firstly, that "the heart knows no bounds" and my own (here shared) assertion that, behind closed doors and exclusively between indisputably consenting adults, it should not be required to either, regardless of human society's futile artificial attempts to restrict and suppress it.

Secondly, that in the very best of novels, story and characters are so well crafted that the latter, within the confines of the story structure itself, can, to a great extent, actually influence and dictate their own actions, interactions and reactions thereby effectively writing their own dialogue too. 

So, I'm really, really looking forward to future developments (no hurry...quality over speed always) with both fascination and, of course, no little excitement and by that I do not mean solely THAT kind of excitement. I am equally encouraged that you seem to be very relaxed in your approach. I think ideas and innovations flow more freely when the mind is relaxed, open and positively engaged rather than closed and narrowly focused and thereby pressurised predominantly, if not entirely, by expectation of results and their associated deadlines.

So, please do continue to "Keep Calm and Carry On", as my tea mug reminds me every morning and I'll continue, with each subsequent chapter, to donate what I can to help support this, my current favourite, cause.

The whole story is amazingly enthralling and heart-warming and, courtesy of delightful little Evey, completely and utterly enchanting in every aspect. In particular though "The Glimmering" movie night scene was, for me, the most brilliant of all the brilliantly done scenes. To be able to and then to actually succeed so  convincingly in conveying such tenderness and sensitivity, both in your writing and, in particular, the way you have not only rendered everything, but most notably of all, Eve's breath taking eyes in the firelight as she sat in her Dad's lap has been a truly rare and, in my own personal experience, unique feeling for my heart, for me and hopefully for all who are fortunate enough to discover you and this absolute masterpiece. This is a truly amazing accomplishment.

You should be so very proud of your creativity, imagination, your capabilities and, above all , your sensibilities. You simply MUST, I implore you, follow through on this story to the very end. I am not a wealthy person, but I paid $30 for the pleasure of Chapter 3, because this, for me, is all I can afford to pay for a gift which, in truth, is, to me, absolutely priceless. This whole story will be, I feel sure, an experience I shall cherish and subsequently cherish with each new chapter right to the very end of this already pulsatingly heart-warming tale.

Please do your best to remain energised. Please continue to write all that your heart is clearly telling you to write and with the exact same warmth and sensitivity you have done so inspiringly thus far and please, please, please do continue to illustrate it, at the very least, to the stratospheric level you have already attained or perhaps if possible (although I have no idea how you might achieve it) even higher. There is no sky left to limit you, Jonesy...

Discovering this been the biggest juiciest, sweetest, most succulent cherry on my Christmas and New Year cake. Thank you so much, (Mr?Ms?) Jonesy for blessing me, and of course, us all, with Evey at Christmas! Stay happy, stay healthy and, please, stay focused, keeping that magic wand and spell book at your side at all times...
Happy New Year and, of course, roll on Valentine's Day!

(2 edits)

The whole story is amazingly enthralling and heart-warming and, courtesy of delightful little Evey, completely and utterly enchanting in every aspect. In particular though "The Glimmering" movie night scene was, for me, the most brilliant of all the brilliantly done scenes.

To be able to and then to actually succeed so convincingly in conveying such tenderness and sensitivity, both in your writing and, in particular, the way you have not only rendered everything, but most notably of all, Eve's breath taking eyes in the firelight as she sat in her Dad's lap has been a truly rare and, in my own personal experience, unique feeling for my heart, for me and hopefully for all who are fortunate enough to discover you and this absolute masterpiece. This is a truly amazing accomplishment.

You should be so very proud of your creativity, imagination, your capabilities and, above all , your sensibilities. You simply MUST, I implore you, follow through on this story to the very end. I am not a wealthy person, but I paid $30 for the pleasure of Chapter 3, because this, for me, is all I can afford to pay for a gift which, in truth, is, to me, absolutely priceless. This whole story will be, I feel sure, an experience I shall cherish and subsequently cherish with each new chapter right to the very end of this already pulsatingly heart-warming tale.

Please do your best to remain energised. Please continue to write all that your heart is clearly telling you to write and with the exact same warmth and sensitivity you have done so inspiringly thus far and please, please, please do continue to illustrate it, at the very least, to the stratospheric level you have already attained or perhaps if possible (although I have no idea how you might achieve it) even higher. There is no sky left to limit you, Jonesy...

Discovering this been the biggest juiciest, sweetest, most succulent cherry on my Christmas and New Year cake. Thank you so much, (Mr?Ms?) Jonesy for blessing me, and of course, us all, with Evey at Christmas! Stay happy, stay healthy and, please, stay focused, keeping that magic wand and spell book at your side at all times...
Happy New Year and, of course, roll on Valentine's Day!